Sunday, September 15, 2019

Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze var. green tea J. C. Lettsom, The Natural History of The Tea Tree, 2nd Ed.,p.i (1799) [J. Miller]


Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze var. green tea 
J. C. Lettsom, The Natural History of The Tea Tree, 2nd Ed.,p.i (1799) [J. Miller]

Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze var. green tea


Camellia sinensis is an evergreen tree or shrub of the THEACEAE family that grows to 10–15 m high in the wild, and 0.6–1.5 m under cultivation. The leaves are shortstalked, light green, coriaceous, alternate, elliptic-obovate or lanceolate, with serrate margin, glabrous, or sometimes pubescent beneath, varying in length from 5 to 30 cm, and about 4 cm wide. Young leaves are pubescent.

Mature leaves are bright green in color, leathery, and smooth. Flowers are white, fragrant, 2.5–4 cm in diameter, solitary or in clusters of two to four. They have numerous stamens with yellow anthers and produces brownish-red, one- to four-lobed capsules. Each lobe contains one to three spherical or flattened brown seeds. There are numerous varieties and races of tea.

There are three main groups of the cultivated forms: China, Assam, and hybrid tea, differing in form. Camellia sinensis assamica, the source of much of the commercial tea crop of Ceylon is a tree that, unpruned, may attain a height of 15 m and has proportionally longer, thinner leaves than typical species.

The cultivation and enjoyment of tea are recorded in Chinese literature of 2700 BC and in Japan about 1100. Through the Arabs, tea reached Europe about 1550. Native to Assam, Burma, and the Chinese province of Yunnan, it is highly regarded in southern Asia and planted in India, southern Russia, East Africa, Java, Ceylon, Sumatra, Argentina, and Turkey.
China, India, Indonesia, and Japan produced about a half of the total world production.

THE MAIN TYPES OF TEA INCLUDE (Dole Food Company, Inc. 2002) :

Types Of Tea Include :
Green tea—A favorite in Asia, green tea is so named because the leaves are dried and fragmented soon after picking. Tea made from these leaves is mild and fresher in taste than other types of tea. Because of this, green tea usually is not served with milk or sugar. Types of green tea include gunpowder, Tencha, and Gyokuro, a Japanese tea also known as pearl dew tea.
Black tea—Actually a dark reddish brown tea when it is brewed, the strongly flavored black tea is popular in Western nations. It is the most processed and strongest flavored tea. After the leaves are picked, they are allowed to ferment in the open sun before being dried. The size of the tea leaves determines the grading of black tea. Common black tea varieties include Ceylon, Assam, and Darjeeling, considered by many to be the finest black tea.
Oolong teas—Oolong tea has characteristics of both black and green teas. Its leaves are fermented for about half the time of black tea. Oolong tea originated in the Fukien province of China, where much of the world’s production of oolong tea takes place. Formosan tea, named for the former name of Taiwan, is considered by many to be the finest oolong tea.
Blended teas—Often referred to as English teas, these are black teas that have been blended with spices and flavorings to enhance tea flavor and aroma. Thousands of blended teas are available worldwide. Popular blended teas include English breakfast and Earl Grey.
Herbal teas—Not made from tea leaves, herbal tea is a tea-like drink made by steeping herbs, flowers, and spices in heated water. Herbal tea has been made throughout history, often for medicinal purposes or simply to make water taste better. Popular herbal teas are made from chamomile, rose hips, and mint, to name just a few. In France, herbal teas are referred to as “tisanes.” Herbal teas typically contain no caffeine.
Instant tea—Popular in the United States since the 1950s, instant tea is tea that has been dehydrated and granulated so that it dissolves rapidly in water. Often, it also contains sugar and other flavorings. Store tea away from heat in a sealed container. Tea keeps for about 6 months. After that, it loses its flavor and should be discarded.


