Wednesday, May 27, 2020

ST. JOHN’S WORT (Hypericum perforatum L. (Guttiferae/Clusiaceae))



dried and fresh flowering St. John s wort - Royalty free photo ...

Hypericum  perforatum L. ++
(Raised from CRC)




(saynt jahnz wawrt)  

Hypericum perforatum  L. ++ (Raised from CRC)


The chemical composition of St John’s wort has been well studied. Documented pharmacological activities provide supporting evidence for several of the traditional uses stated for St John’s wort. Many pharmacological activities appear to be attributable to hypericin, hyperforin and/or the flavonoidconstituents; hypericin is also reported to   responsible for the photosensitive reactions that have been documented for St John’s wort. With regard to the antidepressant effects of St John’s wort, hyperforin rather than hypericin, as originally thought, has emerged as one of the major constituents responsible for antidepressant activity. However, further research is required in order to determine which other constituents contribute to the antidepressant effect.
There are now over forty clinical trials of H. Perforatum preparations involving patients with different types of depression, although a rigorous systematic review and metaanalysis found that overall the evidence is inconsistent and complex. H. perforatum preparations and standard antidepressant agents appear to show similar effects, whereas H. perforatum preparations have only small benefits over placebo in patients with major depression; in older studies in patients with mild-to-moderate depression, H. Perforatum preparations appear to be of more benefit than placebo. A previous systematic review/meta-analysis, for which inclusion criteria for trials were slightly less strict, found evidence from randomised, controlled trials that St John’s wort preparations were more efficacious than placebo in the treatment of mildto-moderately severe depression.
An important point is that there is heterogeneity not only among the trials and their results, but also among the different manufacturers’ products tested. Products are not necessarily equally effective, and the results of the analyses above should not be extrapolated to other H. perforatum preparations, which may differ considerably in their pharmaceutical quality. These comments also imply that the need for dose adjustment should be considered for patients changing from one St John’s wort product to another.
Clinical safety data from randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses of trials, and postmarketing surveillance and other observational studies, indicate that certain St John’s wort extracts are well-tolerated when taken at recommended doses for shorter periods of time (around eight weeks). Certain St John’s wort preparations do appear to have a more favourable safety profile, at least with short-term use, than standard antidepressants, particularly older antidepressant agents, a factor that may be important in patients continuing to take medication. Data from the small number of longer-term (one year) studies support the tolerability of certain St John’s wort extracts, although further investigation of long-term use is warranted. Adverse events/effects reported are generally mild and most commonly gastrointestinal symptoms. These observations, however, are based on data collected in the settings of formal randomised or observational studies, and usually where H. Perforatum has been prescribed under the supervision of a physician. The safety of St John’s wort products taken as self-treatment without supervision by a healthcare professional requires further study.
The risk of photosensitive reactions following oral ingestion of St John’s wort preparations appears to be low, since serum and skin concentrations of hypericin (the photosensitising constituent) after oral administration of recommended doses are below 100 ng/mL, although caution is advised as it is possible that there may be unusual absorption of hypericin in some individuals and in fair-skinned individuals and after extended periods of solar irradiation, there may be increased susceptibility to the photosensitising properties of hypericin. Likewise, the phototoxic potential of topical application of H. perforatum preparations appears to be low, although caution is necessary, particularly as hypericin may penetrate more highly through broken or lesional skin, and there may be increased susceptibility to the photosensitising properties of hypericin in fair-skinned individuals and after extended periods of solar irradiation.
There are important pharmacokinetic interactions between St John’s wort preparations and certain other medicines, leading to a loss of or reduction in the therapeutic effect of those medicines, and potential for important pharmacodynamic interactions, which could lead to enhancement or antagonism of pharmacological effects, depending on the activities of the co-administered medicines.
Drugs that may be affected by pharmacokinetic interactions include certain anticonvulsants, ciclosporin, digoxin, indinavir (and other HIV protease inhibitors), oral contraceptives, theophylline and warfarin, and by pharmacodynamic interactions, triptans and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Advice is that patients taking these medicines should stop taking St John’s wort preparations, generally after seeking professional advice, as dose adjustment may be necessary.
There is evidence that pharmacokinetic interactions arise through induction, by constituents of St John’s wort preparations, of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) drugmetabolising enzyme CYP3A4 (and possibly certain other CYP enzymes), and through effects on P-glycoprotein (a transport protein). As CYP3A4 is involved in the metabolism of many drugs, and as P-glycoprotein is involved widely in drug transport, it is possible that St John’s wort preparations interact with other medicines in addition to those already identified. In view of the lack of toxicity data, St John’s wort preparations should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Pharmacists and other healthcare professionals should be mindful that patients at all levels of health care may self-treat with herbal and other non-prescription medicines, and that use is not necessarily disclosed to healthcare professionals. St John’s wort products may be used in addition to, or instead of, standard antidepressants and other conventional medicines.
The prevalence of concurrent use of St John’s wort products and antidepressant medicines may be particularly high among certain subgroups of patients with depression: a crosssectional survey involving members of a depression self-help group reported that over 50% were using St John’s wort and that, among these individuals, the concurrent use of St John’s wort and conventional antidepressants was 29% (see Sideeffects, Toxicity, Clinical data).


St. John's Wort (available from numerous manufacturers and as combination product), St. John's Wort Extract, Alterra, Advanced St. John's Wort, St. John's Wort Herb, St. John's Wort High Potency, St. John's Wort Preferred, St. John's Wort Standardized Extract, St. John's Power Time Release, Mood Support, KIRA, Centrum St. John's Wort, Hypericalm, St. John's Powder 0.3%, Tension Tamer, Hypercalm, St. John's Powder, St. John's Extra Strength

MEDICINAL PARTS: The medicinal parts include the fresh buds and flowers separated from the inflorescences, the aerial parts collected during the flowering season and dried, and the entire fresh flowering plant.
FLOWER AND FRUIT: The golden yellow flowers are in sparsely blossomed terminal cymes. The 5 sepals are ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate and very pointed. The sepals are also smooth, serrate at the tip, and marked by many light and dark glands. The 5 petals and numerous stamens are fused into 3 bundles. The ovary has a broad or narrow oval shape. The fruit is a 3- valvular capsule, which is triangular and oval. The seeds are cylindrical and shortly pointed at both ends. The seeds are 1 to 3 mm long, either black or dark brown, and covered in small warts.
LEAVES, STEM AND ROOT: The perennial plant is 30 to 60 cm and contains a long-living branched root and rhizome, which tapers toward each end. The reddish stem is erect, includes 2 raised edges and can reach 100 cm in height. The oval-shaped, translucent, punctate leaves are attached directly at the base and often covered in black glands.
CHARACTERISTICS: The flowers release an odorless red juice when squeezed, which tastes weakly bitter and irritating.
HABITAT: The plant is indigenous to all of Europe, western Asia and northern Africa. It has been introduced to eastern Asia, Australia and New Zealand, and it is cultivated in Poland and Siberia.
PRODUCTION: St. John's Wort consists of the dried aboveground parts of Hypericum perforatum gathered during flowering season. The herb is cut at the start of the flowering season and dried quickly in bunches in order'to preserve the oil and secreted contents.
NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH: The plant may be mistaken for other Hypericum species, such as Hypericum barbatum, Hypericum hirsutum, Hypericum maculatum, Hypericum montanum and Hypericum tetrapterum.
OTHER NAMES: Hardhay, Amber, Goatweed, Klamath Weed, Tipton Weed, Saint John's Word, St. Johnswort, Mellipertuis, Rosin Rose, Witches’ Herb


Balsana   Arabic Countries
Balsana   India
Bassant   India
Blutkraut   Germany
Corazancillo  Spain
Corazonci llo   Argentina
Dendhu   India
Devil's scorge   Europe
Eisenblut   Europe
Flor De Sao Joao   Madeira
Fuga daemonum   Europe
Hartheu   Europe
Heofariqon   Arabic Countries
Herba de Millepertuis   France
Herba de Saint Jean   France
Herrgottsbl ut   Germany
Hexenkraut   Europe
Hierba De San Juan   Spain
Hipericao   Madeira
Hiperico   Argentina
Hipericon   Argentina
Hi peri con   Spain
Lperico   Italy

Johan is kraut   Germany
Johannesort   Sweden
Johanniskraut   Europe
Liebeskraut   Europe
Pelatro   Italy
Pelicao   Madeira
Perforata   Italy
Pinillo de Oro   Spain
Qian Ceng lou  China
Saint John's wort   Greece
Sanjuanera   Spain
Sint-Janskruid   Netherlands
St. John's Worth   Canada
St. John's Worth   Estonia
St. John ' s Worth   Germany
St. John's Wort   USA
St. John's Wort   USSR
Tenturotou   Turkey
Teufelsflucht   Europe
Toutsaine   France
Witcher's herb   Europe
Zwieroboij   USSR

Hypericum perforatum L. (Guttiferae/Clusiaceae)

Hypericum, Hypericum veronense Schrank, H. noeanum Boiss., Millepertuis

H. perforatum is native to Europe, Western Asia, North Africa, Madeira and the Azores.
It now grows in parts of North America and Australia.

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia(G1)
BHMA 2003(G66)
BHP 1996(G9)
BP 2007(G84)
Complete German Commission E(G3)
ESCOP 2003 (G76)
Martindale 35th edition(G85)
Ph Eur 2007(G81)
WHO volume 2 (2002)(G70)

GSL (for external use only)(G37)

See also References 1 and 2 and General References G1 and G2.
Anthraquinone derivatives (naphthodianthrones) Hypericin, pseudohypericin and isohypericin; protohypericin and protopseudohypericin (biosynthetic precursors of hypericin and pseudohypericin, respectively) are present in fresh material.
Cyclopseudohypericin is also stated to be present. The hypericin content (approximately 0.1–0.15%) includes both hypericin and pseudohypericin(3) and is sometimes referred to as 'total hypericins'.
Flavonoids Flavonols (e.g. kaempferol, quercetin), flavones (e.g. luteolin) and glycosides (e.g. hyperoside, isoquercitrin, quercitrin, rutin), biflavonoids including biapigenin (a flavone) and amentoflavone (a biapigenin derivative)(4, 5) and catechins (flavonoids often associated with condensed tannins).(6, 7) The concentrations of rutin, hyperoside and isoquercitrin have been reported as 1.6, 0.9 and 0.3%, respectively.(8)
Prenylated phloroglucinols Hyperforin (2.0–4.5%) and adhyperforin (0.2–1.9%).(6, 9, 10,G1)
Tannins 8–9%. Type not specified. Proanthocyanidins (condensed type) have been reported.(G2)
Other phenols Caffeic, chlorogenic, p-coumaric, ferulic, phydroxybenzoic and vanillic acids.
Volatile oils 0.05–0.9%. Major component (not less than 30%) is methyl-2-octane (saturated hydrocarbon); others include n-nonane and traces of methyl-2-decane and n-undecane (saturated hydrocarbons),(11) a- and b-pinene, a-terpineol, geraniol, and traces of myrcene and limonene (monoterpenes), caryophyllene and humulene (sesquiterpenes).(12, 13)
Other constituents Acids (isovalerianic, nicotinic, myristic, palmitic, stearic), carotenoids, choline, nicotinamide, pectin, bsitosterol, straight-chain saturated hydrocarbons (C16, C30)(11, 14) and alcohols (C24, C26, C28).(11, 14)

St. John´s Wort (Hypericum perforatum), dried and fresh blossoms ...

Figure 1. St. John's Wort  (Flower and Dried Herb)

(ppm unless otherwise indicated)

Adhyperfolin: Fl, Fr  HPOB&
Alkanes (C28,C30): Aer  HPom
Alkanols (C24,C26,C28): Aer  HPom
Amentoflavone: Aer 0.0267%  HP0195
Amyrin,beta, Aer  HP0222
Apigenin: Aer  HP0152
Apigenin, 1 (3)-11 (8)-BI: FI  HP0179
Apigenin,BI: Aer  HP0152
Apigenin, 1 (3)-11(8)-BI: Aer 72.5  HP02oo
Ascorbic acid: Lf  HPOll &
Biapigenin, 1-3 11-8: Aer 0.01 %  HP0195
Cadiforin,hydroperoxy: Aer 5.6  HP0137
Caffeic acid: PI  HP0214, Aer 0.1 %  HP0234
Carotene,beta: Aer 12.1 mgi%  HP0122
Caryophyllene: EQ  HPom
Catechin,(+): p1 HP0221 ,HP02o&
Catechin,epi(-): PI   HP0199
Chlorogenic acid: PI  HP 0199
Choline: Aer 0.1 %  HP0107
Cuprenene,alpha: Lf   EQHPOBB
Cyclopseudohypericin: P1  HP0213, HP01BO
Cysteine: PI  HP0218
Decanal,n: E  QHPOB 3
Decane,2-methyl: Aer  HP013 4
Essential oil: Aer 0.07-0.08%  HP010B
Flavone: Aer  HP 0165
Gallic acid: PI  HP 0214
Glutamine: PIHP 0218
Heptane,2-4-dione,5-methyl: Lf  EQHPOBB
Heptane,2-4-dione,6-methyl: Lf  EQHP0138
Hexacosan-1-ol: Lf  HP0220
Humulene: EQ  HPD133
Hypercinin,cyclo-pseudo: Aer  HPOl63
Hyperfolin: Lf, St  HP0139
Hyperfori n: Aer  HP0113, HP0162
Hypericin: Fl 0.036-0.22%  HP0185, Lf
0.195%, EO 0.22%  HPOll 2
Hypericin,proto-pseudo: PI  HPOlao, Fl
0.51%  HP0168
Hypericin,proto: PI  HP0180 , Fl 0.182%  HP0168
Hypericin,psuedo: P1 HP0180 , Fl 0.10-
0_58%  HPoJas,HP0168
Hyperoside: P1 HP0130 , Aer 0.5-
4.0%  HP0110,HP0242
lmanin: Aer  HPOBl
lshwarane: Lf EQHPOBS
Kaempferol: P1 HP0206
Kielcorin: Rt  HP0198
Leucine: PI  HP0218
Limonene: Aer EQHPOB4
Linoleic acid: Flowering tops 13% HP0173
Lutein: FI  HPom
Luteoxanthin: FI  HPom
Lysine: P1  HP0218
Mangiferin: Aer  HP0163
Melatonin: Fl4.4, Lf 17.5  HP0172
Myrcene: Aer  HP0134
Myricetin: P1 HP0206
Myristic acid: FI  HPom
Neoxanthin: FI  HPom
Nicotinic acid: Lf 7.2  HP0103
Nonane,n: Aer EQ  HPOB 4
Novoimanin: Aer 3-4%  HP0121
Octacosan-1-ol: Lf  HPono
Octanal,n: EQ  HPOB3
Octane,2-methyl: Aer EQ  HP0134
Ornithine: P1  HP 0218
Palmitic acid: Flowering tops 30.7%  HP01 73
Perf I avit: Aer  HPOllS
Phenol: Aer  HP 0201
Phloroglucinol: Aer  HP 0201
Pinene,alpha: Aer EQ  HPOB 4
Pinene,beta: Aer EQ  HPOB 4
Proline: P1  HP0218
Pyrano(4-3-B)-pyran-5-one,2 (H)-5-(H) 7-
iso-butyl-2-2-dimethyl: Lf EQ  HPona
Pyrano(4-3-B)-pyran-5-one,2(H)-5-(H) 7-
sec-butyl-2-2-dimethyl: Lf EQ  HPona
Pyrocatechol: Aer  HP0201
Pyrogallol: Aer  HP0201
Quercetin: PI  HP0114, HP0211
Quercetin-3 -0-gl ucu ron ide: Aer  HP0181
Quercetin-3-0-xyloside: AerHP0181
Quercetrin: P1  HP 0169
Quercitin,iso: PI  HP0206
Quercitrin: P1  HP 0126
Quercitrin,iso: Aer  HP0162
Resorcinol: AerHP0201
Rutin: PI  HP0126, Aer 2.3 2%  HP01ss
Scopoletin: PI  HP 0218
Sitosterol,beta: Aer  HPom
Stearic acid: Flowering tops  HP0173
Tannin: Lf 12.4%, Fl 16.2%, St 3.8%  HP0125
Taraxasterol: Aer  HP0222
Tetracosan-1-ol: Lf  HPono
Threonine: pJ  HP0218
Triacontan-1-ol: Lf  HP0220
Trollichrome: FJ  HPom
Trollixanthin: FJ  HPom
Trollixanthin,cis: FJ  HPom
Umbelliferone: pJ  HP0218
Undecan,n: Aer EQ  HP0134
Violaxanthin: FJ  HPom
Xanthone, 1-3-6-7 -tetra hydroxy: Lf  HPD183
Xanthone, 1-3-6-trihydroxy: Aer  HPOl63


According to the British and European Pharmacopoeias, St John's wort herb consists of the whole or cut dried flowering tops of H. perforatum, harvested during flowering time, and contains not less than 0.08% of total hypericins, expressed as hypericin, calculated with reference to the dried drug.(G81, G84) Detailed descriptions of H. perforatum herb for use in botanical, microscopic and macroscopic identification have been published, along with qualitative and quantitative methods for the assessment of H. perforatum herb raw material.(G1)
As with other herbal medicinal products, there is variation in the qualitative and quantitative composition of commercial St John's wort preparations. In the USA, analysis of 21 St John's wort products (18 of which claimed to contain only standardised extracts and three of which were combinations of extracts and crude plant material) found that seven products did not meet at least one of the quality criteria assessed: four products had a hypericin content ranging from 77% to 85% of that stated on their labels or, if not stated on the label, of the minimum acceptable concentration permitted in the analysis; one of the two products claiming to contain hyperforin contained only 21.7% of the stated amount; five products contained cadmium exceeding acceptable concentrations in the analysis, and two of these
products contained more than twice the permitted concentration of cadmium.(15) Overall, five of the 18 products labelled with hypericin and/or hyperforin concentrations, and five of the seven products labelled as being produced from 'aerial parts', failed the analysis. Another analytical study which investigated eight St John's wort products marketed in the USA found that their hyperforin content varied from 0.01–1.89%, and that only two products contained more than one percent hyperforin, the minimum concentration suggested to be required for antidepressant effects.(16) Similarly, hypericin content varied from 0.03–0.29% and, for several products, the actual content ranged from 57–130% of that stated on the label.
Analysis (using a liquid chromatographic method with fluorescent detection) of 54 commercially available St John's wort products purchased in the USA and Canada found that only two of the products had a total naphthodianthrone concentration (hypericin and pseudohypericin) within 10% of that stated on the label.(17) Overall, total naphthodianthrone content for tablets and capsules, respectively, ranged from 0–108.6% and from 31.3– 80.2% of the amount stated on the label. The naphthodianthrone content of products formulated as tinctures ranged from 0– 118.6 mg/mL. Isolated hyperforin is susceptible to oxidation, although the hyperforin content of dried herb and preparations containing extracts of H. perforatum appears to be more stable.(18) Degradation products for hyperforin include deoxyfurohyperforin A,(19) furohyperforin, furoadhyperforin and furohyperforin A and other oxygenated hyperforin analogues.(20, 21)
A fast high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with photodiode array detection has been developed for the determination of six of the naphthodianthrone (including hypericin) and phloroglucinol (including hyperforin) compounds in H. perforatum extracts.(22) The method allows quantitative determination of concentrations as low as 2 mg/mL and 0.5 mg/mL for hyperforin and hypericin, respectively, while detection limits for these compounds were 0.1 and 0.02 mg/mL, respectively.
Variation in St John's wort products is not limited to product composition, but as with other herbal medicinal products also applies to the dissolution profiles of products which might be considered to be pharmaceutically equivalent. In vitro dissolution tests using biorelevant conditions (i.e. simulated gastric fluid and similar substances as the dissolution media) were used to determine the dissolution profiles of five St John's wort products purchased in Germany. All products were ethanol or methanol extracts of St John's wort, formulated as tablets or capsules and contained 300–612 mg extract per unit dosage form.(23) In simulated gastric fluid without pepsin, and under conditions simulating the fasted state in the proximal small intestine, dissolution of hyperforin was 'not detected' and 'poor', respectively.
Dissolution of hyperforin improved under conditions simulating postprandial conditions in the proximal small intestine for some products (e.g. 90% release within two hours), but was relatively poor for other products (e.g. <50% release within two hours). Dissolution of hypericins into simulated gastric fluid was also not detected; results for dissolution of hypericins into other media were either not available or were deemed to be unreliable. Dissolution of the flavonoid compounds tested (rutin, hyperoside, isoquercitrin and quercitrin) was good into all media tested, although there were variations between products in the release of rutin.(23) These results indicate that these St John's wort products cannot be considered interchangeable; the implication being that the need for dose adjustment should be considered for patients changing from one St John's wort product to another.