India. Decoctions of the dried and fresh buds and leaves are taken orally for headache and feverCS145. Powder or decoction of the dried leaf is applied to teeth to prevent tooth decayCS146. Fresh leaf juice is taken orally for abortionCS155, and as a contraceptive and hemostaticCS147.
Mexico. Hot water extract of the leaf is taken orally by nursing mothers to increase milk productionCS148.
Turkey. Leaves are taken orally to treat diarrheaCS149.
China. Hot water extract of the dried leaf is taken orally as a sedative, an antihypertensive, and anti-inflammatoryCS108.
Guatemala. Hot water extract of the dried leaf is used as eyewash for conjunctivitisCS154.
Kenya. Water extract of the dried leaf is applied ophthalmically to treat corneal opacitiesCS150. The infusion is used for chalzion and conjunctivitisCS151. Thailand. Hot water extract of the dried leaf is taken orally as a cardiotonic and neurotonicCS152. Hot water extract of the dried seed is taken orally as an antifungalCS153.

(ppm unless otherwise indicated)

Acetaldehyde, phenyl: Sh 1.52–1.78%CS100
Acetaldehyde: LfCS073
Acetamide, N-ethyl: LfCS027
Acetic acid: LfCS086
Acetoin: LfCS068
Acetone: LfCS091
Acetophenone, 2-4-dimethyl: LfCS027
Acetophenone, 3-4-dimethoxy: LfCS027
Acetophenone, para-ethyl: LfCS027
Acetophenone: Headspace volatileCS044
Actinidiolide, dihydro: Lf EOCS132
Afzelechin, epi, (–): Lf 350CS084
Afzelechin, epi, 3-O-gallate (–): Lf 37CS005
Afzelechin, epi, 3-O-gallate (4-b-6)-epi,
gallocatechin-3-O-gallate: Lf 5.6CS008
Allantoic acid: PlCS033
Allantoin: PlCS033
Aluminium inorganic: LfCS028
Amyrin, 􀁄: Sd oilCS095
Amyrin, 􀁅: Sd oil 76CS095
Aniline, N-ethyl: LfCS027
Aniline, N-methyl: LfCS027
Aniline: LfCS027
Apigenin: LfCS108
Lf 20CS156
Apigenin-6-8-di-C-glucoside: ShCS096
Arbutin: Lf 0.2CS078
Aromadenrin: ShCS094
Ascorbic acid: ShCS038, Lf 0.257%CS048
Assamicain A: Lf 58.2CS007
Assamicain B: Lf 76.6CS007
Assamicain C: Lf 33.6CS007
Assamsaponin A: Sd 0.01%CS021
Assamsaponin B: Sd 28.3CS021
Assamsaponin C: Sd 36.5CS021
Assamsaponin D: Sd 26.1CS021
Assamsaponin E: Sd 11.1CS021
Assamsaponin F: Sd 14.1CS021
Assamsaponin G: Sd 79.1CS021
Assamsaponin H: Sd 13.4CS021
Assamsaponin I: Sd 98.5CS021
Astragalin: LfCS139
Avicularin: LfCS058
Barrigenol, A-1: PlCS118
Barringtogenol C, 3-O-􀁅-D-galactopyranosyl(1-2) 􀁅-D-xylopyranosyl (1-2)􀁄-l-arabinopyranosyl(1-3)􀁅-Dglucuronopyranosyl-21-O-cinnamoyl-16-22-di-O-acetyl: LfCS013
Benzene, 1-2-3-trimethoxy: LfCS077
Benzene, 1-2-3-trimethoxy-5-ethyl: LfCS077
Benzene, 1-2-3-trimethoxy-5-methyl: LfCS077
Benzene, 1-2-4-trihydroxy: LfCS003
Benzene, 1-2-5-trihydroxy: LfCS003
Benzene, 1-2-dimethoxy: LfCS077
Benzene, 1-2-dimethoxy-4-ethyl: LfCS077
Benzene, 1-2-dimethoxy-4-methyl: LfCS077
Benzene, 1-3-diacetyl: LfCS027
Benzene, 1-4-diacetyl: LfCS027
Benzoic acid: Headspace volatileCS044
Benzothiazole, 2-methyl: LfCS036
Benzothiazole: LfCS036
Benzoxazole: LfCS036
Benzyl alcohol: Lf EO 1.01–1.6%CS136,
Headspace volatileCS044, LfCS091,
Sh 0.09–0.14%CS100
Benzyl butyrate: LfCS002
Benzyl ethyl ketone: LfCS002
Benzylaldehyde, 2-methyl: LfCS002
Benzylaldehyde, 4-methoxy: LfCS002
Benzylaldehyde: Headspace volatileCS044,
LfCS077, Sh 0.21–0.23%CS100
Benzylamine: N-N-dimethyl: LfCS027
Bicyclo(4.3.0)non-8-en-7-one, 1-5-5-9-
tetramethyl: LfCS002
Brassicasterol: Sd oilCS134
Brassinolide, 28-homo, 6-keto: LfCS135
Brassinolide, 28-nor, 6-keto: LfCS135
Brassinolide, 28-nor: LfCS135
Brassinolide, 6-keto: LfCS135
Brassinolide: Lf 0.0046 ppbCS089
Brassinone, 24(S)-ethyl: Lf 30 ng/65 kgCS110
Brassinone, 24-ethyl: LfCS089
Brassinone: Lf 130 ng/65 kgCS110
Butan-2-ol: LfCS068
Butyrate, ethyl-3-hydroxy: LfCS068
Butyroin: LfCS068
Butyrospermol: Sd oilCS095
Caffeine: Lf 0.381–9.9%CS114,CS049, ShCS038, Pl,
Call TissCS050, SdCS093, Sd Ct, Peduncle,
PcCS102, Fl bud, Stamen, Pistil, FlCS107, An
0.05–6.77 ppt, Stem call 0.64 pptCS099,
PetalCS117, FrCS037
Camellia galactoglucan: LfCS067
Camellia polysaccharide: LfCS122
Camellia saponin B, deacyl: LfCS081
Camellia sinensis polysaccharide TSA: LfCS012
Camellianin A: LfCS108