St. John’s wort is used to treat mild to moderate depression and anxiety. It may be used topically as an antiinfl ammatory to relieve hemorrhoids, as well as to treat vitiligo and burns.
St. John’s wort is used experimentally to treat warts, Kaposi’s sarcoma, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, and other viruses such as infl uenzae. It is also used experimentally as an antiretroviral in the treatment of HIV, as an antiinfective against methicillinresistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus, and for phytotherapy in the treatment of psoriasis. Studies are underway to confi rm St. John’s wort’s use in menopausal symptoms and seasonal affective disorder. It may be effective for nicotine withdrawl symptoms.

St John's wort is listed by the Council of Europe as a natural source of food flavouring (herb: category 5).(G17)

St John's wort is stated to possess sedative and astringent properties. It has been used for excitability, neuralgia, fibrositis, sciatica, wounds, menopausal neurosis, anxiety and depression and as a nerve tonic.(G3, G7,G32) St John's wort also has a long history of traditional use in topical preparations for wound healing.(G1, G7) St John's wort is used extensively in homeopathic preparations as well as in herbal products. Modern interest is focused on its use as an antidepressant.


Arabic countries. The dried entire plant is used in the form of a vaginal pessary, in Unani medicine, as an emmenagogue  Hro219 •
Argentina. Olive oil extract of the leaf is taken orally for menstrual cramps  Hrom.
England. Hot water extract of the dried leaf is used topically to promote hair growth, and for wounds and bruises. The extract is taken orally for venomous bites and intestinal worms  Hrozis.
Europe. Hot water extract of the aerial part is taken orally as an emmenagogue, and as a diuretic. Externally, the aerial part is used for wound healing  Hro118. Hot water extract of the entire plant is taken orally for menstrual complaints  Hro238 • Hot water extract of the leaf is taken orally to produce abortion  Hrozio.
Germany. The fresh leaf and stem is eaten for nervous disorders and sleeplessnessHro139• Water extract of the leaf is taken orally as an antidepressant  Hro183.
Greece. Olive oil extract of the flowers is used to treat skin wounds and herpes zoster. The flower in olive oil is exposed to sun for a week. When the solution takes on an orange color, it is applied to the infected area  Hr0186 . The aerial part is applied externally to aid wound healing  Hr0109.
India. Hot water extract of the aerial part is taken orally as an anthelmintic and emmenagogue  HP0244. Hot water extract of the dried aerial part is taken orally as an emmenagogue, anthelmintic and diuretic  Hro216 • Hot water extract of the dried entire plant is taken orally as an anthelmintic and emmenagogue  HP0240. Hot water extract of the entire plant is taken orally as an emmenagogue  Hr0106.
Italy. Acetic acid (2%) extract of the dried flower is taken orally as an antihematoma. The infusion is taken orally to treat articular aches  Hro231 • Olive oil extract of the flowering tops is used externally for Herpes simplex lesions, especially on the lips Hro229. Hot water extract of the dried flowering tops is used topically for inflammations  Hrozm.
Madeira. Infusion of the entire plant is taken orally as a diuretic for gout, lithemia and kidney diseases  HP0192.
Soviet Union. Hot water extract of the aerial part is taken orally for treating goiter  Hro104. Hot water extract of the leaf is taken orally for bacillary dysentery  Hrom.
Spain. Hot water extract of the dried aerial part is used externally for wound healing, and orally as a spasmolytic and for colds  HP0230. Water extract of the flower and leaf is taken orally 2 to 3 times a day for scanty and difficult menstruation  Hr0123 .
Turkey. Decoction of the aerial part is taken orally for stomachache  Hr0190. Infusion of the dried aerial part is taken orally to treat stomachache. One glass of the infusion with other herbs and flower is taken twice a day  Hr0184. Hot water extract of the dried aerial part is taken orally for neurological disorders, convulsions, tetanus, ulcers  Hro 191 ,common cold, gastrointestinal disorders, jaundice, hepatic disorders, biliary disorders, and the healing of woundsHrozos. Pounded fresh flower is applied directly on open wounds to promote healing  Hr0184.
USA. Fluid extract of the inflorescence is taken orally for menorrhagia, hysteria, nervous  affections, jaundice, worms, as a sedative, and diuretic. Externally, the fluid extract is used to treat hard tumors  Hro124. Hot water extract of the aerial part is taken orally to promote menstruation and for painful menstruation  Hro197. When administered to cows  in the ration, the aerial part produced eruptions on the udder  Hrotzo. Hot water extract of the dried flowering tops is taken orally as an astringent and has a peculiar soothing effect. The extract is used as an ointment for skin irritation and insect bites  HP0241 •
Yugoslavia. Hot water extract of the dried aerial part is taken orally for diabetes. Hot water extract of the dried flower is taken orally for diabetes  Hrom.

The major active constituents are considered to be hyperforin (a prenylated phloroglucinol) and hypericin (a naphthodianthrone), although other biologically active constituents, e.g. flavonoids and tannins, are also present.(25) Several pharmacological activities, including antidepressant, anticancer, antiviral and antibacterial effects, have been documented for extracts of St John's wort and/ or its constituents following preclinical studies. Clinical studies mainly have described antidepressant effects for St John's wort preparations.
Pharmacokinetics In vivo (rats), the bioavailability of hypericin following oral administration was increased by co-administration of procyanidin B2, isolated from H. perforatum, or hyperoside.(26) Antidepressant activity The precise mechanism of action for the antidepressant effect of St John's wort is unclear. Initially, attention was focused on hypericin as the constituent of St John's wort believed to be responsible for the herb's antidepressant effects. Inhibition of monoamine oxidase (MAO) type A and B in Figure 1 Selected constituents of St John’s wort. St John’s Wort rat brain mitochondria in vitro was described for hypericin.(27)
However, other studies have demonstrated only weak or no MAO inhibition.(28–30) In vitro receptor binding and enzyme inhibition assays carried out using hypericum extract demonstrated significant receptor affinity for adenosine, GABAA, GABAB, benzodiazepine and MAO types A and B, although, with the exception of GABAA and GABAB, the concentrations of hypericum required were unlikely to be attained after oral administration in humans.(31) Other biochemical studies have reported that the hypericum extract LI 160 is only a weak inhibitor of MAO-A and MAO-B activity, but that it inhibits the synaptosomal uptake of serotonin (5- hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT), dopamine and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) with approximately equal affinity and also leads to a downregulation of b-receptors and an upregulation of 5-HT2 receptors in the rat frontal cortex.(32) The effects of fluoxetine and hypericin- and flavonoid-standardised hypericum extracts (LI 160, 0.3% hypericin and 6% flavonoids and Ph-50, 0.3% hypericin and 50% flavonoids) on the concentrations of neurotransmitters in brain regions were studied in rats.(33) All three preparations induced a significant increase in 5-HT concentrations in the rat cortex, both LI 160 and Ph-50 caused increases in noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and dopamine in the rat diencephalon and Ph-50 also induced an increase in the noradrenaline (norepinephrine) content in the brainstem, areas that are implicated in depression.(33)
Other in vitro experiments using peripheral blood mononuclear cells have shown that an alcoholic extract of H. Perforatum containing 0.25 mg/mL hypericin downregulated mitogenmediated tryptophan degradation in a concentration dependent manner.(34) Tryptophan is a precursor for biosynthesis of 5-HT. Hyperforin has now emerged as being one of the major active constituents of importance in antidepressant activity.(35) Hyperforin has been shown to be an uptake inhibitor of 5-HT, dopamine, noradrenaline (norepinephrine), GABA and L-glutamate in synaptosomal preparations(36) and to inhibit 5-HT uptake in rat peritoneal cells in a dose-dependent manner.(37) Studies have also described discrepancies between observed and theoretical IC50 values, indicating that hyperforin is not the only component of hypericum extract that is responsible for the observed effects.(37, 38) Adhyperforin, another phloroglucinol constituent of H. perforatum, also inhibits the uptake of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine in vitro, and its possible involvement in the antidepressant activity of St John's wort requires further investigation.(39)
In vitro screening of the activities of hypericin, pseudohypericin, hyperforin and several flavonoid constituents of H. perforatum using 42 biogenic amine receptors and transporters (available as part of the National Institute of Mental Health Psychoactive Drug Screening Program of the USA) showed that compounds significantly inhibited ligand binding at the following receptors in particular: amentoflavone – serotonin (5-HT1D, 5- HT2C), dopamine-D3, opiate (delta), benzodiazepine; hypericin and pseudohypericin – dopamine-D3, dopamine-D4, b-adrenergic; hyperforin – dopamine-D1, dopamine-D5.(40) Hyperforin was less active than the other constituents tested on all receptors screened. Screening revealed some interactions at G-protein coupled receptors that were previously unreported (e.g. hypericin and badrenergic activity).
The effects of hyperforin on interleukin-6 (IL-6) release in different experimental models have been explored as a possible alternative mechanism for antidepressant effects, since St John's wort has been shown to inhibit substance-P mediated effects (substance P has been implicated in the aetiology of depression).(41) Hyperforin inhibited both substance-P- and lipopolysaccharide-induced IL-6 release in human astrocytoma cells (IC50 = 1.6 and 1.9 mmol/L, respectively), although concentrations required to achieve this were around one order of magnitude higher than those found in the plasma of patients treated with H. perforatum extracts.(42)
Other findings indicate that flavonoids, as well as hyperforin and hypericin, are at least some of the constituents of H. perforatum responsible for its antidepressant activity.(43, 44) In vivo (mice and rats) experiments which assessed the effects of a hydroalcoholic extract of H. perforatum (containing hypericin 0.15% and hyperforin 3.2%) and the same extract with hypericin and hyperforin removed in turn, showed that all extracts, including the extract devoid of both hypericin and hyperforin (but containing 12% flavonoids), retained activity in behavioural models.(43)
It has been reported that the mode of action of hyperforin in serotonin uptake inhibition seems to be associated with the elevation of free intracellular sodium ion concentrations(45) and that this may be secondary to activation of the Naþ/Hþ exchange as a result of a decrease in intracellular pH.(46) Further in vitro experiments using two cell systems (human platelets and rat phaeochromocytoma cells) have shown that hyperforin increases both intracellular sodium ion and calcium ion concentrations, and that this is mediated through activation by hyperforin of nonselective cation channels.(47)

Figure 1. St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum).

Figure 2. St John’s wort – dried drug substance (herb).
Hyperforin was shown to inhibit 5-HT reuptake in washed platelets but not in fresh platelet-rich plasma, suggesting that plasma-protein binding could be a limiting factor for 5-HT uptake inhibition in vivo.(48)
A commercial extract of St John's wort has exhibited psychotropic and antidepressant activities in mice.(49) Pure hyperforin and hypericum extracts also demonstrated antidepressant activity in a despair behaviour test in rats.(37) In other experimental models of depression, including acute and chronic forms of escape deficit induced by stressors, hypericum extract was shown to protect rats from the consequences of unavoidable stress.(50) In studies using the rat forced swimming test, an experimental model of depression, hypericum extracts induced a significant reduction in immobility.(51) Flavonoid fractions and flavonoids isolated from these fractions have also been reported to have antidepressant activity in the forced swimming test in rats.(52)
Cytotoxic and anticancer activities The findings of a substantial body of preclinical research have documented anticancer activites for H. perforatum preparations and their constituents. A methanolic extract of H. perforatum (containing hypericin 0.3% and hyperforin 3.8%) administered intraperitoneally (15 mg/kg body weight) ten days before implantation of PC-3 human Caucasian prostate adenocarcinoma cells in nude mice significantly reduced tumour growth and the number of regional lymph node metastases (p < 0.01 for both).(53) The same extract at a concentration of 1.41 mg/mL also significantly inhibited the proliferation of PC-3 cells in vitro (IC50 = 0.42 mg/mL). Ethanolic extracts of H. Perforatum from fresh and dried plant material (drug to extract ratio 1.3-1.5 : 1) inhibited the proliferation of human malignant cells (e.g. leukamia cell lines K562 and U937) in a concentration-dependent manner.(54) The extracts also induced apoptosis of glioblastoma LN229 cells. The observed effects were potentiated by light activation. In a similar series of experiments using extracts of H. perforatum containing 0.3% hypericins but differing concentrations of hyperforin (0.21%, 2.21% or 3.25% w/w) and flavonoids (5.3% or 10% w/w), antiproliferative activity of the different extracts varied (GI50 values: 248.3 to 621.3 mg/mL and 378.2 to 911.7 mg/mL for K562 and U937 cell lines, respectively), indicating that the flavonoid constituents, as well as hypericin and hyperforin, contribute to the observed effects.(55) The possibility that constituents other than hypericin have cytotoxic and/or antiproliferative activity is supported by further in vitro work which showed that a methanolic extract of H. Perforatum flowering parts inhibited growth of K562 cells and induced apoptosis to a greater extent than did hypericin alone.(56) In mice injected with murine and human cancer cell lines, seven days' pretreatment with hyperforin (as the stable dicyclohexylammonium salt) intraperitoneally reduced several markers of cancer infiltration and metastasis.(57) In rats given subcutaneous injections of MT-450 rat mammary carcinoma cells, treatment with hyperforin (100 mL of 2 mmol/L solution subcutaneously at the tumour site once daily) for two weeks starting 15 days after tumour injection inhibited tumour growth to a similar extent as did paclitaxel given according to the same dosage regimen.(58)
There is evidence that the mechanism by which hyperforin induces apoptosis involves the activation of caspases (inactive proenzymes).(58, 59) Numerous preclinical studies have established that hypericin is a photocytotoxic agent. Hypericin photosensitisation has been documented for various cancer cell lines in vitro(60–64) and in several in vivo experimental models of cancer.(61, 65) The photocytotoxic effects of hypericin towards human leukaemic HL-60 cells can be potientiated in vitro by co-incubation with acetazolamide(66) and quercetin.(67) Phototoxicity and induction of apoptosis also occur with pseudohypericin in vitro.(68) Hypericin photo-induced apoptosis may involve the tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand,(69) activation of caspases, such as caspase-8,(69, 70) and inhibition of proteasome function (which is involved in caspase activation).(71) Further in vitro studies have added a layer of complexity to the above findings. Hypericin can induce apoptosis or necrosis, depending on the intracellular hypericin concentration and/or the light-activating dose.(72) Furthermore, exposure of U937 cells to hypericin and sub-lethal doses of light irradiation induced subsequent photoresistance with light doses which normally induced apoptosis.(73, 74)
In an in vitro system involving the human cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP1A1, three commercially available H. Perforatum extracts as well as several constituents of H. perforatum extracts (with the exception of rutin) inhibited the CYP1A1-catalysed epoxidation of (_)-trans-7,8-dihydro-7,8-dihydroxy-benzo(a)pyrene, the reaction which leads to formation of the carcinogenic product diolepoxide 2.(75) In vitro cytotoxicity against human colon carcinoma cells (CO 115) has been described for hyperforin-related constituents isolated from Hypericum calycinum and Hypericum revolutum.(76) Antimicrobial activity Extracts of H. perforatum aerial parts have antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, particularly Bacillus subtilis and B. cereus, but not Gram-negative bacteria and yeasts, according to the findings of a series of in vitro assays.(77)
A leaf extract of H. perforatum has been documented as enhancing the immunity of mice towards Staphylococcus aureus and Bordetella pertussis.(78) Hyperforin has antibacterial activity against S. aureus,(9) multi-drug resistant S. aureus and Grampositive bacteria, including Streptococcus pyogenes and Corynebacterium diphtheriae.(79) However, the antibacterial effects of hyperforin are only observed at high concentrations.(80, 81) Other experiments have shown that S. aureus is able to acquire resistance to hyperforin, but that this does not occur with hyperforin concentrations similar to those found in patients treated with H. perforatum extracts for depression.(82) Hyperforin did not exhibit any growth inhibitory effect against Gram-negative bacteria, such as Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa or against Candida albicans.(79) Other antibacterial constituents (imanine and novoimanine) have been isolated from St John's wort.(83, 84)
Several other species of Hypericum have been shown to have antimicrobial activity.(85, 86) In disc-diffusion assays, 33 of 34 chloroform extracts of Hypericum species (not including H. perforatum) showed substantial activity against a clinical isolate of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.(86)
Antiviral activity Flavonoid and catechin-containing fractions have exhibited antiviral activity, inhibiting the influenza virus by 83–100%.(87) Hypericin and pseudohypericin have been reported to inhibit several encapsulated viruses in vitro, including herpes simplex types 1 and 2,(88, 89) varicella-zoster virus(90) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1).(91–94) Hypericin has also been reported to inactivate murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) and Sindbis virus.(94) The antiviral activity of hypericin appears to involve a photoactivation process.(94, G1) An extract of a St John's wort product (5–50 mL/mL; no further details provided) and pure hypericin (5–20 mmol/L) inhibited UV-induced HIV gene expression in HeLa cells in a concentration-dependent manner, whereas hypericin without UV-induced HIV gene activation had no effect on HIV gene expression.(95)
Other effects In vitro studies using a hamster vas deferens smooth muscle cell line demonstrated that hyperforin induces the release of calcium ions from mitochondrial or other sources followed by activation of cellular metabolism.(96) It is not known whether this activity contributes to the antidepressant effects of hyperforin.
Oral administration of a single dose of St John's wort (100, 200, 400, 600 or 800 mg/kg) to two strains of alcohol-preferring rats significantly reduced alcohol intake in both strains.(97) In another study in experimental alcoholism, acute intraperitoneal administration of St John's wort (10–40 mg/kg), fluoxetine (1–10 mg/kg) and imipramine (3–30 mg/kg) reduced alcohol intake in a dosedependent manner in a 12-hour, limited access, two-bottle choice (ethanol/water) procedure.(51) In alcohol-preferring mice, the dose (5 mg/kg administered orally by gavage) of a hyperforin-rich carbon-dioxide extract of H. perforatum required to reduce the intake of 10% ethanol to a statistically significant extent was 125- fold lower than that required with a crude methanolic extract (625 mg/kg) with negligible hyperforin content administered by the same route.(98) In mice, oral administration of a Hypericum perforatum extract (Ph-50) attenuated nicotine withdrawal symptoms.(99) Depression, alcoholism and smoking are thought to have some neurochemical similarities, such as low brain serotonin concentrations.(100, 101)
An extract of St John's wort was found to suppress inflammation and leukocyte infiltration induced by carrageenan and prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) in mice.(102) In vitro, hypericin has been shown to inhibit tumour necrosis factor-induced activation of the transcription factor NF-kB,(103) specific growth factorregulated protein kinases(104–106) and the release of arachidonic acid and leukotriene B4.(107) In a rabbit model of proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), intravitreal injection of hypericin 0.1mL (10 or 100 mmol/L, but not 1 mmol/L) inhibited the progression of PVR when compared with severity in control eyes five days after hypericin administration.(108) It was suggested that, as protein kinase C is important in the cellular reactions occurring in PVR, modulation of protein kinase C by hypericin may be a factor in this system. Hypericin and pseudohypericin have been reported to inhibit 12-lipoxygenase activity; the products of lipoxygenasecatalysed reactions, include leukotrienes.(109) Hyperforin has also been shown to inhibit the activity of enzymes involved in inflammatory pathways: in vitro, hyperforin inhibited 5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase 1, but not cyclooxygenase 2.(110)
Antioxidant properties have been reported for H. Perforatum following in vitro experiments. St John's wort products (Nature's Plus and Movana, respectively) obtained in the USA and labelled as being hypericin- (0.3–0.5%) and hyperforin-standardised (minimum 3%) attenuated superoxide production in an inverse concentration-dependent manner in a cell-free system and in an experimental model using human vascular tissue.(111) Hyperforin isolated from H. perforatum reduced radical formation by polymorphonuclear cells from healthy human donors after stimulation with N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (IC50 = 1.8 mmol/L).(112) However, in other systems, hyperforin did not exhibit any free-radical scavenging activity against 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and was inactive in an enzymatic assay based on oxygen radical production by horseradish peroxidase in the presence of hydrogen peroxide.
Imanine was reported to reduce blood pressure and increase the frequency and depth of breathing following intravenous administration (50 mg/kg) to rabbits.(83) A study of the vasoconstrictor action of water-soluble imanine and imanine on the isolated rabbit ear indicated that their hypotensive action was not due to a direct effect on the vasculature.(83) When perfused through the isolated frog heart, both water-soluble imanine and imanine were found to cause cardiac systolic arrest at a dilution of 1 _ 10_5.(83) Proanthocyanidin-containing fractions isolated from St John's wort have been reported to inhibit contractions of the isolated guinea-pig heart induced by histamine, PGF2a and potassium chloride.(113)
A tonus-raising effect on isolated guinea-pig and rabbit uteri has been documented for a crude aqueous extract.(114) Of the group of plants investigated, St John's wort was reported to exhibit the weakest uterotonic activity. A dried methanol extract of St John's wort (no further details provided) protected human neuroblastoma cells against hydrogen peroxide induced apoptosis in vitro.(115) Analgesic activity in mice has been reported for a total flavonoid fraction of H. perforatum;(116) the active principle was stated to be of the quercetin type. Tannins isolated from St John's wort are stated to have mild astringent activity.(117) The anthraquinone derivatives documented for St John's wort do not possess any purgative action.(G62)