Camellianin B: LfCS108
Camelliaside A: Sd 656–2733.3CS011,CS119
Camelliaside B: Sd 291–3026.6 CS011,CS119
Camelliaside C: Sd 2.5CS011
Campesterol: Sd oilCS134
Carvacrol: LfCS002
Castasterone: Lf 7.2 mg/65 kgCS110
Lf 45.4CS008
gallate: Lf 45.4CS008
gallate, epi: Lf 20.8CS008
Catechin, (+): Lf 0.0017–2.9%CS053,CS049,
Call TissCS060. St callCS099, ShCS038,
An, StCS099
Catechin, epi (–): Lf 0.004–6.8%CS053,CS049,
Call TissCS060, ShCS038, St call 0.07 pptCS099
Catechin, epi, 3-O-para-hydroxy-benzoate
(–): Lf 3.6CS005
Catechin, epi, epi-gallo-catechin(4-􀁅-8)-
3-O-galloyl: Lf 50CS092
Catechin, epi-gallo (–), 3-O-paracoumaroate:
Lf 83.3CS140
Catechin, epi-gallo (–): Lf 3269CS140
Catechin, epi-gallo, 3-3'-di-O-gallate(–):
Catechin, epi-gallo, 3-4'-di-O-gallate(–):
Catechin, epi-gallo, 3-O-gallate (–):
Lf 0.8718%CS140
Catechin, epi-gallo, gallate(–): St call 0.02
pptCS099, LfCS109
Catechin, epi-gallo: LfCS140
epi(–): Lf 0.08%CS010
epi(–): Lf 70.6-96.2CS005,CS140
epi(–): Lf 16CS005
3-O-gallate, epi:
Lf 5.8CS008
Catechin-3- O-gallate-(4-􀁅-8)-epigallocatechin-
3-O-gallate, epi: Lf 3.6CS008
Catechin-3-O-gallate, (+): Lf 0.011%CS084
Catechin-3-O-gallate, epi(–): Lf 0.0086–
Catechin-gallate, (+): LfCS082
Catechin-gallate: LfCS042
Catechol, (+): PlCS138
Catechol, epi(–): ShCS128, PlCS138
Catechol, epi, gallate(–): ShCS128
Catechol, epi-gallo(–): ShCS128
Catechol, epi-gallo, gallate(–): ShCS128
Catechol, gallo, (+): ShCS128
Chasaponin: PlCS035
Chlorogenic acid: Call TissCS087, LfCS139
Chondrillasterol: Sd oilCS130
Citric acid: LfCS086
Cresol, meta: LfCS003
Cresol, ortho: LfCS003
Cresol, para: LfCS003
Cyclocitral, 􀁅: Sh 0.08–0.1%CS100, LfCS002
Cyclohex-2-en-1-4-dione, 2-6-6-trimethyl:
Cyclohex-2-en-1-one, 2-6-6-trimethyl:
Damascenone, 􀁅: LfCS002
Damascone, 􀁄: LfCS002
Damascone, 􀁅: LfCS002
Dammaridienol: Sd oil 30CS095
Deca-trans-2-cis-4-dien-1-al: LfCS002
Deca-trans-2-en-1-al: LfCS002
Dehydrogenase, NADP-dependent-alcohol:
Demmarenol, 24-methylene: Sd oilCS095
Diphenylamine: Lf 0.013–1.17%CS098
4-ethyl-7-11-dimethyl: LfCS002
Erucid acid: Sd oil LfCS134