Clinical trials with extracts of St John's wort have focused mainly on its effects in patients with depression, although there have been several studies exploring its use in other conditions, including seasonal affective disorder, chronic fatigue and premenstrual syndrome.(118)
Pharmacodynamics Initially, hypericin was thought to be responsible for the antidepressant activity of St John's wort, although, more recently, experimental(36, 37) and clinical evidence( 119) has emerged to indicate that hyperforin is one of the major constituents required for antidepressant activity. The precise mechanism of action of St John's wort's antidepressant effect remains unclear (see Pharmacological Actions, In vitro and animal studies). In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study involving 16 healthy volunteers who received St John's wort extract (Neuroplant) 300 mg three times daily for seven days, St John's wort extract did not influence plasma norepinephrine (noradrenaline) concentrations, but significantly increased plasma dihydroxyphenylacetic acid concentrations (the main metabolite of dopamine), compared with placebo (p = 0.013).(120)
Studies in humans have reported conflicting results with respect to the effects of St John's wort extracts on endocrinological parameters. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study in 12 healthy male volunteers investigated the effects of a single dose of St John's wort extract (LI 160) (2700 mg, 9 _ 300-mg tablets standardised to 0.3% hypericin) on plasma concentrations of growth hormone, prolactin and cortisol.(121) A significant increase in plasma growth hormone concentration and a significant decrease in plasma prolactin concentration were observed following St John's wort administration relative to placebo administration. Plasma cortisol concentrations were unchanged. These findings suggest that this dose of St John's wort extract may increase aspects of brain dopamine function in humans, although further studies are required to confirm this, assess dose–response relationships and determine whether there is evidence for effects on dopaminergic systems in patients with depression treated with St John's wort.(121) Another study, which used a randomised, three-way, crossover design, investigated the effects of a single dose of St John's wort extract (LI 160S) (600 or 300 mg) or placebo on hormone concentrations in 12 healthy male volunteers.(122) Compared with placebo, St John's wort extract (600 mg) increased cortisol secretion between 30 and 90 minutes after dosing, indicating an influence of St John's wort on certain CNS neurotransmitters. There was no difference between the three groups with regard to adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), growth hormone and prolactin secretion.(122)
By contrast, in a randomised, single-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study involving 12 healthy male volunteers, mean serum ACTH concentrations, but not cortisol, growth hormone and prolactin concentrations, were significantly increased following oral administration of a St John's wort extract (WS-5570) at doses of 600, 900 and 1200 mg/day on four different days (p < 0.05 versus placebo). However, there were no significant differences in ACTH concentrations between groups when a statistical adjustment (Bonferroni correction) was made for post-hoc tests.(123) Differences in the findings of this study, compared with previous work, may be due to differences between doses, products tested and their bioavailabilities.(123)
Therapeutic effects Depression There are now over forty clinical trials of H. perforatum preparations involving patients with different types of depression, and many of these trials have been included in systematic reviews.
A Cochrane systematic review included 37 randomised, double-blind, controlled clinical trials of monopreparations of H. perforatum involving a total of 4925 patients with depressive disorders.(24) Of these, 26 trials were placebocontrolled, 14 compared H. perforatum preparations with standard antidepressants (imipramine 50 to 150 mg daily, four trials; fluoxetine 20 to 40 mg daily, four trials; sertraline 75 to 150 mg daily, three trials; amitriptyline 30 or 75 mg daily, two trials; maprotiline 75 mg daily, one trial) and three of these studies(124–126) also included a placebo control group. Trials involved a variety of H. perforatum preparations administered at doses of 240 to 1800 mg extract daily. The treatment period was typically four to six weeks (29 trials) although administration periods ranged from four to 12 weeks overall. The most frequently investigated product was LI-160 (Lichtwer Pharma, Germany). Overall, 24 trials involved only patients with major depression. In most trials (n = 35), the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD) was the instrument used to assess outcomes, and the methodological quality of the majority of the included studies was considered to be 'reasonable to good'.(24)
Of the 26 trials (involving 3320 participants) comparing H. perforatum preparations with placebo, 23 provided data which were eligible for meta-analysis. For these studies, the results indicated that H. perforatum preparations were more effective than placebo (response rate ratio (RRR), 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.55, 1.42–1.70), although when the analysis was limited to larger (i.e. more precise) trials in patients with major depression only, the results showed a small benefit for H. perforatum over placebo (RRR, 95% CI: 1.15, 1.02–1.129).(24) Similarly, meta-analysis of data from the 23 placebo-controlled trials which used HAMD scores to assess outcomes indicated that H. perforatum preparations were more effective than placebo (weighted mean difference (WMD), 95% CI: _3.25, _3.74 to _2.77), but when the analysis was restricted to the 12 such trials involving only patients with major depression, the effect was less marked (WMD, 95% CI: _2.48, _3.06 to_1.89).
Meta-analysis of data from the 14 trials (involving 2283 participants) comparing H. perforatum with standard antidepressant agents indicated that H. perforatum preparations had similar effects to those of standard antidepressants (RRR, 95% CI: 1.01, 0.93 to 1.10 and WMD, 95% CI: _0.06, _0.64 to 0.51 for trials providing response rate data (13 trials) and HAMD scores (11 trials), respectively).(24) Results were similar for sub-analysis of the trials comparing H. Perforatum preparations with older antidepressants and comparisons with newer antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors).
The conclusions drawn from this work were that the evidence is inconsistent and complex. H. perforatum preparations and standard antidepressant agents appear to show similar effects, whereas H. perforatum preparations have only small benefits over placebo in patients with major depression; in older studies in patients with mild-to-moderate depression, H. perforatum preparations appear to be of more benefit than placebo.(24) An important point is that there is heterogeneity not only among the trials and their results, but also among the different manufacturers' products tested. Products are not necessarily equally effective, and the results of the analyses above should not be extrapolated to other H. Perforatum preparations, which may differ considerably in their pharmaceutical quality (see Quality of plant material and commercial products). One of the trials included in the systematic review was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre study comparing an extract of H. perforatum (LI-160, standardised for hypericin 0.12–0.28%) 900 mg daily with the SSRI sertraline (which is authorised for the treatment of depression) at a dose of 50 mg daily in 340 patients with major depressive disorder. The trial was funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the National Institute of Mental Health, USA, and was designed to assess whether or not H. perforatum extract was superior to placebo after 8 weeks' treatment.(126) 
However, at the end of the study, there were no statistically significant differences in the two primary outcome measures (changes in HAMD scores and response rate) not only between H. perforatum extract and placebo, but also between sertraline and placebo. Thus, this trial was criticised for lacking the sensitivity at least to detect the effectiveness of a treatment known to be effective (i.e. sertraline). A further issue which arose subsequently relates to adherence to treatment among participants randomised to the H. perforatum group. Analysis of blood samples available for 97 of the 113 H. perforatum recipients revealed that 80 (82%) had detectable concentrations of hyperforin in at least one sample, whereas 17 (17%) had no detectable hyperforin in any of their samples.(127) The sensitivity threshold of the assay was hyperforin 10 ng/mL. Furthermore, of 104 of the 116 participants randomised to placebo for whom blood samples were available, 18 (17%) had detectable concentrations of hyperforin in at least one sample. By contrast, sertraline and/or N-desmethylsertraline were detected in at least one sample for all sertraline recipients for whom blood samples were available (91 of 111). Reanalysis of the efficacy data using only data from participants with plasma hyperforin concentrations consistent swith their treatment allocation did not change the initial findings.(127)
A randomised, double-blind, multicentre trial comparing the effects of a hydroalcoholic extract of H. perforatum herb (WS- 5570, drug to extract ratio 3–7 : 1, standardised for hyperforin 3–6% and hypericin 0.12–0.28%; Schwabe Pharmaceuticals) with those of paroxetine in the acute treatment of moderate to severe depression has been published since the revised Cochrane review was completed. In the study, after a placebo run-in phase, 251 participants with acute major depression received H. perforatum extract 300 mg three times daily (increased to 1800 mg daily in non-responders), or paroxetine 20 mg daily (40 mg daily for non-responders), for six weeks.(128) At the end of the study, the H. perforatum extract was reported to be at least as effective as paroxetine in reducing symptoms of moderate to severe depression (mean (standard deviation) reduction in HAMD scores from baseline values: 14.4 (8.8) and 11.4 (8.6) for H. perforatum and paroxetine, respectively).
The review described above(24) was an update of a previous Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis of 27 randomised controlled trials of H. perforatum preparations in depressive disorders.(129) The updated review had stricter and tighter inclusion and exclusion criteria for trials – only trials which explicitly stated that the method of treatment allocation was random and which used a double-blind design were included, and trials investigating H. perforatum for prevention of depression, those using combination preparations containing H. perforatum, comparing H. perforatum with drugs not explicitly recommended as antidepressant agents, measuring only physiological parameters and those with a treatment period of less than four weeks were excluded.(24) Thus, the previous Cochrane review included seven trials which were excluded from the updated review.
The results of the earlier meta-analysis showed that H. perforatum preparations were significantly superior to placebo in the short-term treatment of mild to moderately severe depressive disorders (rate ratio 2.47 and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.69–3.61). and as effective as conventional antidepressant agents (single preparations, rate ratio 1.01 and 95% CI 0.87–1.16), although for several reasons – for example, the use of low doses of conventional antidepressants and the trials involving small numbers of patients – this evidence was considered inadequate for establishing whether H. Perforatum preparations were as effective as conventional antidepressant drugs.(129) Further studies comparing St John's wort preparations with standard antidepressant agents in well-defined patient groups and over longer periods were considered necessary.(129)
Another earlier meta-analysis employed tighter inclusion criteria for trials in an effort to increase the validity of the analysis.(130) It included only randomised, blinded, controlled trials of St John's wort as a single preparation, which involved patients with depressive disorders as defined by the standard criteria ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems), DSM-IIIR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) or DSM-IV and which used the Hamilton Depression (HAMD) Scale for measuring clinical outcomes. Six such trials involving 651 patients with mainly mild to moderately severe depressive disorders were included; two trials were placebo controlled and four compared St John's wort with standard antidepressants. The studies lasted for 4–6 weeks and the doses of St John's wort extract ranged from 200 to 900 mg daily; the range for total hypericin administered was 0.75–2.7 mg daily.
This meta-analysis showed that the response rate for St  John's wort was significantly greater than that for placebo (73.2% versus 37.9%, respectively, relative risk 1.48 and 95% CI 1.03–1.92) and similar to that observed with tricyclic antidepressants (64% versus 6.4% for St John's wort and tricyclic antidepressants, respectively, relative risk 1.11 and 95% CI 0.92–1.29).(130) Despite the stringent inclusion criteria for trials in this meta-analysis, it was concluded that further studies are required in order to address methodological problems before it can be concluded that St John's wort is an effective antidepressant.(130)
A systematic review of large-scale observational studies of H. perforatum extracts in patients with depressive disorders is also available. The review included 16 non-randomised studies (involving a total of 34 804 patients) each involving at least 100 participants with depressive disorders who were treated with H. perforatum preparations for at least four weeks.(131) Fifteen of the studies reported physician-assessed response rates, and these ranged from 65% to 100% for short-term studies (four to around six weeks' treatment; 13 studies) and were 60% and 69% for the two long-term studies (52 weeks' treatment). Patient-assessed response rates ranged from 63% to 98% (ten studies). These results suggest that the H. perforatum extracts assessed are effective for mild and moderately severe depressive disorders, although this conclusion cannot be definitive since the studies did not include random allocation to treatment and many had other methodological limitations.(131) Furthermore, the studies included in the review assessed the effects of 12 different H. perforatum products, with some differences in how they were standardised, administered at doses ranging from 360 to 1200 mg extract daily. Thus, the results cannot be extrapolated directly to other H. perforatum preparations with a different phytochemical profile.
One of the studies included in the review assessed the effects of an H. perforatum preparation in children aged under 12 years with symptoms of depression and psychovegetative disturbances. This study reported the highest physician- and patients-assessed response rates (100% and 98%, respectively).(132) Other open, uncontrolled studies(133) have explored the effects of H. perforatum preparations in children and adolescents, although the efficacy of such preparations in these patient groups requires testing in randomised controlled trials. In a dose-ranging trial involving 348 patients with mild to moderate depression according to ICD-10 criteria, patients were randomised to receive St John's wort extract three times daily equivalent to either 1mg (n = 119), 0.33 mg (n = 115) or 0.17 mg (n = 114) hypericin for six weeks.(134) At the end of the treatment period, there was a significant reduction in HAMD scores compared with baseline values. The response rates (according to recognised criteria) were 68%, 65% and 62% for 1, 0.33 and 0.17 mg hypericin, respectively; the differences between groups were not statistically significant. Thus, the study showed that there was no dose-dependent effect of hypericin in St John's wort extracts.
Smoking cessation A preliminary, uncontrolled study has assessed the effects of a methanol (80%) extract of H. perforatum herb (LI-160, standardised for hypericin 900 mg and a minimum of 2% hyperforin; drug to extract ratio 3–6 : 1) as an aid to motivational/behavioural support in adult smokers who wish to stop smoking. The rationale for investigating H. perforatum in this indication is that there is an association between smoking and depression: nicotine may act as an antidepressant in some smokers, and depression can be precipitated by nicotine withdrawal, i.e. smoking cessation.(101) In the study, point prevalence and continuous abstinence rates were both 18% at 3 months, and 0% at 12 months (intentionto- treat analysis); these rates compare poorly with response rates in placebo groups in controlled clinical studies of other smoking cessation interventions.(135)
Seasonal affective disorder The effects of St John's wort extracts have been investigated in studies involving subjects with seasonal affective disorder (SAD),(136, 137) although as yet there have not been any trials that have included a placebo control group. Twenty individuals with SAD were randomised to receive St John's wort (LI 160) (300 mg) three times daily (equivalent to 0.9 mg hypericin) with or without bright light therapy.(136) After four weeks, there were significant reductions in HAMD scores in both groups compared with baseline values and there were no statistically significant differences between groups. Another study evaluated data from individuals with mild to moderate SAD who had used St John's wort (300 mg) three times daily (equivalent to 0.9 mg hypericin) with (n = 133) or without light therapy (n = 168) for eight weeks.(137) The study was not randomised and involved data collection by postal questionnaires. Data from 301 returned questionnaires were suitable for analysis. Significant reductions in the mean SAD scores were observed in both groups compared with baseline values; the differences in the SAD scores between groups were statistically non-significant.
Antiviral activity Antiviral activity has been reported for hypericin against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).(138, 139) Several uncontrolled studies in HIV-positive patients who received St John's wort extract have reported immunologic and clinical benefits, including increases in CD4 cell counts in some patients.(140, 141) In a phase I, doseescalating study, 30 HIV-positive patients with CD4 cell counts <350 cells/mm3 received intravenous synthetic hypericin twice weekly (0.25 or 0.5 mg/kg body weight), three times weekly (0.25 mg/kg) or oral hypericin daily (0.5 mg/kg).(142) Sixteen patients discontinued treatment early because of toxic effects, and phototoxicity in several other patients prevented completion of dose escalation. Antiretroviral activity as assessed by significant changes in HIV p24 antigen level, HIV titre, HIV RNA copies and CD4 cell counts was not observed. In contrast, in a phase-I dose-escalation study involving 19 patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection who received hypericin administered orally at doses of 0.05 and 0.10 mg/kg daily for eight weeks, there was no evidence of antiviral activity as determined by median changes in HCV RNA concentrations in plasma.(143)
The potential for the use of St John's wort in 20 individuals presenting with fatigue(144) and in 19 women with self-reported premenstrual syndrome(145) has also been explored in uncontrolled pilot studies. Significant improvements in perceived fatigue and in symptoms of depression and anxiety were seen after six weeks' treatment with St John's wort (equivalent to 0.9 mg hypericin daily) compared with baseline values(144) and in overall premenstrual syndrome scores after treatment with St John's wort (equivalent to 0.9 mg hypericin daily) for two menstrual cycles.(145) Thus, there is scope for conducting randomised controlled trials of St John's wort in these conditions.(144, 145)
A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial assessed the effects of an 80% methanol extract of St John's wort (LI-160; containing 300 mg extract, drug to extract ratio 4–7 : 1) in 175 patients with somatoform disorders (usually characterised by chronic multiple physical symptoms not explained by underlying organic pathology). Participants received St John's wort extract 300 mg twice daily (n = 87), or placebo (n = 88), for six weeks. At the end of the study, according to an intention-to-treat analysis, St John's wort recipients, compared with placebo recipients, showed statistically significant improvements on the six individual variables comprising the primary efficacy analysis and in the combined score (p < 0.0001 for all comparisons).(146)
Another randomised, double-blind, parallel-group trial investigated the effects of LI-160 300 mg extract twice daily (increased in increments to a maximum of 1800 mg extract daily at the physician's discretion), or placebo, for 12 weeks in 41 individuals with social phobia (social anxiety disorder). At the end of the study, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale scores, the primary outcome measure (p = 0.79).(147) In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 179 women with menopause-related psychovegetative symptoms received a combination preparation of St John's wort and black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) or placebo for six weeks.(148) The results indicated that the combination product had a significantly greater effect on the symptoms than did placebo. A randomised, double-blind, phase I study involving 55 healthy volunteers who received St John's wort (900 mg) daily (containing 0.5% hyperforin), St John's wort (900 mg) daily (containing 5.0% hyperforin) or placebo for eight days investigated the effects on quantitative electroencephalogram as an indicator of drug-induced pharmacological action.(149) Reproducible central pharmacodynamic effects were apparent in both groups of St John's wort recipients compared with placebo recipients. The effects were greater in subjects who received extract containing 5.0% hyperforin than in those who received extract containing 0.5% hyperforin.
Placebo-controlled, crossover studies investigating the effects of St John's wort (0.9 and 1.8 mg) on the sleep polysomnogram of  healthy subjects reported that both doses of St John's wort significantly increased rapid eye movement (REM) sleep latency compared with placebo, but had no effect on REM sleep duration or other parameters of sleep architecture.(150) In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 23 overweight but otherwise healthy adults, subjects who received treatment with St John's wort (900 mg) daily, Citrus aurantium extract (975 mg) daily and caffeine (528 mg) daily lost significantly more body weight than did subjects in the placebo and no-treatment control groups.(151)
A placebo-controlled, crossover study in 19 healthy volunteers who received St John's wort for 15 days either alone or in combination with ethanol (to achieve a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05%) reported that there were no differences between the two groups in sense of well-being or  adverse events.(152) A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, six-week trial involving 72 long-distance runners and triathletes reported significant improvements in endurance capacity in subjects who received vitamin E with St John's wort compared with subjects who received vitamin E alone or placebo.(153)
In a randomised, double-blind trial involving 21 patients with symmetrical mild to moderate atopic dermatitis, participants used a topical preparation of H. Perforatum (cream containing 5% of a carbon-dioxide extract; drug to extract ratio 20–25 : 1, containing total 9.9% hyperforins) with a final hyperforin content of 1.5%, or placebo, twice daily for four weeks.(154) Treatment was randomLy allocated to be applied to the left or right side of the body. At the end of the study, the H. perforatum preparation was found to be superior to placebo with respect to the primary outcome measure (clinical intensity of skin lesions; p < 0.022 for H. Perforatum versus placebo).
In a randomised, double-blind, crossover trial involving 54 diabetic and non-diabetic patients with polyneuropathy, the analgesic effects of an H. perforatum preparation (Calmigen, Sanopharm; each tablet containing hypericin 900 mg, no further details of preparation provided) one tablet three times daily were compared with those of placebo.(155) The rationale for investigating the effects of H. perforatum on pain was centred around evidence that the antidepressant effect of H. Perforatum preparations is due to effects on monoaminergic systems, and that effects on such systems may be the mechanism of action of agents such as tricyclic antidepressants currently used in painful polyneuropathy. In the study, patients' daily ratings of pain using numeric rating scales were used as the primary outcome measure. At the end of the treatment period, there were no statistically significant differences in total pain score between the H. perforatum and placebo groups (14 and 15, respectively; p = 0.05), in individual pain rating scales (p = 0.09 to 0.33), or in participants' evaluations of pain relief (p = 0.07).(155)
In a double-blind, controlled, crossover study, 12 healthy volunteers aged 18 to 54 years received tablets containing an extract of H. perforatum (Hyperiforte, each tablet contained 300 mg extract standardised for hyperforin 3–5% and hypericin 0.3%). Participants received placebo, and three and six tablets of the extract as a single dose in a random order and undertook a battery of memory tests before and after each administration. The results indicated that the H. Perforatum extract did not have nootropic effects,(156) although as a sample size calculation does not appear to have been carried out, it is possible that the study did not have adequate statistical power to detect any differences.
A preliminary study found that a mixture of oils extracted from H. perforatum and Calendula arvensis reduced the surface area of wounds in women who had undergone Caesarean section during childbirth, when compared with control (wheatgerm oil).(157) However, the study did not involve random allocation to treatment and was not blinded, so the findings cannot be attributed definitively to the intervention. The use of intravesical instillation of hypericin as a photosensitiser in human bladders together with blue light irradiation and fluorescence detection has been described as a diagnostic tool for the detection of bladder carcinoma. The technique had 98.5% specificity in detecting carcinoma in situ and dysplasia, and had a sensitivity of 93%.(158, 159)
Pharmacokinetics Detailed pharmacokinetic studies have been carried out with the hypericin-standardised St John's wort extract LI 160 and with certain other H. perforatum extracts.(1, G1) Administration of single oral doses of LI 160 (300, 900 and 1800 mg) to healthy male volunteers resulted in peak plasma hypericin concentrations of 1.5, 7.5 and 14.2 ng/mL for the three doses, respectively. Peak plasma concentrations were seen with hypericin after 2.0–2.6 hours and with pseudohypericin after 0.4– 0.6 hours. The elimination half-life of hypericin was between 24.8 and 26.5 hours. Repeated doses of LI 160 (300 mg) three times daily resulted in steady-state concentrations after four days.(160) Oral administration of the St John's wort extract WS 5572 (300 mg, equivalent to 14.8 mg hyperforin) resulted in peak plasma concentrations of 150 ng/mL being reached 3.5 hours after administration.(161) The elimination half-life was 9 hours. Following repeated doses of 300 mg three times daily, the estimated steady-state plasma hyperforin concentrations were 100 ng/mL.
In open trials involving 18 healthy male volunteers, following oral administration of a single tablet of a dry extract of H. perforatum (STW-3, containing 612 mg extract equivalent to hypericin 600 mg, pseudohypericin 1200 mg, hyperforin 13.5 mg, flavonoids 73.2 mg; drug to extract ratio 5–8 : 1), pharmacokinetic parameters for hypericin, pseudohypericin and hyperforin, respectively, were: maximum plasma concentration, 3.14, 8.5 and 83.5 ng/mL; time to maximum concentration, 8.1, 3.0 and 4.4 hours; elimination half-life, 23.8, 25.4 and 19.6 hours.(162) The flavonoid compounds quercetin and isorhamnetin showed two peaks of maximum plasma concentration, separated by about four hours (quercetin: 47.7 ng/mL by 1.2 hours and 43.8 ng/mL by 5.5 hours; isorhamnetin: 7.6 ng/mL by 1.5 hours and 9.0 ng/mL by 6.4 hours). The elimination half-life for these constituents was 4.2 and 4.5 hours for quercetin and isorhamnetin, respectively. Pharmacokinetic parameters following multiple dosing (STW-3 once daily for 14 days) were similar.(162)
In an open, randomised, two-way, crossover study involving 12 healthy volunteers, the bioavailability of hyperforin after a single oral administration of a softgel capsule containing H. Perforatum dry extract 300 mg (containing 0.3% hypericin and 5% hyperforin) was found to be superior to that following a single oral administration of a hard gelatin capsule containing the same extract.(163) The mean (standard deviation) peak plasma hyperforin concentrations were 168.4 (57.8) and 84.3 (33.5) ng/mL following administration of the softgel and hard gelatin capsules, respectively, although a p value was not reported. Hypericin, however, was not detectable in almost half of the participants for each dosage form. In nine male patients with superficial transition cell carcinoma of the bladder, intravesical instillation to the bladder of 40 mL of a 8 mmol/L hypericin solution for 2 to 3 hours followed by photodynamic diagnosis of bladder tumours, plasma concentrations of hypericin in samples taken one hour after the end of the instillation were below the detection limit (<6 nmol/ L).(164)
A method for the simultaneous determination of hypericin and hyperforin in human plasma using liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS–MS) has been developed and validated.(165) Using the method, the limits of quantification for hypericin and hyperforin were 0.05 ng/mL and 0.035 ng/mL, respectively. These low limits may allow detection of ingestion of hypericin and hyperforin for up to several days after discontinuation of treatment.

Ø  HERB: Saint John’s wort (Hyperici herba). The herb consists of the fresh plant material or dried aerial parts of Hypericum perforatum L., collected during the time of flowering, and preparations of the same.
Ø  IMPORTANT Constituents: Anthracene derivatives, 0.1–0.15 % (hypericin, pseudohypericin), flavonoids, 2–4 % (hyperoside, 0.7 %, quercetin, rutin), acylphloroglucinols, 2–4 % (hyperforin), essential oil (0.1–1 %), oligomeric procyanidins, and other catechinic tannins (6.5–15 %).
Ø  NOTE: Plants with the highest hypericin content generally have the highest content of all other constituents.
·         Oral hypericum preparations have mild sedative, antidepressant, and anxiolytic effects (probably due to synergistic effects of the constituents).
·         Oily topical hypericum preparations have mainly antiphlogistic effects due to their high content of flavonoids; they also exhibit antibacterial, antiviral, and immunomodulatory action.

Analgesic (1; CAN; CRC; EFS); Anticancer (1; MAB); Antibacterial (1; FAD; MAB; PH2; VVG); Antidepressant (2; APA; BGB; CRC; PH2; SHT; WAM); Antidote (1; FNF; MAD); Antiedemic (1; CAN); Antiherpetic (1; MAB); Antiinflammatory (1; APA; FAD; PIP; PH2); Antineuralgic (f; BGB); Antiretroviral (1; APA; FAD); Antiseptic (1; HHB; PH2); Antispasmodic (f; HHB); Antiulcerogenic (1; CAN); Antiviral (2; APA; PH2; SKY; VVG); Anxiolytic (2; PH2; PNC); Aperitif (1; CAN); Astringent (f; CRC; EFS; PNC); COMT Inhibitor (f; MAB); Cholagogue (f; CRC; EFS); Digestive (f; CRC; EFS); Diuretic (f; BGB; DEP; EFS; VVG); Dopaminergic (1; MAB; PH2); Emmenagogue (f; DEM; MAD); Expectorant (f; CRC; EFS); GABA-Reuptake Inhibitor (1; MAB); Hemostat (f; DEM; MAD); Hypotensive (1; CAN); Immunostimulant (1; CAN); MAOI (1; KOM; PHR; PH2); Melatoninergic (1; PH2); Nervine (1; EFS; MAB; WAM); Psychotropic (1; CAN); Resolvent (f; CRC); Sedative (1; CAN; FAD; MAD; PH2); Serotoninergic (1; MAB; PH2); SSRI (1; MAB; PHR; PH2); Stimulant (f; CRC); Tonic (1; CAN; CRC; WAM); Tranquilizer (1; CAN; CRC; PNC); Uterotonic (f; EFS); Vasoconstrictor (1; CAN); Vermifuge (f; CEB; CRC; DEP; EFS); Vulnerary (1; APA; MAB; WAM).