Ethyl acetate: LfCS091
Ethyl lactate: LfCS068
Eugenol: Fr EOCS030
Euphol: Sd oilCS095
Farnesene, 􀁄, trans-trans: Lf EOCS115
Farnesol: LfCS091
Fluoride inorganic: Lf 188CS143
Fluorine, inorganic: LfCS043
Furan, 2-acetyl: LfCS002
Furan-3-one, tetrahydro, 2-methyl: LfCS068
Furocoumarin, angular, 4-hydroxy-2'-
methoxy: LfCS014
Gadoleic acid: Sd oilCS134
Gallic acid: LfCS051
Gallocatechin gallate, (–): Lf 0.188%CS112
Gallocatechin gallate, (+): LfCS082
Gallocatechin gallate, epi(–): LfCS125
Gallocatechin gallate, epi(+): LfCS123
Lf 36.6CS008
Gallocatechin, (–): LfCS056
Gallocatechin, (+): Lf 0.01–12.8%CS053,CS049
Gallocatechin, epi(+): Lf 1.1%CS083
Gallocatechin, epi, (–): Lf 0.088-
16.8%CS005,CS049, ShCS038
Gallocatechin, epi, (4-􀁅-8)-epi-catechin-
3-)-gallate: Lf 27.6CS008
Gallocatechin, epi, 3-O-cinnamate(–):
Lf 13.2CS005
Gallocatechin, epi, 3-3'-di-O-gallate(–):
Lf 9CS005
Gallocatechin, epi, 3-4'-di-O-gallate(–):
Lf 9CS005
Gallocatechin, epi, 3-O-gallate(–):
Lf 0.714%CS005
Gallocatechin, epi, 3-O-gallate-(4-􀁅-6)-
epi-catechin-3-O-gallate: Lf 4.2CS008
Gallocatechin, epi, 3-O-gallate-(4-􀁅-8)-
epi-catechin-3-O-gallate: Lf 44CS008
Gallocatechin, epi, 3-O-paracoumaroate(–):
Lf 38.4CS005
Gallocatechin, epi, 8-C-ascorbyl-3-Ogallate:
Lf 11.2CS008
Gallocatechin, epi: Lf 1.0867%CS101
Gallocatechin-3-5'-di-O-gallate, epi(–):
Lf 0.06%CS008
epi(–):Lf 38CS084
Gallocatechin-3-O-gallate (–): LfCS079
Gallocatechin-3-O-gallate (+): LfCS157
Gallocatechin-3-O-gallate (4-􀁅-8) epicatechin-
gallate, epi: Lf 0.06%CS010
Gallocatechin-3-O-gallate, epi(–):
Lf 0.0328–21.3%CS053,CS049, ShCS038
Gallocatechin-3-O-para-coumaroate, epi
(–): LfCS010
Gallocatechin-gallate, (–): LfCS042
Gallocateuchin-3-O-gallate, epi (–):
Lf 5.33%CS010
Galloyl-􀁅-D-glucose, 1-4-6-tri-O:
Lf 0.01%CS010
Galloylcatechin, epi (–): LfCS054
Geranic acid, trans: LfCS002
Geraniol 􀁅-D-glucopyranoside: ShCS113
Geraniol: ShCS113, Lf EO 3.16-25.46%CS136,
Geranyl-􀁅-primeveroside, 8-hydroxy:
Lf 2.08CS018
Germanicol: Sd oil 25CS095
Germanicum inorganic: LfCS120
Gibberellin A-1: EndospermCS004