AIDS therapeutic effect. Sixty early ARC patients were administered St. Johns' Wort tablets (standardized at 0.14% hypericin) with or without AZT for 6 months. Twentyfive patients completed the 6 months of therapy (most of the patients were lost to follow up). No significant CD4+, CDS+ or P24 antigen levels were seen in any of the groups HPozzs.
Analgesic activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the entire plant, administered intragastrically to mice, was not effective vs hot plate and tail clip methods HPom. Ethanol/water ( 1:1) extract of the dried aerial part, administered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, was effective vs tail flick response to radiant heat HP0193 • Flavonoid fraction of the dried shoots, administered intraperitoneally to mice, was effective HPom.
Anesthetic activity. The essential oil was effective in treating earaches when administered as an ear drop HPons.
Antianginal activity. The leaf (20-60%), mixed with Filipendula ulmaria ( 40-80%) and 1.5% salicylic acid, has been patented as a treatment for angina pectoris and cardiac diseases HP0243 •
Antibacterial activity. Chloroform extract of the dried aerial part, at a concentration of 0.04 mL/disc, was active on Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus oxford, and Streptococcus mutans, and inactive on Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Streptococcus sanguis. The water extract was active on Staphylococcus oxford and inactive on Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, and Streptococcus sanguis. The methanol extract was active on Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis and, in broth culture,was active on Staphylococcus oxford, MIC 0.62 mg/mL, and on Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 1.25 mg/mL. The petroleum ether extract, on agar plate at a concentration of 0.04 mL/disc, was active on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and, in broth culture, was active on Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus oxford, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis, Escherichia coli and Proteus vulgaris; MIC 0.31, 0.31, 0.31, 0.62, 1.25, and 1.25, respectivelyHrozos. The chloroform extract, at a concentration of 1.0 gm/liter on agar plate, produced weak activity, and the methanol extract was inactive on Klebsiella pneumonia. The chloroform and methanol extracts were inactive on Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosaHP0230 • Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried entire plant, on agar plate at variable concentrations, was inactive on Aerobacter aero genes, Bacillus globifer and erythromycin and tetracycline resistant strains, Bacillus mycoides, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and streptomycin resistant strain, Proteus morganii, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, and Streptococcus aureus Hrom. Methanol extract of the dried aerial part, on agar plate at a concentration of 20.0 microliters/disc, was active on Escherichia coli; equivocal on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-sensitive); inactive on Enterobacter aero genes, Klebsiella pneu-monia, Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and Serratia marcescens; and produced weak activity on Bacillus subtilisHroz45 • Petroleum ether extract of the dried aerial part, on agar plate, was active on Staphylococcus aureusHr0147 • The aerial part, on agar plate, was active on Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutansHro153 •
Antidepressant activity. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the dried aerial part, administered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 250.0 mg/kg, decreased swimming time, rota-rod walking time and decreased exploratory activityHr0193 • Exudate from the aerial part used in a clinical trial was superior to placebo in alleviating the symptoms of depression as quantified by the Hamilton scaleHr0196 • Hydro-alcoholic extract of the dried aerial part, taken orally by 105 patients with mild depression of short duration at a dose of 900.0 mg/day, was active in a double-blind study with either 300 mg of the extract or placebo 3 times a day for 4 weeks. The effectiveness was judged according to the Hamilton depression scale after 2 and 4 weeks. The values of the mean basic score in these periods fell from 15.8 to 9.6 and 7.2 in the active group, and in the placebo group from 15.8 to 12.3 and 11.3. The differences between active and placebo groups were statistically significant at p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 achieved after 2 and 4 weeks, respectively. In the active group 28 of the 42 patients (67%), and in the placebo group, 13 of the 4 7 patients (28%) responded to treatment. Notable side effects were not foundHr0161 • In a randomized, double-blind study, the effectiveness and tolerance of a standardized preparation of Hypericum perforatum was examined and compared to maprotiline in a group of 102 patients with depression, in accordance with IC0-10, F 32.1. The study was conducted in the offices of neurology and psychiatry specialists. The patients received, over a period of 4 weeks, either 300 mg Hypericum perforatum extract or 25 mg maprotiline pills 3 times daily. The effectiveness was determined using the Hamilton depression scale (HAMO), the depression scale according to Von Zerssen (0-S), and the clinical global impression scale (COl). The total score of the HAMO scale dropped during the 4 weeks of therapy in both treatment groups by about 50%. The mean values of the 0-S scale and the CGI scale showed similar results, and after 4 weeks of therapy, no significant differences in either treatment group were noticedHr0164 • A meta-analysis of 23 comparisons or placebo- controlled randomized trials of 1757 patients with mild to moderate depressions demonstrated that a dose of 900.0 mg/day of hydro-alcoholic extract of the dried aerial part, when taken orally, was significantly superior to placebo (p = 0.05) and as effective as standard antidepressant drugs. The side effects were lower in the extract treated groupHr0164 • In a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 50 patients with mild to moderate depression, treatment with 900 mg/day of hydro-alcoholic extract of the dried aerial part for 4 weeks was significantly more effective than placebo for reducing depressive symptoms. Thirty-nine patients with depression with somatic symptoms were treated with the extract for 4 weeks at a dose of 300 mg 3 times daily. The result showed a significant improvement in the active treatment group at the 5% level as compared to placebo. Seventy percent of the patients treated with the extract were free of symptoms after 4 weeks. Typical symptoms of depression such as lack of activity, tiredness, fatigue and disturbed sleep were especially responsive. In no case were any undesirable side effects observedHPOIIY. The leaf, taken orally by adults at a dose of 900.0 mg/person, was active in a double- blind, placebo-controlled study of 105 patientsHro191 • The aerial part, taken orally by human adults of both sexes at a dose of 1.8 gm/day, was active. In a multi-center study of the extract in severely depressed patients (HAMD score >20), in a randomized, double-blind study involving 20 psychiatric hospitals and day care centers in Germany, 209 patients received 6 weeks treatment of the extract, 600 mg 3 times daily or imipramine, 50 mg 3 times daily. Results indicated that both preparations were effective, although there was a trend in favor of imipramine. A randomized 6 week trial comparing a dose of 900 mg daily of Hypericum perforatum extract with 75 mg daily of amitriptyline in 165 patients with mild-to-moderate depression showed that both the extract and amitryptyline reduced mean HAMD scores when compared with baseline values. Amitriptyline appeared to have a more beneficial effect than Hypericum perforatum, although the side effects profile of Hypericum perforatum extract was more favorableHP0 141 • The aerial part, taken orally by human adults of both sexes at a dose of 900.0 mg/day, was active. The effectiveness and acceptance of a 4-week treatment with Hypericum perforatum extract were investigated by 663 private practitioners. The results of the 3250 patients (76% women and 24% men), were recorded using data sheets. The age of the patients ranged from 20 to 90 years of age (mean 51 years). Forty-nine percent of the patients were mildly depressed, 46% intermediate and 3% severely depressed. In about 30% of the patients, the situation normalized or improved during the therapy. Undesired drug effects were reported in 79 (2.4%) patients and 48 (1.5%) discontinued the therapy. The most frequently noted side effects were gastrointestinal irritations (0.6%), allergic reactions (0.5%), tiredness (0.4%), and restlessness (0.3%)HPots4• Ethanol (95%) extract of the aerial part, taken orally by human adults of both sexes at a dose of 300.0 mg/day, was activeHPom. Hydro-alcoholic extract of the aerial part, taken orally at a dose of 900.0 mg/day, was active. Seventy-two patients of 11 physi-cians' practices were treated in a doubleblind study for a period of 6 weeks either with Hypericum perforatum extract or with placebo. Inclusion criterion was a major depression in accordance with DSM-III-R. The changes were controlled using 4 psychometric scales (HAMD, D-S, BEB, GCI). The statistic evaluation revealed, after 4 weeks of therapy, in all 4 psychometric tests, a significant improvement in the active group as compared to the placebo group; after switching the placebo group to active treatment (5th and 6th week of therapy), significant improvements were found in the original placebo group. No serious side effects were observedHP0171 • Methanol extract of the aerial part, taken orally by human adults in 16 clinical studies of St. John's wort for the treatment of mild to moderate depression from 1991-1997, was activeHPom.  In a 6 week study comparing Hypericum perforatum (300 mg 3 times daily) with imipramine (25 mg 3 times daily), the Hamilton depression scale scores decreased from 20.2 to 8.8 in the Hypericum perforatum group, and 19.4 to 10.7 in the imipramine group. Fewer and milder side effects were noted in the Hypericum perforatum group. In a 4 week double-blind trial of 105 out-patients with mild depression of short duration, 67% of the patients taking Hypericum perforatum improved, compared to 28% of the placebo group. No side effects were noted. Metaanalysis of 23 randomized trials of 1757 patients with mild or moderate depression indicated that Hypericum perforatum was more effective than the placebo and as effective as the standard antidepressant drugs. Fewer side effects were observed in the Hypericum perforatum group (19 .8%) as compared to the standard antidepressant (52.8%). In a 4 week study in which Hypericum perforatum extract was compared with maprotline (25 mg/3 times a day) in 102 depressed patients, no significant differences were observed in either groupHPo 142 • The dried aerial part, taken orally by adults, was activeHP0156 ·Hro158 • Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried aerial part, administered intragastrically to male gerbils at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg, was active vs clonidine-induced depression. A dose of 5.0 mg/kg, administered intragastrically to mice, was active; it enhanced the exploratory activity in a foreign environment and activity in the water wheel testHP0160 • In a double-blind comparative study of 135 depressed patients in 20 centers with typical depressions with single episode, several episodes, depressive neurosis, and adjustment disorder with depressed mood in accordance with DSM-III-R, 300 mg of hydro-alcoholic extract of the dried aerial part or 25 mg impramine were administered orally 3 times daily for 6 weeks. The main assessment criteria were the Hamilton depression scale, the depression scale according to Von Zerssen and the Clinical Global Impressions. In both groups, a parallel reduction of the Hamilton score from 20.2 to 8.8 (extract, n = 67) or from 19.4 to 10.7 (imipramine, n = 68), and the transformed 0-S point values from 39.6 to 27.2 and 39.0 to 29.2 (imipramine) were found. In the group dosed with the extract, fewer and milder side effects were found as compared to imipramine. Tincture of the dried leaf was taken orally at a dose of 30 drops 3 times a day for 4-6 weeks by 6 women with depressive symptoms. In all of the patients there was an increase in 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy- phenylglucol, which is an expression of antidepressive reaction. The patients showed a quantitative improvement in anxiety, dysphoric mood, loss of interest, hypersomnia, anorexia, morning depression, insomnia, obstipation, psychomotor retardation and feelings of worthlessness. The leaf (20-60%), mixed with Filipendula ulmaria ( 40-80%) and 1.5% salicylic acid, has been patented as a treatment for angina pectoris and cardiac diseasesHrom. Hydroalcoholic extract of the dried flower and leaf, taken orally by adults of both sexes, was activeHP0246 •
Antifungal activity. Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried aerial part, on agar plate at a concentration of 6-10 mg/mL, was active on several fungiHro216 • Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried entire plant, on agar plate at variable concentrations, was inactive on Fusarium culmoun, Fusarium solani, Penicillum notatum and Scopulariopsis speciesHrom. Methanol extract of the dried aerial part, on agar plate at a concentration of 80.0 mg/disc, was inactive on Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Fusarium tricintum, Trichoderma viride, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and produced weak activity on Microsporum cookei and Microsporum gypseumHP0189 • Ethanol/water ( 1:1) extract of the dried flowering tops, at a concentration of 833.0 mg of the dried plant material/mL on agar plate, was inactive on Aspergillus niger, Botrytis cinerea, Penicillum digitata, Rhizopus nigricans, and Trichophyton mentagrophytesHroz47 • The fresh entire plant, on agar plate at a concentration of 1.0 gm/mL, was inactive on Cytospora species, Fames annosus, and Pestaalotia funereaHroz48 •
Anti-inflammatory activity. Ethanol (80%) extract of the dried flowering tops, administered by gastric intubation to male rats at dose of 100.0 mg/kg, produced 14% inhibition of edema vs carrageenin-induced pedal edemaHrozoJ. The essential oil, used externally by adults of both sexes, was active in alleviating bedsores in elderly patientsHP0249 •
Antimycobacterial activity. Chloroform and methanol extracts of the dried aerial part, on agar plate at a concentration of > 1.0 gm/liter, were inactive on Mycobacterium phleiHPoZJO. Ethanol (95%) extract of the fresh flowers ( 1 part of fresh plant material to 3 parts of solvent), on agar plate, produced strong activity, and the water extract produced weak activity on Mycobacterium tuberculosisHron6 • Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried entire plant, on agar plate at vari able concentrations, was inactive on Myco~ bacterium phlei and Mycobacterium smegmatisHrom. Fresh leaf juice, on agar plate, was active on Mycobacterium tuberculosis, MIC 1 :80Hrows. Methanol extract of the dried aerial part, on agar plate at a concentration of 20.0 microliters/disc, was active on Mycobacterium phleiHro 182 •
Antipsoriatic activity. The leaf (20-60%), mixed with Filipendula ulmaria ( 40-80%) and 1.5% salicylic acid, has been patented as a treatment for rheumatism, phlebitis and psoriasisHro243 •
Antispasmodic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried aerial part, at a concentration of 200.0 mcg/mL, was active on guinea pig ileum vs histamine-induced contractions, and strong activity was produced vs barium-induced contractions. The water extract was inactive vs histamine-induced contractions, and produced weak activity vs barium-induced contractionsHrom.
Antitumor activity. Water and ethanol (95%) extracts of the entire plant, administered intraperitoneally to mice, were inactive on Sarcoma 180 (solid) and CAEhrlich- ascitesHPoioi.
Antiviral activity. Acetone, hot water and ethyl acetate extracts of the aerial part, in cell culture, were active on influenza virusHrom. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the entire plant, in cell culture at a concentration of 0.05 mg/mL, was inactive on vaccinia virusHrozJz. The hydro-alcoholic extract and decoction of the dried stem, at a concentration of 100.0 mcg/mL in cell culture on Vero cells, was inactive on Herpes simplex 1 and 2 virus and HIV when assayed in JM cellsHro 194 • Water extract of the aerial part, in cell culture at a concentration of 10.0%, was active on Herpes virus type 2, influenza virus A2 (Manheim 57) and vaccinia virus, and inactive on poliovirus 11Hro226 • Hot water extract of the dried flower and leaf, administered intraperitoneally to mice at a concentration of 5.0%, was active on encephalitis virus (unspecified)Hrozso.
Antiyeast activity. Chloroform and methanol extracts of the dried aerial part, on agar plate at a concentration of > 1.0 gm/ liter, were inactive on Candida albicansHro210 • Methanol extract of the dried aerial part, on agar plate at a concentration of 80.0 mg/ disc, was inactive on Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiaeHP0189 • Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the dried entire plant, on agar plate at variable concentrations, was inactive on Kloekera brevis and Saccharomyces cerevisiaeHrom. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the dried flowering top, at a concentration of 833.0 mg of plant material/mL, was inactive on Saccharomyces pastorianus and Candida albicansHroz47 •
Arachidonic acid release stimulation. Methanol extract of the aerial part was inactive vs cortical cellsHro150 •
Barbiturate sleeping time decrease. Ethanol/ water (1: 1) extract of the dried aerial part, administered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was active vs CCl4-induced hepatotoxicityHrozos.
Benzodiazepine receptor binding. Methanol extract of the dried flower and the dried leaf inhibited 3H-flumazenil binding to benzodiazepine binding sites of the GABA receptors, lC50 6.83 and 200.0 mcg/mL, respec ti vel yHro176 •
Bile secretion increase. Ethanol/water ( 1:1) extract of the dried aerial part, administered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 500.0 mg/kg, was activeHrozos.
Cardiotonic activity. Hot water extract of the stem, administered intravenously to frogs, produced weak activityHr0100 •
Catechol-o-methyl transferase inhibition. Methanol extract of the dried aerial part, at a concentration of 1.0 mmol, was active. The petroleum ether extract was inactiveHr0170 •
Chromosome aberrations. Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried leaf, administered intra gastrically to hamsters at a dose of 10.0 mL/ kg, was inactiveHrozo7.
CNS depressant activity. Ethanol/water ( 1:1) extract of the dried aerial part, administered intragastrically to mice at a concentration of 25.5 mg/kg, produced weak activity. The activity decreased with increased dosage using the actimeter test, results significant at P <0.005 levelHP0149.
Convulsant activity. The aerial part in both the fresh and dried form, in the ration of sheep, was active when the photosensitized animals contacted waterHP0128.
Coronary blood flow increase. Flavonoid fraction of the dried aerial part, at a concentration of 1.0 mcg/mL, was active on guinea pig heartHP0144.
Creatine phosphokinase enhancement. The aerial part, administered intragastrically to cattle of both sexes at a dose of 3.0 gm/kg, was activeHro143.
Cryoprotective activity. Methanol extract of the aerial part, in cell culture at a concentration of 40.0 mcg/mL, was inactive vs cortical cell line. The extract was also inactive vs OP120-induced cytotoxicity in cortical cells and NMDA-treated cortical cellsHPoiso.
Cutaneous circulation effect. Hydro-alcoholic extract of the aerial part, taken orally by human adults of both sexes at a dose of 900.0 mg/day, was inactive in a clinical study of 25 individuals with mild depression. The effect of Hypericum perforatum on cutaneous circulation indicated no difference between the test group and the control groupHPOI74.
Cytotoxic activity. Water and ethanol (95%) extracts of the entire plant, in cell culture, were inactive on CA-9KB, E050 100.0 meg/ mL and >0.1 mg/mL respectivelyHPoioi. Water extract of the aerial part, in cell culture at a concentration of 10.0%, produced weak activity on Hela cellsHro226 •
Diuretic activity. Ethanol/water ( 1:1) extract of the entire plant, administered intragastrically to rats at a dose of 7 50.0 mg/kg, was inactiveHrom. Flavonoid fraction of the dried aerial part, at a dose of 4.0 gm/kg, produced weak activityHroz42 . Water extract of the entire plant was active on dogsHPOIJO.
DNA repair induction. Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried leaves was active on rat liver cellsHrozo7.
Dopamine uptake inhibition. Carbon dioxide extract of the dried flower and leaf was active on synaptosomesHrozs1.
Emmolient effect. Olive oil extract of the flower was active as a burn treatment when applied topicallyHro140.
GABA inhibition. Carbon dioxide extract of the dried flower and leaf was active on synaptosomesHrozs1.
GABA receptor binding decrease. Hydroalcoholic extract of the dried flower and leaf inhibited muscimol and COP binding to OABA receptors, IC50 3.24 and 3.31 meg/ mL, respectivelyHrom.
Genotoxicity activity. Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried leaf was inactive in in vitro studies in systems such as hypoxanthine guanidine phosphoribosyl transferase test, unscheduled DNA synthesis test and Syrian hamster embryo cell transformation testHrozo1.
Glutamate receptor binding decrease. Hydro-alcoholic extract of the dried flower and leaf inhibited COP binding to the NMDA receptorsHrozsz.
Glutamate uptake inhibition. Carbon dioxide extract of the dried flower and leaf was active on synaptosomesHrozs1.
Glutamate-oxaloacetate inhibition. Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried leaf, administered intragastrically to mice at variable dosage levels, was inactive vs fur spot testHrozo7.
Glycolysis inhibition. Water extract of the dried aerial part was active on the brainHPOI57 •
Hair stimulant effect. Water extract of the entire plant, applied topically together with a mixture of other plants, was effective for alopeciaHrom.
Hemagglutinin activity. Saline extract of the dried seeds, at a concentration of 10%, was inactive on the human RBCHPom.
Hepatotoxic activity. Thirty-one HIV positive patients were administered over-thecounter hypericin-containing herbal extracts orally. No statistically significant changes in CD4+ levels were seen in any patient group of the study. Five patients experienced elevated live function testsHrozzs.
Hypertensive activity. Hot water extract of the stem, administered intravenously to dogs at a dose of 1.0 mL/animal, was effecti veHPOIOO.
Inotropic effect. Flavonoid fraction of the dried aerial part, at a concentration of 0.1 mcg/mL, had a positive effect on the heartHP0 144 .
Insecticide activity. Water extract of the aerial part was inactive on Blatella germanica and Oncopeltus fasciatusHroz 39 •
lnterleukin-1-alpha release inhibition. Water extract of the entire plant was active on the human monocytes vs lipopolysaccharide stimulationHrozsJ.
lnterleukin-1-beta release inhibition. Hydro- alcoholic extract of the dried aerial part was equivocal on the human blood vs phytohemagglutinin or lipopolysaccharide-induced releaseHPo 166 .
lnterleukin-6 release. Hydro-alcoholic extract of the dried aerial part was active on the human blood vs phytohemagglutinin or lipopolysaccharide-induced releaseHPo 166 .
Leukotriene B-4 production inhibition. Water extract of the entire plant was active on the human polymorphonuclear leukocytes vs calcium ionophore A23187-phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate stimulationHrom.
Monoamine oxidase inhibition (Types A and B). Carbon dioxide extract of the dried flower, at a concentration of 50.0 mcg/mL, was inactiveHrozs 1. Methanol and petroleum ether extracts of the dried aerial part, at a concentration of 1.0 mmol, produced weak activityHP 0170 .
Muscarinic antagonist activity. Hydroalcoholic extract of the aerial part, at a concentration of 1.0%, was active on mouse brainHPOI67.
Mutagenic activity. Chloroform, ethyl acetate and ethanol (95%) extracts of the dried aerial part, on agar plate at a concentration of 20.0 microliters/plate, were active on Salmonella typhimurium TA98Hro 188. Ethanol (100%) extract of the dried flower, at variable concentrations on agar plate, was active on Salmonella typhimurium TA100 and TA98. Metabolic activation was required for activityHrozoz. Ethanol (95%) extract and the essential oil of the dried leaf were active on Salmonella typhimuriumHroz 04 • Tincture of the aerial part, on agar plate at a concentration of 160.0 microliters/disc, was active on Salmonella typhimurium TA100 and TA98. Metabolic activation had no effect on the resultsHP0187.
Narcotic activity. Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried aerial part, administered intragastrically to mice, was activeHP0146.
Norepinephrine uptake inhibition. Carbon dioxide extract of the dried flower and leaf was active on synaptosomesHrozs 1.
Phagocytosis stimulation. Ethanol (95%) extract and unsaponifiable fraction of the dried leaves, administered intraperitoneally to mice at a dose of 0.5 mL/animal, were inactiveHP 0243 .
Pharmacokinetic study. In a pharmacokinetic study, 1 mg of the hydro-alcoholic extract was administered as a single dose to human adults, and blood samples were taken. From 3.5 to 8 hours after dosing, the level of the extract increased from 0.45 ng/ mL to 4.21 ng/mL. Maximum resorption time was 6 hoursHP 0145 .
Photosensitizer activity. Fluid extract of the entire plant, on agar plate, was inactive on Candida albicansHPo 117 • The aerial part, in the ration of sheep, was active. Sheep with fully pigmented skin were insensitive to the action of the plantHr0119.
Phototoxicity. The aerial part, in the ration of cattle of both sexes at a dose of 1.0 gm/ kg, was inactive. The animals were dosed after exposure to sunlight. A dose of 3.0 gm/kg, administered intragastrically, was active. When the animals were dosed after exposure to sunlight, the temperature and respiration of the animals rose 3 to 4 hours later and the animals were restless and
passed soft fecesHro 143.
Prophage induction. Ethanol (95%) extract of the dried entire plant, on agar plate at variable concentrations, was inactive. The assay system was intended to predict for antitumor activityHroz17.
Reverse transcriptase inhibition. Acetone and ethanol ( 70%) extracts of the dried entire plant, at a concentration of 10.0 mcg/mL, were inactive. The ethanol (95%) extract was activeHroz54.
Serotonin receptor blocking effect. Hydroalcoholic extract of the aerial part, at a concentration of 0.1 %, produced weak activity on a mouse brain vs 5-HT-IAA receptorHP0167.
Serotonin uptake inhibition. Carbon dioxide extract of the dried flower and leaf was active on synaptosomesHroz51. Hydro-alcoholic extract of the aerial part, at a concentration of 0.01 %, was active on the mouse brain vs re-uptake of synaptosome preparationsHr0167.
Serotonin uptake stimulation. Methanol extract of the aerial part was active on the rat synaptosome, IC50 6.2 mcg/mLHro150.
Sleep potentiation. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the dried aerial part, administered intragastrically to mice at a concentration of 13.25 mg/kg, produced weak activity vs influence on the sleep duration induced by pentobarbital. The activity was decreased with dosage, results significant at p <0.005 levelHPoi49. The aerial part, administered intragastrically to male mice, extended narcotic-induced sleepHP0141 .
Smooth muscle relaxant activity. Ethyl acetate extract of the dried aerial part, at a concentration of 0.1 mg/mL, was active on pig arterial muscle vs histamine-induced contractions, and on the coronary artery vs prostaglandin F2 alpha-induced contractionsHP0148. Water extract of the aerial part, at a concentration of 1 :5, and tincture at a concentration of 1:20, were active on cat and mouse intestinesHroizJ.
Smooth muscle stimulant activity. Hot water extract of the stem was active on the guinea pig ileum. The spasms were blocked by atropineHPOIOO.
Spasmolytic activity. Ethanol/water ( 1:1) extract of the entire plant was inactive on a rat uterusHrom.
Toxic effect. The aerial partHP0154 and its hydro- alcoholic extract HPOI71, when taken orally by adults of both sexes at a dose of 900.0 mg/ day, were inactive. In an open study of 3250 patients treated with St. John's Wort, observed side effects were gastrointestinal (0.6%) and fatigue (0.4o/o)HPOI51 . The aerial part, administered orally to pigs, was active. Symptoms include temperature increase to about 105 degrees Fahrenheit, rapid pulse and respiration, diarrhea and dermatitis in the white animals after exposure to sunlight. Blistering and necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue was observed. Intestinal and stomach inflammations were sometimes seenHro178.
Toxicity assessment. Ethanol/water (1: 1) extract of the entire plant, administered intraperitoneally to mice, produced L050 > 1 000 mg/kgHPOZJZ •
Tumor necrosing factor inhibition. Hydroalcoholic extract of the dried aerial part was active on human blood vs phytohemagglutinin or lipopolysaccharide-induced releaseHPOI66.
Uterine relaxation effect. Hot water extract of the stem was active on a non-pregnant rat uterus Hrowo.
Uterine stimulant effect. Hot water extract of the stem, at a concentration of 50.0  mL/liter, was active on guinea pig uterus. A concentration of 100.0 mL/liter was active on human uterus. A dose of 2.0 mL/kg, administered intravenously to dogs, was in- Choline content in some medicinal plants. activeHPowo. Water extract of the leaf was  active on nonpregnant rat uterus HPOtoz.
Wound healing acceleration. Ethanol ( 60%) extract of the dried leaf, administered intragastrically to rats at a dose of 0.1 mL/animal, increased wound strength and  rate of contraction and epithelization in excision woundsHP 0209 • Hot water extract of the aerial part, applied externally to rabbitsHPo233 and guinea pigs at a dose of  20.0%, was active vs experimentally-induced wounds HP0129 •


Adenopathy (f; CRC; JLH); Alcoholism (1; MAB); Alopecia (f; CRC); Anorexia (1; CAN); Anuria (f; CRC); Anxiety (2; APA; KOM; PH2; PNC); Apoplexy (f; MAD); Asthma (f; CRC; PH2); Bacteria (1; CRC; FAD; MAB; PH2; VVG); Bite (f; CRC); Bladder Stone (f; CEB); Bleeding (f; CRC; DEM; MAD); Bronchosis (f; CRC; PH2); Bruise (2; APA; BGB; FAD; MAB); Bunion (f; CRC); Burn (2; APA; KOM; MAD; PH2; SHT); Calcification (f; PH2); Cancer (1; CRC; MAB); Cancer, breast (f; JLH); Cancer, lymph (f; JLH); Cancer, ovary (f; JLH); Cancer, stomach (f; JLH); Cancer, uterus (f; JLH); Cardiopathy (f; MAD); Catarrh (f; CRC); Cerebrosis (f; CRC; PH2); Chickenpox (1; MAB); Childbirth (f; CRC); Cholecystosis (f; APA; FAD; PH2); Climacteric (f; MAD); Cold (f; APA; PNC); Cold Sore (1; MAB); Concussion (f; CRC); Congestion (1; APA); Crohn’s Disease (f; CRC); Cough (f; APA; DEM; PNC); Coxalgia (f; CRC; MAD); Cramp (f; APA; HHB; MAD); Cut (f; FAD); Cyanosis (f; MAD); Cystosis (f; CRC); Cytomegalovirus (1; MAB); Depression (2; APA; BGB; CRC; FAD; KOM; PH2; SHT; WAM); Dermatosis (2; APA; PHR; PH2); Diarrhea (f; APA; FAD; MAB; PH2); Duodenosis (f; MAD); Dysentery (f; CRC; FAD; MAB); Dysmenorrhea (f; APA CRC; MAD; PNC); Dyspepsia (2; APA; KOM; PHR; PH2); Dysuria (f; CEB; CRC); Eczema (1; PH2); Endometriosis (f; MAD); Enterosis (f; DEM); Enuresis (f; CRC; MAB; PH2); Epilepsy (f; MAD); Epistaxis (f; DEM); Fever (f; DEM); Fibrososis (f; CAN); Flu (1; CAN); Gas (f; MAD); Gastroduodenosis (1; CAN); Gastrosis (1; CAN; CRC; PH2); Gout (f; MAD; PH2; VVG); Headache (f; CRC; MAD); Hematuria (f; CEB); Hemoptysis (f; CRC; MAD); Hemorrhagia (1; CRC; MAB); Hemorrhoid (1; APA; CRC; HHB; MAD); Hepatosis (1; CAN; MAB; MAD; MAN); Herpes (1; MAB); High Blood Pressure (1; CAN); HIV (1; CAN; JAD); Hydrophobia (f; CRC); Hysteria (f; BGB; CRC; MAB); Immunodepression (1; CAN); Impotence (f; CRC); Induration (f; CRC; JLH); Infection (1; APA; CAN; MAB); Inflammation (1; APA; CRC; FAD; PIP; PH2); Insomnia (1; CAN; CRC; FAD; FNF; MAD; PH2); Jaundice (f; CRC; MAB; MAD); Lumbago (f; MAD); Lymphosis (f; JLH); Mania (1; FNF; MAD); Mastosis (f; CRC; JLH; MAD); Melancholy (1; FNF; MAD); Menopause (1; CAN; MAB); Menorrhagia (f; MAB); Migraine (f; MAD); Myalgia (2; KOM; PHR; PH2; SHT); Neck (f; CRC); Nephrosis (f; APA); Nerve (f; CRC); Nervousness (1; APA; CAN; CRC; FAD; MAD; PH2; PNC); Neuralgia (1; BGB; CAN; MAB); Neurasthenia (f; CRC); Neurofibromatosis (f; MAD); Neurosis (1; BGB; CAN; PH2); Noctambulism (f; MAD); OCD (1; WAF); Oliguria (f; CRC); Otosis (1; SKY); Oxyurid (f; HHB); Pain (1; CAN; CRC; EFS); Paralysis (f; CRC); Parasite (f; MAB); Pertussis (f; CRC); Phthisis (f; CRC); Pulmonosis (f; APA; CEB); Rabies (f; CRC); Radiation (f; AIL); Rheumatism (1; MAB; PH2; PNC); SAD (2; MAB); Sciatica (1; CAN; CRC; MAB); Shingles (1; MAB); Snakebite (f; DEM); Sore (f; CRC; DEM; FAD); Sore Throat (f; CEB); Spine (f; CRC); Sprain (1; BGB; WAM); Staphylococcus (1; PH2); Sterility (f; DEM); Stimulant (f; EFS); Stomatosis (f; CEB); Strain (1; WAM); Streptococcus (1; PH2); Stress (1; CAN); Sunburn (1; AIL); Swelling (1; CAN; CEB; MAB; MAD); Tetanus (f; CRC); Tonsilosis (f; PH2); Tuberculosis (f; CRC); Ulcer (1; CAN; CRC; MAB; MAD); Ulcus cruris (f; MAD); Uterosis (f; JLH; MAD); VD (f; DEM); Viral Hepatitis (1; MAB); Virus (2; APA; PH2; SKY; VVG); Vitiligo (1; CRC; SKY); Water Retention (f; BGB; DEP; EFS; MAD; VVG); Worm (f; CEB; CRC; DEP; EFS; FAD); Wound (2; APA; KOM; PH2; WAM).

Approved by Commission E: "' '-
• Anxiety
• Depressive moods
• Inflammation of the skin
• Blunt injuries
• Wounds and burns
Internally, the drug is used for psychovegetative disturbances, depressive moods, anxiety and nervous unrest.
Externally, the oily Hypericum preparations are used for . treatment and post-therapy of acute and contused injuries and for first-degree burns.
Unproven uses: The herb has been used for worm infestation, bronchitis and asthma, gallbladder disease, gastritis (also diarrhea), nocturnal enuresis, gout and rheumatism. Oily Hypericum preparations are used internally for dyspeptic complaints, and externally for the treatment of myalgia.
Chinese Medicine: In a gargle solution, the herb is used externally for tonsillitis. The herb is also administered externally as a lotion for dermatoses.
Homeopathic Uses: The herb has been used for treatment of peripheral and central nervous system injuries, depressive moods, asthma and cerebral-vascular calcification.

Internal use: Depressive mood, anxiety
External use (oily preparations): Contusions, wounds, burns

Cream; sublingual capsules; solid forms: 100, 300, 500 (0.3% hypericin), 250 (0.14% hypericin) mg; tincture

·         Adult PO: 300 mg hypericum extract, standardized to 0.3% hypericin, tid
·         Adult topical: apply prn

Dosages for oral administration (adults) recommended in standard herbal reference texts(G6, G7) are the same for several traditional uses; examples are given below.
·         DRIED HERB  2–4 g as an infusion three times daily.(G7)
·         LIQUID EXTRACT  2–4mL (1 : 1 in 25% alcohol) three times daily.(G7)
·         TINCTURE   2–4mL (1 : 10 in 45% alcohol) three times daily.(G7)
·         Doses of St John's wort extracts used in clinical trials involving patients with mild to moderate depression generally range from 240–1800 mg daily (equivalent to varying concentrations of hypericin and hyperforin, depending on the extract), typically for four to six weeks.(24)

·         2–4 g dry herb (0.2–1 mg hypericin)/day (JAD); 2–5 g dry herb/day (MAB); 2–4 mL liquid herb extract (PNC); 2–4 g dry shoot, or in tea, 3 x/day (CAN); 1–2 tsp (2–4 g flowers)/cup water 1–2 /day for 4–6 wk (APA);
·         2–4 mL liquid flowering tops extract (1:1 in 25% ethanol) 3 x/day (CAN); 2–4 mL flowering tops tincture (1:10 in 45% ethanol) 3 x/day (CAN); 1–2 mL flowering tops tincture 3 x/day (SKY);
·         1–2.7 mg/day hypericum (MAB);  0.2–1.0 mg total hypericin (PIP); 500 mg StX (0.2% hypericin) (SKY);
·         1 (430 mg) capsule (StX with 300 mg certified potency extract with at least 0.3% hypericin in a synergistic base of St. John’s-Wort powder) 3 x/day with a large glass of water (NH).

MODE OF ADMINISTRATION: Comminuted drug, herb powder, liquid and solid preparations for internal use; liquid and semi-solid preparations for external use; preparations made with fatty oils for external and internal use.
CAPSULES—(standardized at 0.3% hypericin) 125mg, 150mg, 250mg, 300mg, 350mg, 370mg, 375mg, 400mg, 424mg, 434mg, 450mg, 500mg, 510mg Capsules, Extended Release—(standardized at 0.3% hypericin) 450mg, 900mg, lOOOmg
Liquid—300 mg/5mL, 250 mg/mL
Liquid Dilutions—3x, 6x, 30x,12c, 30c
Pellets—3x, 6x, 12x, 12c, 30c
Tablets—(standardized at 0.3% hypericin) lOOmg, 150mg, 300mg, 450mg
Transdermal—900mg/24hr ' :-
PREPARATION: To prepare an infusion, use 2 teaspoonfuls of drug in 150 mL boiling water and steep for 10 minutes.
DAILY DOSAGE: In general, a range of 200 to 1000 micrograms/ day of hypericin is recommended for treatment of depression (Anon, 1996). Total hypericin concentrations of Hypericum extracts may vary widely, therefore caution should be taken in determining dosage (Fachinfo Helarium Hypericum, 1996; Fachinfo Remotiv, 1996; Hansgen, 1993; -Schmidt & Sommer, 1993; Vorbach, 1994; Woelk, 1994). - For depressive moods, it is recommended the herb be administered for the duration of 4 to 6 weeks; if no improvement is apparent, a different therapy should be initiated.
Capsules/tablets — 300 mg of the standardized extract should be administered three times daily (Clausson & Muller, 1997; Fachinfo Helarium Hypericum, 1996).
Dried herb — 2 to 4 grams taken 3 times daily (Fachinfo Helarium Hypericum, 1996; Fachinfo Remotiv, 1996; Hansgen, 1993; Schmidt & Sommer, 1993; Vorbach, 1994; Woelk, 1994).
Tea — St. John's Wort as a tea is the traditional method of administration, with a single dose of 2-3 grams dried herb placed in boiling water. If dried herb of 2 grams is used, and the dried herb to extract ratio is 6, a usual dose of the extract .- would be 300 milligrams (Schultz, 1997).
Liquid extract 1:1 in 25% ethanol — 2 to 4 milliliters taken 3 times daily (Fachinfo Helarium Hypericum, 1996; Fachinfo * Remotiv, 1996; Haensgen, 1993; Schmidt & Sommer, 1993; Vorbach, 1994; Woelk, 1994).
Tincture: (1:10) in 45% ethanol — 2 to 4 milliliters, 3 times a day (Fachinfo Helarium Hypericum, 1996; Fachinfo Remotiv, 1996; Hansgen, 1993; Schmidt & Sommer, 1993; Vorbach, 1994; Woelk, 1994). Wounds, bruising and swelling: The herb is applied topically and locally for treatment. The activity of the topical preparations is based on the hyperforin content, which is highly variable depending on the method of oil preparation. The preparation may be stable for a few weeks up to 6 months. (Maisenbacher & Kovar, 1992)
HOMEOPATHIC DOSAGE: The daily dosage for homeopathic indications is 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every 30 to 60 minutes for acute therapy, and 1 to 3 times daily for chronic use. Parenterally, 1 to 2 mL subcutaneously administered three times daily for acute therapy and once daily for chronic therapy. The ointment is applied 1 to 2 times daily for acute and chronic use (HAB1).
STORAGE: Store at room temperature, away from heat, moisture and direct light. Hyperici oleum has a limited shelf life. One study showed that a sample containing 62 milligrams of hyperforin (the active ingredient in the oil) contained no hypericin in 14 days. If sunlight is not used to prepare the oil, then the breakdown is slower, but still less than 30 days. Various oil preparation methods have been described, including one with eutanol G, which showed stability for 6 months. Researchers evaluated^ 6 commercial samples of oil of Hypericum containing 2.2 to 20.8 milligrams/deciliter. All hyperforin was gone by the end of five weeks (Maisenbacher, 1992).

·         TINCTURE: Extract 20 g of the herb in 100 g of 70 % ethanol and filter. Store away from light. Take 3–4 mL three times a day. The mean daily dose should be 0.2–1 mg total hypericin in any dosage form.
·         FOR DEPRESSIVE MOOD: The herb preparations should be taken for a period of at least 4 to 6 weeks to assess benefit. Solid and liquid hypericum preparations should be given at doses corresponding to 300 mg native extract (standardized to 0.3 % hypericin, and/or 2–3 % hyperforin), 2 to 3 times a day.

General: No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The tannin content of the drug can lead to digestive complaints, such as feeling of fullness or constipation. Patients with a previous history of photosensitization to various chemicals should be cautious of direct sun exposure (Wheatley, 1998).
Central Nervous System Effects: Restlessness (0.3%) and fatigue (0.4%) occurred in 3250 patients in one study of depressed patients (Woelk, 1994). In another study, fatigue/ tiredness was reported in 5% of subjects, and restlessness in 6% (Vorbach, 1997). Symptoms are difficult to evaluate since the herb is being used to treat depression, which may have similar symptoms. Headache was noted in 7% of studies reviewed (Wheatley, 1998).
Fertility Effects: High concentrations of St. John's Wort in vitro, was mutagenic to sperm cells and adversely effected oocytes. The data suggests St. John's Wort given at high concentrations damages reproductive cells (Ondrizek, 1999).
Gastrointestinal Effects: Gastrointestinal effects were noted in 0.6% of patients in one study. Anorexia occurred in 0.55% (n=18), diarrhea occurred in 0.55% (n=18), nausea occurred in 0.55% (n=18), and gastrointestinal pain or stomachache occurred in 0.55% (n=18) of 3250 patients taking Hypericum extract 300 milligrams 3 times daily (Woelk, 1994). Three percent of patients in one study developed dry mouth and 5% had gastrointestinal complaints Vorbach, 1997). Constipation was reported in 5% of cases reviewed (Wheatley, 1998).
Dertnatologic Effects: Photosensitization has been observed in animals following intakes of large quantities of the drug (starting at 3 g per kg body weight, which would be 150 g for a person weighing 50 kg). St. John's Wort photosensitization is dose-related, and has occurred with plasma concentrations of 50 meg of hypericin per mL, according to Schulz' Rational Phytotherapy—six orders of magnitude above that of patients taking an extract of 300 mg of 0.6% hypericin three times a day. Hypericism is defined as a sensitivity to light seen in animals who have ingested certain Hypericum species. The Hypericum pigments are carried to the skin, and in the unpigmented, unhaired portions of the skin of sheep, cattle, horses, goats and swine may produce sunlight induced rash and blisters (Giese, 1980; Southwell & Campbell, 1991). However, such a reaction is unlikely with administration of therapeutic dosages in humans.
1. Hypericum extract, especially at higher doses or with long-term use, may cause photosensitivity with sunburn-like lesions and inflammation of the mucous membranes, at least in animals (Duran & Song, 1986). Photosensitization has been demonstrated in a controlled clinical trial using metered doses of hypericin and subsequent exposure to UVA/UVB radiation (Roots, 1996).
2. Significant phototoxicity did occur in HIV-infected persons administered intravenous hypericim, 0.25-0.5 mg/kg twice weekly, or 0.25 mg three times weekly, or oral hypericin 0.25 mg/kg daily (Gulick, 1999).
3. Pruritus and exanthema occurred in 17 of 3250 patients (0.52%) taking Hypericum extract 300 milligrams three time a day (Woelk, 1994). Pruritus was found in 2% of patients taking Hypericum for depression (Wheatley, 1998).
4. A case report involved one patient taking St. John's Wort who developed subacute polyneuropathy after sun exposure (Bove, 1998).
Drug Interactions:
MAOI—Although there is poor documentation, concomitant administration of St. John's Wort and a MAOI , such as tranylcypromine, phenelzine, may lead to increased effects and possible toxicity (hypertensive crisis)-See~Contraindications (Hoelzl & Ostrowski, 1986; Mueller & Schaefer, 1996; Suzuki, 1984). It is prudent to avoid concomitant use with beta-sympathomimetic amines, e.g., ma huang or pseudoephedrine (Miller, 1998).
SSRFs—St. John's Wort taken concomitantly with an SSRI, such as fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, fluvoxamine or citalopram, may lead to an increased effect and possible toxicity "serotonin syndrome", e.g., sweating, tremor, flushing, confusion and agitation. St. John's Wort has slight serotonin reuptake properties. A case report suggests that coadministration of St. John's Wort with paroxetine has resulted in a clinical syndrome resembling a sedative/hypnotic intoxication (Gordon, 1998). Tannic acids present in St. John's Wort may inhibit the absorption of iron (Miller, 1998). Concomitant use with other photosensitizers, such as tetracyclines, sulfonamides, thiazides, quinolones, piroxicam and others should be avoided (Miller, 1998). Hypericum extract has been reported to significantly prolong narcotic-induced sleeping times and to antagonize the effects of reserpine (Okpanyi, 1987).
Cyclosporine — Decreased serum concentrations have occurred with use of St. John's Wort (Bon, 1999). Acute cellular transplant rejection in heart transplant patients due to an interaction between St. John's Wort and Cyclosporine has been reported. St. John's Wort has been proven to induce the cytochrome P450 enzyme system, the major pathway for cyclosporine metabolism. Heart transplant rejection has been reported as soon as 3 weeks after St. John's Wort is added to the drug regimen of heart transplant patients maintained on cyclosporine therapy (Ruschitzka, et al., 2000).
Indinavir — An open label study was conducted involving healthy volunteers that were administered 800 mg indinavir every 8 hours along with 300 mg St. John's Wort standardized to 0.3% hypericin 3 times daily. Results showed a 57% reduction in the area under the curve for the protease inhibitor and an 81% decrease of the extrapolated 8-hour indinavir trough value. The authors concluded that a reduction of this magnitude could lead to development of drug resistance and treatment failure (Piscitelli, et al., 2000). Clinicians are warned that St. John's Wort may significantly affect plasma concentrations of any drug that is metabolized by the cytochrome P450 system.
Ethinyloestradiol and desogestrel (combined oral contraceptive) — Breakthrough bleeding has occurred with concomitant use of St. John's Wort (Bon, 1999). Hypericin causes a reduction in barbiturate-induced sleeping times (Ozturk, 1992).
Theophylline — The herb has decreased theophylline levels on a patient stabilized on theophylline therapy (Nebel, 1999). Co-administration of St. John's Wort extract (LI 160) with digoxin resulted in a significant decrease in digoxin Grough, AUC (0-24), and Cmax values compared to placebo. Therefore, St. John's Wort may reduce efficacy of digoxin and make a patient a nonresponder, whereas increased toxicity may be anticipated after withdrawal of the herb (Andreas, 1999). ... - St. John's Wort (600-900 mg/day) taken concomitantly with sertraline (50-75 mg/day) after 2 to 4 days, resulted in a presumed serotonin syndrome consisting of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache, epigastric pain, anxiety, confusion, and/or feelings of restlessness and irritability. Cyproheptadine was used to reverse the symptoms and after discontinuation of the herb-drug therapy, all symptoms resolved (Lantz, 1999).
Nefazadine (100 mg BID) and St. John's Wort (300 mg TID) taken simutaneously resulted in nausea, vomiting and restlessness after 3 days of therapy. The symptoms improved after stopping the nefazadine and continuing with St. John's Wort (Lantz, 1999).

Figure  2. Squill – dried drug substance (bulb).
(Barnes et al., 2007)

Besides the already-mentioned symptoms, overdosage can lead to cardiac rhythm disorders, life-threatening .ventricular tachycardia, atrial tachycardia with atrioventricular block, stupor, vision disorders, depression, confused states, hallucinations and psychosis. Fatal dosages lead to cardiac arrest or asphyxiation.
Treatment of poisoning includes gastric lavage and instillation of activated charcoal. All other measures are to be carried out according to the symptoms. In case of potassium loss, careful replenishment; for ectopic impulse formation in the ventricle, administration of phenytoin as antiarrhythmic drug; lidocaine for ventricular extrasystole; for pronounced bradycardia, atropine or orciprenaline. The prophylactic use of a pacemaker is recommended. Hemoperfusion for eliminating the glycosides or the administration of cholestyramine for interrupting the enterohepatic circulation are possible.

CLASS 2D. May potentiate MAOIs (AHP). Active ingredients may be photoactive, especially in fair-skinned people. Reichert takes it even more seriously: Although hypericum is not as strong as synthetic MAOIs, patients should still avoid the things usually avoided: high tyramine foods (smoked or pickled), alcoholic beverages, amphetamines, cold and hay fever remedies, narcotics, tryptophan, and tyrosine (I no longer believe this caveat is desirable). Do not take during pregnancy or intense sun exposure (Reichert, 1994; WAM). Commission E reports adverse effect of photosensitivity. Other sources report flowering top permitted for external use only; not to be used before exposure to sunlight (AEH). Foster (1996) is moderate, suggesting that St. John’s-Wort should not be mixed with synthetic antidepressants. Because it may inhibit MAO, taking it with SSRIs, such as Prozac, could cause serious health damage. Although side effects have not been reported in clinical studies, range animals eating the plant and then standing in bright sunlight have experienced sunburn or blindness from photosensitization. This treatment option should be discussed with your health care provider (Foster, 1996). The Herbal PDR state that photodermatosis in animals usually kicks in after high doses, such as 3000 mg per kg body weight (PHR). CAN cautions that hypericin is phototoxic.
“Mice given 0.2–0.5 mg of the herb were found to develop severe photodynamic effects. Delayed hypersensitivity or photodermatosis has been documented for St. John’s-wort, following the ingestion of a herbal tea made from the leaves” (CAN). ESCOP recommends a limited daily intake of 1 mg total hypericin (QRNM, 1997:292). Because of slight uterine activity in vitro, its use in pregnancy and lactation is to be avoided (CAN). No contraindications or drug drug interactions reported (PIP). A recent Internet message cautions about the potential for serotonin syndrome. Symptoms include chills, confusion, fever, myoclonus, hyperactive reflexes, myoclonus, speech difficulties, and sweating. Cannot be mixed with an SSRI. That is likely to produce serotonin syndrome—severe headache, tachycardia, and diaphoresis—which resembles neuroleptic malignant syndrome (O’Brien, 1998). Recently found to detoxify all the same drugs that grapefruit potentiates. It induces cytochrome P3A4 450, which speeds up metabolism of several drugs. Nierenberg et al., 1999 kindly remind us that, like synthetic antidepressants, this herbal antidepressant may rarely induce hypomania in manic patients. Poorly designed Loma Linda studies (Ondrizek) suggest that hypericum may interfere with fertility. But this was based on soaking “skinned human sperm” for 24 hours in hypericum tea as I recall.

Simultaneous use of a MAO inhibitor: St. John's Wort contains some weak monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) properties that may add to the effects of other MAOI drugs, therefore theoretically increasing the risk for hypertensive crisis (Hoelzl & Ostrowski, 1986; Muller & Schaefer, 1996; Suzuki, 1984).
CNS: Dizziness, insomnia, restlessness, fatigue (PO)
GI: Constipation, abdominal cramps (PO)
INTEG: Photosensitivity, rash, hypersensitivity

ACE inhibitors, hormonal contraceptives, loop diuretics, NSAIDs, sulfonamides, sulfonylureas, tetracyclines, thiazide diuretics: St. John’s wort combined with these products may lead to severe photosensitivity; avoid concurrent use.
Alcohol, MAOIs: St. John’s wort may increase MAO inhibition (suggested by early studies); do not use alcohol, MAOIs and St. John’s wort concurrently until research is available.
Amphetamines, antidepressants, trazodone, tricyclics: St. John’s wort used with these products may cause serotonin syndrome.
Antiretrovirals, nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), protease inhibitors: Studies indicate that St. John’s wort taken PO in combination with indinavir may decrease the antiretroviral action of this drug. Cytodrome P450 1A2, 2C9, 3A4: St. John’s wort induces these enzyme systems.
Immunosuppressants: Rejection of transplanted hearts has occurred when St. John’s wort was taken PO with cyclosporine, an immunosuppressant. Other immunosuppressants may have the same drug interaction in heart transplants, as well as other transplants.
Paroxetine: Increased sedation may result when paroxetine is combined with St. John’s wort (Gordon, 1998).
SSRIs: Serotonin syndrome and an additive effect may occur when SSRIs are combined with St. John’s wort. Concurrent use may lead to coma. Do not use concurrently.

Catecholamines, tyramine: Limit foods high in tyramine or cat e chol amines until further research confi rms or denies the MAOI action of St. John’s wort taken PO.
Lab Test
Growth hormone: St. John’s wort may cause increased growth hormone (somatotropin, GH).
Digoxin, serum iron, serum prolactin, theophylline: St. John’s wort may cause decreased serum prolactin, theophylline (aminophylline), serum iron, and digoxin (peak and trough concentrations).
Very little is known about the pharmacokinetics in humans. St. John’s wort is thought to cross the blood-brain and placental barriers and possibly enter breast milk.

Data relating to the frequency and type of adverse effects associated with treatment with St John's wort extracts are available from randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses of such trials, and from post-marketing surveillance and other observational studies. Collectively, the data indicate that certain St John's wort extracts are well-tolerated when taken at recommended doses for shorter periods of time (around eight weeks).(131, 166) Data from the small number of longer-term (one year) studies support the tolerability of certain St John's wort extracts, although further investigation of long-term use is warranted. Adverse events/effects reported are generally mild and most commonly gastrointestinal symptoms. These observations, however, are based on data collected in the settings of formal randomised or observational studies, usually where H. perforatum has been prescribed under the supervision of a physician, not taken as self-treatment.
A small number of studies has explored the effects of selftreatment with St John's wort products. In a cross-sectional study involving 452 members of a depression self-help group (response rate = 17%), 63 of the 452 respondents (28%) reported adverse effects, including psychological symptoms, allergic reactions and visual disturbances, that they believed to be related to use of St John's wort.(167) The safety of St John's wort products taken as self-treatment without supervision by a healthcare professional requires further study.
A Cochrane systematic review included 37 randomised, doubleblind, controlled clinical trials of monopreparations of H. perforatum and involving a total of 4925 patients with depressive disorders (see Therapeutic effects, Depression).(24) Of the 26 placebo-controlled trials included in the review, data for analysis of the number of participants withdrawing for any reason were available from 19 trials, for withdrawing due to adverse effects from nine trials and for numbers of patients reporting adverse effects from 16 trials. Compared with placebo recipients, slightly fewer H. perforatum recipients withdrew from trials for any reason (odds ratio, 95% CI: 0.82, 0.64–1.06), withdrew due to adverse effects (odds ratio, 95% CI: 0.61, 0.28–1.31), and reported adverse effects (odds ratio, 95% CI: 0.79, 0.61–1.03). Compared with SSRIs, H. perforatum extracts were associated with a slightly lower probability of withdrawing from the study due to adverse effects (odds ratio, 95% CI: 0.60, 0.31–1.15; data from six trials) and reporting of adverse effects (odds ratio, 95% CI: 0.75, 0.52– 1.08; data from five trials), whereas overall withdrawal rates were similar (odds ratio, 95% CI: 0.95, 0.65–1.40; data from six trials).(24) Compared with older antidepressant agents, H. perforatum extracts were associated with a lower probability of withdrawing for any reason (odds ratio, 95% CI: 0.65, 0.46–0.92; data from seven trials), withdrawing due to adverse effects (odds ratio, 95% CI: 0.25, 0.14–0.45; data from six trials) and of reporting adverse effects (odds ratio, 95% CI: 0.39, 0.31–0.50; data from seven trials). It is important to consider that there is qualitative and quantitative variation in the composition of different manufacturers' products and the results of the analyses above should not be extrapolated to other H. Perforatum preparations.
The review described above(24) was an update, with tighter inclusion and exclusion criteria, of a previous Cochrane systematic review of 27 randomised controlled trials of H. perforatum preparations in depressive disorders.(129) The previous review reported that, in the trials comparing St John's wort with standard antidepressants, the proportions of patients reporting side-effects were 26.3% and 44.7%, respectively (rate ratio 0.57 and 95% CI 0.4–0.69).(129) Another meta-analysis which employed tight inclusion criteria reported that tricyclic antidepressants were associated with a higher proportion of side-effects than were St John's wort preparations (47% versus 26.4%, respectively, relative risk 1.72 and 95% CI 1.30–2.14).(130)
A randomised, double-blind, multicentre trial comparing the effects of a hydroalcoholic extract of H. perforatum herb (WS-5570, drug to extract ratio 3–7 : 1, standardised for hyperforin 3–6% and hypericin 0.12–0.28%; Schwabe Pharmaceuticals) with those of paroxetine in the acute treatment of moderate to severe depression has been published since the revised Cochrane review(24) was completed. In the study, 251 participants with acute major depression received H. perforatum extract 300 mg three times daily (increased to 1800 mg daily in non-responders), or paroxetine 20 mg daily (40 mg daily for non-responders), for six weeks.(128) During the study, 55% of H. perforatum recipients reported a total of 172 adverse events and 76% of paroxetine recipients reported a total of 269 adverse events, representing incidences of 0.035 and 0.060 adverse events per day of exposure for H. perforatum and paroxetine, respectively. Gastrointestinal adverse events were the most common adverse events reported for both groups. Data were not provided on numbers and types of adverse events considered to be related to treatment.
A systematic review of large-scale observational studies of H. perforatum extracts in patients with depressive disorders also provides data on adverse events. The review included 16 nonrandomised studies (involving a total of 34 804 patients) each involving at least 100 participants with depressive disorders who were treated with H. perforatum preparations for at least four weeks (see Therapeutic effects, Depression).(131) Overall, 13 studies reported data on proportions of participants withdrawing due to adverse events; these ranged from 0% to 2.8% in shortterm studies and from 3.4% to 5.7% in longer-term (one year) studies. Twelve studies reported data on proportions of participants with adverse events (range 0–49.3%) and 12 (not the same 12 studies) reported data on proportions of participants with sideeffects (range 0–5.9%). These data, however, should be interpreted cautiously as most of the studies did not describe adequately how these data were collected, clear definitions for the terms adverse events and adverse effects were not always provided, and as no serious adverse events were reported among the 30 000 patients, this raises questions about the methods used to collect data.(131) The most frequently reported adverse events or side-effects were gastrointestinal symptoms, followed by increased sensitivity to light and other skin reactions.
Photosensitivity Sensitivity to sunlight following the ingestion of hypericum or hypericin, the photosensitising agent in H. perforatum,(168, G33) is known as hypericism. Several studies have explored the photosensitising potential of hypericin-containing H. perforatum extract following oral administration. In a double-blind, crossover, single-dose study involving 13 healthy volunteers who received placebo or St John's wort extract (LI 160) (900, 1800 and 3600 mg containing 0, 2.81, 5.62 and 11.25 mg total hypericin, respectively), no evidence of photosensitivity was observed with or without St John's wort following skin irradiation with both UV-A and UV-B light 4 hours after dosing.(169) In a multiple-dose study in which 50 volunteers received St John's wort (LI 160) (600 mg) three times daily (equivalent to 5.6 mg total hypericin daily) for 15 days, a moderate increase in UV-A sensitivity was observed.(169) However, the doses used were higher than those recommended therapeutically. In another single-dose study, administration of St John's wort (LI 160) (1800 mg, equivalent to 5.4 mg total hypericin) to 12 healthy volunteers resulted in a mean serum total hypericin concentration of 43 ng/mL and a mean skin blister fluid concentration of 5.3 ng/mL.(170) After  administration of St John's wort (300 mg) three times daily for seven days in order to achieve steady-state concentrations, the mean serum total hypericin concentration was 12.5 ng/mL and the mean skin blister fluid concentration was 2.8 ng/mL; these concentrations are below those estimated to be phototoxic.(170) Further randomised, controlled, single- (six or 12 tablets of LI-160, equivalent to 5.4 and 10.8 mg hypericins, respectively; n = 48) and multiple-dose studies (three tablets of LI- 160 daily, equivalent to 2.7 mg hypericins daily, for seven days; n = 24) found no statistically significant differences in minimum erythema threshold doses (of light irradiation), erythema index and pigmentation index between treated and untreated skin areas (p > 0.05 for each).(171, 172)
Collectively, the evidence indicates that the threshold for phototoxicity of hypericin is between 100 and 1000 ng/mL.(171) Since serum and skin concentrations of hypericin after oral administration of recommended doses are below 100 ng/mL, photosensitivity seems unlikely. However, caution is advised as it is possible that there may be unusual absorption of hypericin in some individuals and, particularly in fair-skinned individuals and after extended periods of solar irradiation, there may be increased susceptibility to the photosensitising properties of hypericin.(171)
A study reported that HIV-positive patients treated with oral hypericin (0.05 mg/kg) for 28 days developed mild symptoms of photosensitivity on exposure to sunlight and that two patients developed intolerable symptoms of photosensitivity when the dose was increased to 0.16 mg/kg.(173) In a dose-escalating study involving 30 HIV-infected patients treated with oral (0.5 mg/kg daily) or intravenous hypericin (starting dosage 0.25 mg/kg twice or three times weekly), 16 patients discontinued treatment before completing eight weeks of therapy because of moderate or severe phototoxicity; severe cutaneous phototoxicity was observed in 11 out of 23 evaluable patients.(142) Other serious clinical or laboratory adverse events were infrequent: elevation of alkaline phosphatase and hepatic aminotransferase concentrations to more than five times normal values was noted in two and three patients, respectively.
The effects of topical application of H. perforatum extract on skin sensitivity have also been investigated. In a randomised controlled trial, 16 healthy volunteers with no history of skin disease or photosensitivity were treated with H. perforatum oil (containing hypericin 110 mg/mL) or H. perforatum ointment (containing an alcoholic H. perforatum extract with a final hypericin concentration of 30 mg/mL). The oil or ointment was applied to a two centimetre test area on one forearm of participants for 24 hours. Controls were an untreated test area of the same forearm, and the untreated other forearm. After removal of the oil or ointment, both forearms of participants received increasing doses of solar simulated irradiation (24, 48, 96 and 144 J/cm2). No phototoxic reactions were observed in any of the participants, and there was no change in the minimal erythema dose in either the oil or the ointment group,(174) although data to support the latter statement were not shown.
There was a significant increase in the erythema index following treatment with H. perforatum oil (which contained the higher concentration of hypericin) but not after H. perforatum ointment (p < 0.01 and p > 0.05, respectively, compared with values for untreated skin), although this may not be clinically relevant since the minimal erythema dose did not change. The phototoxic potential of topical application of the H. perforatum preparations tested appears to be low, although caution is necessary, particularly as hypericin may penetrate more highly through broken or lesional skin, and there may be increased susceptibility to the photosensitising properties of hypericin in fair-skinned individuals and after extended periods of solar irradiation.(174)
A case report describes a 45-year-old woman who developed blisters on two occasions at the treatment site following laser therapy to her legs for multiple solar keratoses.(175) It was stated that the patient revealed that she was taking St John's wort, although a sample of the product was not obtained and, therefore, no analysis was undertaken. The blisters resolved and, after stopping treatment with St John's wort, the patient underwent a further session of laser treatment without experiencing adverse effects. Delayed hypersensitivity or photodermatitis has been documented for St John's wort following the ingestion of a herbal teamade from the leaves.(176) Psychiatric effects Cases of mania(177, 178) and hypomania(179, 180) have been reported in individuals taking St John's wort preparations. Two cases of mania were reported in patients with bipolar depression who began self-treatment with standardised St John's wort extract (900 mg) daily(178) and one in a patient experiencing a moderate depressive episode who was taking both sertraline and St John's wort (dosage not known).(177) A case of hypomania was reported in a woman with panic disorder and unipolar major depression who had discontinued sertraline treatment one week before starting St John's wort tincture.(179)
Two cases of hypomania were reported in individuals with no history of bipolar disorder.(180) A man who had received electroconvulsive therapy and who had previously taken various antidepressant drugs, including venlafaxine, fluvoxamine, moclobemide and nortriptyline, experienced a hypomanic episode six weeks after starting St John's wort (dosage not stated). A man with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder was diagnosed with an acute manic episode after three months of self-treatment with St John's wort (dosage not stated).(180)
The cases described above, along with five other cases of mania, one of hypomania, two of schizophrenia, two of delirium and one of acute anxiety, were included in a review of psychotic events associated with administration of St John's wort products. Across the 17 cases, the onset of symptoms ranged from two days to six months after initiation of St John's wort treatment.(181) The dosage of St John's wort taken was stated in only six of these cases; this was within recommended dosages except in one case where an excessively high dose was reported to have been taken (18 g; no further details provided). All these reports stated that the symptoms had resolved after stopping treatment with St John's wort, although in one case the patient improved but initially remained agitated despite cessation of St John's wort.(180) None of the cases involved rechallenge with St John's wort. Typically, these cases have involved self-treatment with St John's wort products, rely on self-report of St John's wort use, have not obtained blood samples for analysis of constituents of H. perforatum and/or their metabolites and have not obtained samples of the product for analysis. Also, in most cases, there were other pharmacological factors and/or underlying illnesses that could have been responsible for or contributed to the observed events. Other effects A case of subacute toxic neuropathy possibly related to the use of St John's wort and subsequent exposure to sunlight has been reported.(182)
Awoman developed stinging pains in areas exposed to the sun (face and hands) four weeks after starting treatment with St John's wort (500 mg/day, extract and hypericin content not stated); the report did not state whether the woman was using any other products. Her symptoms improved three weeks after stopping St John's wort and disappeared over the next two months. There have been reports of sensory nerve hypersensitivity occurring in individuals who have taken St John's wort preparations (tablets or tinctures).(183) There is an isolated report of confusion, disorientation and hypertensive crisis (blood pressure 210/140 mmHg) in a 41-yearold man seven days after he began taking a St John's wort product for work-related stress. It was reported that the man had consumed aged cheese and red wine before onset of the delirium, which is suggestive of hypertension associated with the use of a monoamine oxidase inhibitor.(184) However, although previous in vitro experiments have indicated that H. perforatum extracts had monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity, this has not been confirmed in subsequent in vitro studies (see Pharmcological Actions, In vitro and animal studies), and consensus is that St John's wort is not a monoamine oxidase inhibitor.(118) In addition, no analysis of blood samples or of the St John's product appears to have been undertaken, thus alternative explanations for the event cannot be ruled out. St John's wort extract (BNO-1385, containing 255–285 mg extract equivalent to hypericin 900 mg) 255 to 285 mg three times daily taken for 14 days had no significant effect on heart rate variability, cognitive performance and parameters of autonomic function (vasoconstrictory response of cutaneous blood flow and skin conductance response following a single deep inspiration) according to the results of a randomised, double-blind, placebocontrolled, three-arm, crossover trial involving 12 healthy male volunteers. (Decrease in heart rate variability is an effect observed with chronic administration of tricyclic antidepressant agents, although the implications of this for morbidity and mortality in patients with depression are not yet understood.)(185, 186)
In contrast, amitriptyline 25 mg daily significantly decreased heart rate variability and significantly influenced the parameters of autonomic function. The effects of another St John's wort herb extract (Hyperiforte, 300 mg extract containing hypericin 990 mg, pseudohypericin 526 mg and hyperforin 9–15 mg) 900 mg or 1800 mg as a single dose on cognitive and psychomotor performance were compared with those of amitriptyline 25 mg in a randomised, placebo-controlled, crossover study involving 13 healthy volunteers. Recipients of H. perforatum extract, compared with placebo, experienced a dose-dependent impairment in one of the eight tests (digit symbol substitution test), whereas amitriptyline recipients showed statistically significant impairments in performance in seven of the eight tests.(187)
In a case–control study, 37 patients with raised serum thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations (7–20 mU/mL) matched for age and sex to 37 individuals with normal TSH concentrations (1–3 mU/mL) selected from the same set of patient records, were interviewed regarding their exposure to St John's wort products and other prescription and non-prescription medicines. Four participants with raised TSH concentrations and two with normal TSH concentrations reported that they had taken St John's wort products within six months of the TSH test (odds ratio, 95% CI for raised TSH concentrations associated with self-reported exposure to St John's wort during the specified time period: 2.12, 0.36 to 12.36; p > 0.05).(188) The small sample size may mean that the study lacked the statistical power to detect an association between St John's wort exposure and raised TSH concentrations. Other methodological issues include the possibility of confounding by indication, since individuals with hypothyroidism may experience symptoms of depression and, therefore, be more likely to take St John's wort.(188) Further research to assess the possibility of effects of H. perforatum on thyroid function may be warranted. There are two isolated reports of sexual dysfunction, including decreased libido and erectile dysfunction, associated with use of St John's wort products. In one man, previous symptoms of sexual dysfunction, possibly related to use of a conventional antidepressant agent which had resolved on stopping treatment, reappeared one week after initiation of treatment with St John's wort.(189) Another report describes a man who experienced decreased libido whilst taking St John's wort for nine months.(190)

The consumption of large quantities of St John's wort by grazing animals has been associated with the development of photosensitivity.( 191, G22, G51) Mice given 0.2–0.5 mg of the herb were found to develop severe photodynamic effects.(G22) Studies using cell cultures of human keratinocytes incubated with hypericin or St John's wort extract and exposed to UV-A resulted in a reduction in the LC50 (lethal concentration) with hypericin, but only a mild reduction with hypericum.(192) From these findings it has been estimated that at least 30 times the therapeutic dose would be necessary to produce phototoxic effects in humans.(192) It has been shown in in vitro experiments using a human keratinocyte cell line and quercitrin-free and quercitrin-containing extracts of H. perforatum that quercitrin reduces the phototoxicity of H. perforatum extracts.(193)
Experimental evidence has suggested that a solution of hypericin can react with visible and UV light to produce free radical species and that this may lead to damage of proteins in the lens of the eye.(194) Up to October 2005, there were no spontaneous reports of cataract formation in individuals who  have taken St John's wort.(195)
A hydromethanolic extract of St John's wort flowering tops (containing 0.3% hypericin) at concentrations of 1–300 mg/mL reduced experimentally induced contractions in rat vas deferens smooth muscle in a concentration-dependent manner.(196) The St John's wort extract and hyperforin also produced a concentrationdependent inhibition of phenylephrine-induced contractions in human vas deferens in vitro; mean (standard error of mean) IC50 values for the extract and hyperforin were 13.9 (2.0) and 0.45 (0.04) mg/mL, respectively.
A number of experimental studies has investigated the genotoxic potential and mutagenic activity of St John's wort extracts in vitro and in vivo. In vivo studies and most in vitro studies provided negative results, indicating a lack of mutagenic potential with defined St John's wort extracts.(G52) Mutagenic activity observed in an in vitro Ames test was attributed to the presence of quercetin, although other studies have found no mutagenic potential with a St John's wort extract and it has been stated that there is no valid evidence for the carcinogenicity of quercetin in humans.(G21,G52)
Dietary administration of St John's wort to rats was found to have no effect on various hepatic drug-metabolising enzymes (e.g. aminopyrine, N-demethylase, glutathione S-transferase and epoxide hydrolase) or on copper concentrations in the liver (see Contra-indications, Warnings, Drug interactions). No major effects were observed on hepatic iron or zinc concentrations and no significant tissue lesions were found in four rats fed St John's wort in their daily diet for 119 days (10% for first 12 days and 5% thereafter because of unpalatability).(197) Cytotoxic constituents related to hyperforin have been isolated from two related Hypericum species (see Pharmacological Actions, In vitro and animal studies).

Photosensitization (hypericism) has been observed in animals that consume large quantities of the herb, but this is unlikely to occur in humans following administration of the designated therapeutic doses. Nonetheless, fair-skinned individuals should take due precaution when using Hypericum.

The main active principles of the herb are the flavone and flavonol derivatives, xanthones and naphthodianthrone (hypericins). A mild antidepressant, sedative and anxiolytic action of the herb and its preparations has been documented in clinical studies. Historically, hypericin was thought to have a weak MAO inhibitor effect. However, recent literature suggests hypericin is devoid of MAO inhibitory activity (Bladt, 1994).
More recent studies have indicated that the antidepressive effect may be largely due to the ability of the herb to inhibit the reuptake of serotonin and other neurotransmitters. The activity of the herb could be attributable to the combined contribution of several mechanisms, each one too weak by itself to account for the overall effect (Bennett, 1998). A study concluded that hydroalcoholic hypericum extract inhibits the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine with similar affinities, which leads to a significant down-regulation of cortical beta- adrenoceptors and serotonin (5HT-2) receptors. This data suggested hyperforin is the active principle of hypericum extracts in biochemical models of antidepressant activity (Muller, 1998).
The antidepressive action not only results from the effect on adrenergic transmitter systems (norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin), but also from an endocrine effect (melatonin). Oily Hypericum preparations demonstrate an anti-inflammatory action due to their high flavonoid content. Antiviral (retroviruses) properties of the herb have not been proven. No antiretroviral activity determined by virologic markers and CD4 cell count of hypericin was seen in a study of HIVinfected patients (Gulick, 1999).  The antibacterial effect of hyperforin was demonstrated in a recent study. Hyperforin inhibited the growth of gram positive bacteria, such as Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus agalactiae. Hyperforin also demonstrated efficacy against penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (PRSA) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). These data indicate the possible use of the herb for local treatment of infected wounds and eczematous skin lesions (Schempp, 1999).
A meta-analysis of 23 randomized trials consisting of 1757 outpatients with mild to moderately severe depressive disorders was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Hypericum perforatum. Although Hypericum was significantly superior to placebo with fewer adverse effects (19.9% with Hypericum compared to 52.8% with standard antidepressants), there was little standardization and a lack of information with regard to the diagnostic criteria, compliance control, and dosage regimen of Hypericum and standard antidepressants (Linde K, 1996).
The equivalence between St. John's Wort and fluoxetine was demonstrated in a randomized, double-blind, comparative trial involving 149 outpatients with mild or moderate depressive episodes (according to International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems). Patients were treated for 6 weeks. A daily dose of 800 mg St. John's Wort extract LoHyp-57 (dry extract of St. John's Wort, drug .extract ratio 5-7:1, solvent, ethanol 60% [w/w]) was found to be equivilent in efficacy to 20 mg fluoxetine (Harrer, 1999).
The effectiveness and tolerance of Hypericum extract LI 160 with a dosage of 300 mg three times daily was compared to imipramine 25 mg three times daily in a double-blind, clinical study. The study involved 135 depressed patients (according to DSM-III-R criteria) treated over a 6-week period. The analysis demonstrated comparable results between the treatment groups, with fewer and milder side effects in the Hypericum group (Vorbach, 1994).

Individuals with sensitivity towards St John's wort may experience allergic reactions. The use of St John's wort is not advised in known cases of photosensitivity and, in view of the potential of hypericin as a photosensitising agent, therapeutic UV treatment should be avoided whilst using St John's wort.(G1) It has previously been suggested that excessive doses of St John's wort may potentiate monoamine oxidase inhibitor therapy.(198) However, as monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity has not been reported in vivo with St John's wort, this warning is no longer considered necessary. In addition, avoidance of foodstuffs, such as those containing tyramine (e.g. cheese, wine, meat and yeast extracts) and medicines containing sympathomimetic agents (e.g. cough/cold remedies), which interact with MAOIs, is
not considered necessary.
Drug interactions There are important pharmacokinetic interactions and potential for important pharmacodynamic interactions between St John's wort preparations and certain other medicines.(118, 199, 200) Evidence for pharmacokinetic interactions between St John's wort preparations and certain other medicines, leading to a loss of or reduction in the therapeutic effect of those medicines, includes spontaneous reports(199) and published case reports.(200, G79) Drugs that may be affected include certain anticonvulsants, ciclosporin, digoxin, indinavir (and other HIV protease inhibitors, and HIV non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors), oral contraceptives, theophylline and warfarin. A report involving four cases describes reduced plasma methadone trough concentrations in addicts who received St John's wort extract 900 mg daily before methadone maintenance treatment.(201) There have also been reports of increased serotonergic effects (i. e. pharmacodynamic interactions) in patients taking St John's wort products concurrently with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g. sertraline, paroxetine).(202, 203) There are isolated reports of hypotension during general anaesthesia(204) and delayed emergence following general anaesthesia.(205) In both cases, patients had been taking St John's wort before receiving several anaesthetic agents, including fentanyl and propofol. It has been suggested that treatment with St John's wort preparations should be stopped at least five days before undergoing elective surgery.(206) In the year 2000, the UK Committee on Safety of Medicines (CSM) issued advice to pharmacists, doctors, other healthcare professionals and patients on the use of St John's wort products with certain other medicines.(207, 208) The CSM's advice for healthcare professionals regarding patients taking St John's wort and other medicines concurrently can be summarised as follows.
Warfarin, ciclosporin, digoxin, theophylline and anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, phenobarbital and phenytoin) There is a risk of reduced therapeutic effect, e.g. risk of transplant rejection, seizures and loss of asthma control. Advice is to check plasma drug concentrations (with warfarin, the patient's International Normalised Ratio should be checked) and to stop St John's wort therapy. In addition, dose adjustment may be necessary.
HIV protease inhibitors (indinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir and saquinavir) and HIV non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (efavirenz and nevirapine) There is a risk of reduced blood concentrations with possible loss of HIV suppression. Advice is to measure HIV RNA viral load and to stop St John's wort.
Oral contraceptives There is a risk of reduced blood concentrations, breakthrough bleeding and unintended pregnancy.
Advice is to stop St John's wort. Triptans (sumatriptan, naratriptan, rizatriptan and zolmitriptan) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (citalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine and sertraline) There is a risk of increased serotonergic effects with the possibility of an increased risk of adverse reactions. Advice is to stop St John's wort. Patients already taking any of the above drugs should be advised not to start taking St John's wort and users of other medicines should be advised to seek professional advice before using St John's wort. Topical medicines and non-psychotropic medicines that are excreted renally are not likely to interact with St John's wort. In addition, topical or homeopathic preparations of St John's wort are not likely to interact with prescribed medicines.
There is further evidence from prospective pharmacokinetic studies involving patients who have received St John's wort preparations and other medicines concurrently that there are interactions which result in altered pharmacokinetics, including reduced plasma concentrations, of amitriptyline,(209) ciclosporin,(210, 211) tacrolimus,(212) and irinotecan.(213) These studies have typically been open-label studies (although two involved a randomised, crossover design) involving small numbers of patients undergoing treatment with the respective conventional medicines and who were also treated with single and/or multiple doses (600 to 900 mg extract daily for around two weeks) of St John's wort preparations. In one randomised, crossover study, 10 patients who had undergone renal transplants were treated concurrently with ciclosporin and St John's wort extract with a low or high hyperforin content. Patients experienced altered ciclosporin pharmacokinetics and required ciclosporin dose increases only whilst taking the extract with the high content of hyperforin.(211)
Studies with different designs (and varying methodological quality)(214) and involving healthy volunteers have provided supporting evidence of pharmacokinetic interactions between St John's wort preparations and digoxin,(215) imatinib,(216, 217) oral contraceptives,(218, 219) phenprocoumon,(220) quazepam,(221) simvastatin,(222) tacrolimus,(223) verapamil(224) andwarfarin.(225) These and other studies provide evidence indicating that St John's wort preparations induce the cytochrome P450 (CYP) drug-metabolising enzyme CYP3A4,(220, 226–229) as well as affecting P-glycoprotein (a transport protein).(200, 230) As with other medicines, whether or not clinically important drug interactions occur with St John's wort preparations depends on several factors, including the dosage regimen, route of administration and pharmaceutical quality of St John's wort preparations and co-administered medicines. As CYP3A4 is involved in the metabolism of at least half of all medicinal agents, and as Pglycoprotein is involved in the transport of many drugs, it is possible that St John's wort preparations interact with other medicines in addition to those listed above.(231)S
There is also evidence from studies involving healthy volunteers, albeit less extensive, that St John's wort preparations induce CYP2C19.(232) Effects on certain other CYP drug metabolising enzymes are less clear: one study reported no effect on CYP2C9 activity,(229) whereas another study found that a St John's wort extract did induce CYP2C9 as determined by effects on the pharmacokinetics of S-warfarin;(225) conflicting results have also been reported for CYP1A2 with respect to induction(225) or a lack of induction(229) by St John's wort preparations.
In contrast, similar studies have reported a lack of pharmacokinetic interaction between St John's wort preparations and carbamazepine,(233) pravastatin,(222) and theophylline,( 234) and several others have reported a lack of significant effects on CYP isoenzymes,(235–237) although the numbers of volunteers may have been too small and the duration of St John's wort administration too short to exclude definitively an inductive effect.(236, 237) There is evidence from several studies involving healthy volunteers that St John's wort preparations do not influence CYP2D6 activity to an extent likely to be clinically relevant.(200, 228, 229, 238)
Randomised, placebo-controlled studies involving healthy volunteers who received an ethanol extract of St John's wort with a low hyperforin content (Esbericum capsules containing 60 mg extract, drug to extract ratio 3.5–6.0 : 1, equivalent to 0.25 mg total hypericins and 0.88 mg hyperforin) 240 mg extract daily found no statistically significant effects on the pharmacokinetics of drugs used as substrates for CYP3A4, CYP1A2 and CYP2C9. It is not clear whether the lack of effect is due to the preparation having a lowhyperforin content, or to the low dose of extract used in the studies.(239) The suggestion that the occurrence of CYP enzyme induction, or the extent of induction, may vary depending on the particular St John's wort preparation is a valid one, since the profile of constituents, including those influencing CYP enzyme activity, varies qualitatively and quantitatively between products (see Quality of plant material and commercial products).
A further randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving healthy volunteers (n = 33) explored the effects  of the CYP enzyme inhibitor cimetidine and the CYP enzyme inducer carbamazepine on the pharmacokinetics of certain constituents of St John's wort extracts. Participants received St John's wort extract (LI-160) 300 mg three times daily for 11 days, followed by a further seven days' administration together with cimetidine 1000 mg daily in divided doses, carbamazepine 400 mg each night, or placebo. No statistically significant differences in the plasma concentration versus time curves from hours 0 to 24 (AUC0–24) were observed between groups; statistically significant intragroup differences in the AUC0–24 were observed for hypericin during cimetidine administration and for pseudohypericin during carbamazepine administration, although these effects are unlikely to be of clinical relevance.(240)
A number of in vitro and animal studies have also explored  the effects of St John's wort preparations on CYP drug metabolising enzymes. In vitro studies have reported induction of the CYP enzymes CYP3A4 and CYP1A2 by St John's wort extracts,(200, 231) and of CYP2C9 by hyperforin.(241, 242) Results from in vivo (mice) experiments indicate that hyperforin is important for induction of CYP3A in the liver.(243) In vitro experiments have shown that hyperforin induction of CYP2C9 is mediated by the pregnane X nuclear receptor.(242) Induction of P-glycoprotein by St John's wort extract(244) and hyperforin( 245) has been reported following in vitro experiments using LS180 intestinal carcinoma cells, whereas there are conflicting results on the induction of P-glycoprotein by hypericin.(244, 245) A number of in vitro experiments have described inhibition of the CYP enzymes CYP3A4 and CYP2C19 by St John's wort extracts,(246, 247) and inhibition of P-glycoprotein by hypericin and hyperforin.(248) A series of in vitro experiments explored the effects of hypericin on human DNA topoisomerase II activity. Hypericin appeared to interact with DNA in a manner which precluded topoisomerase II DNA binding activity and antagonised the formation of topoisomerase II-covalent cleavage complexes mediated by the topoisomerase II poisons etoposide and amsacrine. The effects of hypericin and St John's wort extracts on topoisomerase II cancer chemotherapy require further investigation.(249) Certain groups of users may have little knowledge of safety  aspects, such as drug interactions, related to use of St John's wort products, and may be particularly vulnerable to certain adverse effects.(250–253)
Pregnancy and lactation Information on the use of H. perforatum preparations during pregnancy and breastfeeding is summarised below. In view of the lack of toxicity data, St John's wort preparations should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

In a prospective, cohort study, 33 breastfeeding women who had made enquiries about the safety of St John's wort during breastfeeding to a teratogen/toxicology advice service (and who took St John's wort products) were compared with 33 age- and parity-matched controls and 101 diseasematched controls (who had enquired about the safety of St
John's wort products but who did not take any). Three of the women in the first group had initiated St John's wort treatment during pregnancy (stage not stated), and the mean (standard deviation) of infant exposure to St John's wort through breastfeeding was 2.1 (3.5) months.(254) There were no statistically significant differences in maternal or infant demographics, and in women's reasons for enquiring about use of St John's wort, although significantly more women who took St John's wort were using conventional antidepressants, compared with women who inquired about St John's wort but who did not use it (42.4% versus 17.8%; p < 0.01). No maternal adverse events were reported in any of the women and there were no statistically significant differences in the proportions of women reporting decreased milk volume (12.1%, 6.9% and 6.1% for St John's wort consumers, disease-matched controls, and age-/parity-matched controls, respectively; p = 0.58).(254) Five infants born to St John's wort consumers experienced colic, drowsiness or lethargy, compared with one report in each of the other two groups, although two of the former five infants were also exposed to conventional antidepressant agents during breastfeeding.
The study described above provides only limited information on the safety of St John's wort products during breastfeeding (and, to a even lesser extent, pregnancy) as it involved only small numbers of women so had the statistical power to detect only very common, acute adverse events. In addition, a report of the study did not provide any details of the St John's wort products consumed by the participants. It is likely that several, perhaps many, different St John's wort products were involved, all of which are likely to differ in their pharmaceutical quality and, therefore, in their potential effects on the infant. There is a report of a 38-year-old woman who started taking St John's wort (900 mg/day) at her 24th week of pregnancy, taking the last dose 24 hours before delivery.(255) The pregnancy was unremarkable except for late onset of thrombocytopenia. Another report described a 43-year-old woman who discontinued fluoxetine and methylphenidate upon becoming pregnant and started taking St John's wort (900 mg/day). The report does not state the outcome of the pregnancy,(255) although it is assumed that had adverse events occurred, they would have been stated. Another case report describes a 33-year-old woman who presented with post-natal depression at a German psychiatric service and who had been taking an extract of H. Perforatum (Jarsin) 300 mg three times daily from five months postpartum. Analysis of breast milk samples indicated that hyperforin is excreted into breast milk at concentrations below the lower limit of quantification (0.50 ng/mL).(256) No adverse effects were observed in the infant or the mother, however, further investigation of the pharmacokinetics of constituents of H. perforatum extract in breast milk and in mothers' and infants' plasma is required.

In a randomised experiment, 40 adult female mice were given food bars containing 'hypericum herb' (no further details of plant material provided) at a dose of 180 mg/kg body weight daily, or placebo, for two weeks before conception and throughout the gestation period. At the end of the study, there were no statistically significant differences between the 'hypericum' and placebo groups in duration of gestation, number of live pups per litter, body length and head circumference measurements, dam–pup interactions, physical maturation milestones and reproductive capabilities of offspring.( 257) The only exceptions to this were that male offspring in the hypericum-exposed group weighed significantly less than those in the placebo group at birth (p < 0.02), but this difference was not statistically significant by day three after birth, and male offspring in the hypericum-exposed group experienced a temporary delay in appearance of the upper incisors. Since multiple statistical tests were carried out, this number of statistically significant results at a level of p < 0.05 is likely. In similar experiments, 18 adult female rats were given a methanol extract of St John's wort (containing 0.3% total hypericins) 100 or 1000 mg/kg, or placebo, by gavage for two weeks before mating, throughout the gestation period and/or for three weeks during breastfeeding. Histological alterations in the livers and kidneys of rat pups exposed to St John's wort extract throughout gestation and/or during breastfeeding; lesions were more severe in the offspring of rats treated with the higher dose and in offspring exposed to St John's wort extract during both the gestation period and breastfeeding.(258) Slight in vitro uterotonic activity has been reported for St John's wort (see Pharmacological Actions, In vitro and animal studies).

Antidepressant Use
·         Assess the client’s mental status: mood, sensorium, affect, memory (long, short), change in depression or anxiety levels.
·         Assess for the use of MAOIs and SSRIs, which should not be used with St. John’s wort (taken PO) until further research is available.
·         Assess for other drugs, foods, and herbs the client uses on a regular basis (see Interactions).
Antiretroviral Use
·         Assess for signs of infection.
·         Assess CBC, blood chemistry, plasma HIV, RNA, absolute CD4/CD8_/cell counts/%, serum b-2 microglobulin, and serum ICD_ 24 antigen levels.
·         PO: use 2 tsp herb in 150 mL boiling water. Steep 15 minutes to create infusion.
·         Topical: use oily hypericum preparations to treat infl ammation or burns. Apply as needed.
·         Inform the client that pregnancy category is 2 and breastfeeding category is 3A.
·         Caution the client not to give St. John’s wort to children.
·         Advise the client to avoid high-tyramine foods such as aged cheese, sour cream, beer, wine, pickled products, liver, raisins, bananas, fi gs, avocados, meat tenderizers, chocolate, and yogurt and to avoid increased caffeine intake when using this herb PO.
·         Inform the client that the therapeutic effect may take 4 to 6 weeks for the treatment of depression. If no improvement occurs in that time, another therapy should be considered.
·         Advise the client to avoid the use of alcohol or over-the-counter products that contain alcohol when using this herb PO.
·         Advise the client to avoid the sun or use sunscreen or protective clothing to prevent photosensitivity when using this herb.

Argentina: Amenicil; Hipax; Hiperinat. Australia: Bioglan Stress-Relax; Hyperiforte. Austria: Esbericum; Helarium; Hyperiforce; Jarsin; Johanicum; Johni; Kira; Lunare; Perikan; Psychotonin; Remotiv; Solaguttae. Belgium: Hyperiplant; Milperinol; Perika. Brazil: Adprex; Emotival; Equilibra; Fiotan; Hiperex; Hipericin; Hiperico; Hiperifarma; Hiperil; Hipersac; Hyperico; Hyperigreen; Iperisan; Jarsin; Motiven; Prazen; Triativ. Canada: Kira; Movana. Chile: Anxium; Edual. Czech Republic: Deprim; Lubovnik; Nat Trezalky; Trezalka v Nalevovych Sacchich; Trezalkova Nat; Trezalkovy Caj; Turineurin. France: Dermum; Procalmil. Germany: Aristo; Aristoforat; Cesradyston; Digitalysat Scilla-Digitaloid; dystolux; Esbericum; Felis; Helarium; Hewepsychon uno; Hyperforat; Hypericaps; Hyperimerck; Hyperpur; Jarsin; Jo-Sabona; Kira; Laif; Libertin; Lomahypericum; Nervei; Neuroplant; Neurosporal; Neurovegetalin; Psychotonin; Sedovegan; Syxal; Texx; Tonizin; Turineurin. Hungary: Helarium; Remotiv. Italy: Nervaxon; Proserem; Quiens; Remotive. Mexico: Hiperikan; Procalm; Remotiv. Russia: Deprim (Деприм); Helarium (Гелариум); Negrustin (Негрустин); Novo-Passit (Ново-Пас-сит). Spain: Animic; Arkocapsulas Hiperico; Hiperico; Hyneurin; Quetzal; Vitalium. Switzerland: Hyperiforce; HyperiMed; Hyperiplant; Hyperval; Jarsin; Lucilium; Re-Balance; Remotiv; Solevita; Yakona. UK: Kira. Venezuela: Kira.

Australia: Bioglan 3B Beer Belly Buster; Cimicifuga Compound; Feminine Herbal Complex; Infant Tonic; Irontona; Joint & Muscle Relief Cream; Nappy Rash Relief Cream; Nevaton; Skin Healing Cream; Vitatona. Austria: Eryval; Magentee St Severin; Nerventee St Severin; Remifemin plus; Species nervinae; Wechseltee St Severin. Canada: Bronco Asmol; Sirop Cocillana Codeine. Czech Republic: Alvisan Neo; Cajova Smes pri Redukcni Diete; Cicaderma; Eugastrin; Fytokliman Planta; Naturident; Novo-Passit; Species Nervinae Planta; Stomaran; Zaludecni Cajova Smes. Germany: anabolloges; Gastritol; Gutnacht; Hyperesa; Me-Sabona plus; Miroton; Neurapas; Remifemin plus; Sedariston Konzentrat; Sedariston plus. Hong Kong: Coci-Fedra; Cocillana Christo; Cocillana Compound; Cocillana Compound; Cocillana Compound; Mefedra-N; Mist Expect Stim. Italy: Hiperogyn; Mithen. Mexico: Nordimenty. Portugal: Cicaderma. Russia: Prostanorm (Простанорм). South Africa: Cocillana Co; Contra-Coff; Linctus Tussi Infans. Spain: Natusor Gastrolen; Natusor Somnisedan. Switzerland: Gel a la consoude; Huile de millepertuis A. Vogel (huile de St. Jean); Hyperiforce comp; The a l'avoine sauvage de Vollmer. UK: Allens Chesty Cough; Balm of Gilead; Buttercup Syrup; Chest Mixture; Covonia Mentholated; Galloway's Cough Syrup; Honey & Molasses; Modern Herbals Cough Mixture; Potters Children's Cough Pastilles; Potters Gees Linctus; Sanderson's Throat Specific; Sanderson's Throat Specific; St Johnswort Compound. Venezuela: Biomicovo.

A StX (600 mg wit, 0.24–0.32% hypericin 3 /day) produced erythema in light-sensitive patients (AHP). Leaf extracts enhance mouse immune system against Bordetella pertussis and Staphylococcus aureus. Novoimanine is most effective against S. aureus, with water soluble imanine being more effective than imamine or sulphanilamide. Herb extracts are reportedly more active against Escherichia, Shigella, and Staphylococcus than decoctions. Catechin and flavonoid containing fractions inhibit the flu virus 83–100% (CAN). Amentoflavone is antiinflammatory and antiulcerogenic (CAN). Total flavonoid fraction is analgesic in mice (CAN). Small amounts of hypericin are tonic and tranquilizing in humans (CAN). Extracts inhibit catechol-o-methyl-transferase at 100 M, modulate interleukin-6, block corticotropin-releasing hormone, reduce the availability of serotonin receptors (IC50 = 6.2 g/mL) and the associated inhibition of resorption of serotonin into the cell, and block MAOA and B in vitro and ex vivo, and hypericin raises levels of melatonin, all factors that may contribute to antidepressant activity.
No statistical evidence was shown in the antiinflammatory activity of the extract and hydrocortisone (QRNM, 1997:292). With rats the IC50 was only 6.2 g/mL for inhibiting synaptosomal serotonin uptake (consistent with doses of 900 mg extract in humans). LD50 = >5000 mg/kg. Phototoxic reactions occur in some patients with AIDS given ivn injections of 30–40 mg hypericin. “Not suitable for use as daily sedatives of sleep aids. Preparations are no more effective than synthetic antidepressants,” but they are extremely well tolerated by the patients. In observational studies or >3000 cases, there is ca. a 3% incidence of minor side effects, cf 10–25% with modern nontricyclic antidepressants (SHT). In Germany, the costs are about equal (tricyclics = 0.75 a day, hypericum 0.80 a day, cf $2.25 for nontricyclic antidepressants (SHT).


Barnes, J., Anderson, L. A., and Phillipson, J. D. 2007. Herbal Medicines Third Edition. Pharmaceutical Press. Auckland and London.

Braun, L and Cohen, M. 2010. Hebs and Natural Supplements An Evidence Based Guide 3R D Edition. Elsevier Australia. Australia.

Duke, J. A. with Mary Jo Bogenschutz-Godwin, Judi duCellier, Peggy-Ann K. Duke. 2002. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 2nd Ed. CRC Press LLC. USA.

Gruenwald, J., Brendler, T., Jaenicke, Ch. 2000.  PDR for Herbal Medicines.  Medical Economics Company, Inc. at Montvale, NJ 07645-1742. USA

Kraft, K and Hobbs, C. 2004 . Pocket Guide to Herbal Medicine. Thieme. Stuttgart New York.

Linda S-Roth. 2010. Mosby’s Handbook Of Herbs & Natural Supplements, Fourth Edition. Mosby Elsevier. USA

Ross, I. A. 2004Medicinal Plants of the World Vol. 2. Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medical Uses. Human Press. Totowa, New Jersey.

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