Gibberellin A-19: EndospermCS004
Gibberellin A-20: EndospermCS004
Gibberellin A-3, iso: EndospermCS004
Gibberellin A-3: EndospermCS004
Gibberellin A-38: EndospermCS004
Gibberellin A-44: EndospermCS004
Gibberellin A-8: EndospermCS004
Gibberellin A-S: EndospermCS004
Glucogallin, 􀁅: Lf 28.4CS008
Glucose, 􀁅-D, 1-0-galloyl-4-6-(–)-
hexahyroxy-diphenoyl: Lf 30CS092
Glucose, 􀁅-D, 1-4-6-tri-O-galloyl: Lf 5CS092
Glutamic acid: N-para-coumaryl: LfCS133
Heptan-1-al: Sh 0.02–0.03%CS100
Heptan-2-ol: LfCS068
Heptan-2-one, 5-iso-propyl: LfCS002
Heptan-2-one: LfCS002
Heptan-3-ol: LfCS068
Sh 0.06–0.1%CS100
Hept-trans-2-en-1-al: LfCS002
Hex-1-en-3-ol: LfCS068
Hex-2-en-1-al, 5-methyl-2-phenyl: LfCS002
Hex-5-en-4-olide, 4-methyl: LfCS002
Hexadecane, N: LfCS091
Hexan-1-al: ChloroplastCS129,
Sh 0.55–1.03%CS100
Hexan-1-ol, 2-ethyl: LfCS002
Hexan-2-ol: LfCS068
Hexa-trans-2-cis-4-dien-1-al: LfCS002
Hex-cis-3-en-1-al: Lf 370CS034
Hex-cis-3-en-1-ol acetate: LfCS091
Hex-cis-3-en-1-ol butyrate: LfCS091
Hex-cis-3-en-1-ol caproate: LfCS091
Hex-cis-3-en-1-ol formate: LfCS002
Hex-cis-3-en-1-ol hexanoate:
Sh 0.02–0.03%CS100
Hex-cis-3-en-1-ol hex-trans-2-enoate:
Hex-cis-3-en-1-ol propionate: LfCS002
Hex-cis-3-en-1-ol, 􀁅-D-glucoside: LfCS076
Hex-cis-3-en-1-ol: LfCS025, Lf EO 2.15–
15%CS136, Sh 0.09–0.13%CS100
Hex-trans-2-en-1-al: LfCS065, Lf EO 1.13–
25.48%CS136, Sh 2.09–3.1%CS100
Hex-trans-2-en-1-ol: Sh 0.04–0.06%CS100
Hex-trans-2-enyl acetate: LfCS002
Hex-trans-2-enyl butyrate: LfCS002
Hex-trans-2-enyl formate: LfCS002
Hex-trans-2-enyl hexanoate: LfCS002
Hex-trans-2-enyl propionate: LfCS002
Hex-trans-3-enyl butyrate: LfCS002
Hex-trans-3-enyl hex-cis-3-enoate: LfCS002
Hex-trans-3-enyl propionate: LfCS002
Hex-trans-3-enyl-2-methyl butyrate: LfCS002
Hexyl butyrate: LfCS002
Hexyl formate: LfCS002
Hyperoside: LfCS058
Indole: LfCS109
Indole-3-methyl-ethanolate: LfCS015
Inositol, myo, 2-O-􀁅-L-arabinopyranosyl:
Lf 0.4%CS116
Inositol, myo, 2-O-􀁅-L-arabinopyranoside:
Lf 0.4%CS106
Inositol, myo, 2-O-􀁅-L-arabinoside: LfCS077
Ionone, 􀁄: Sh 0.03–0.05%CS100, LfCS068
Ionone, 􀁅, 1'-2'-dihydro, 1'-2'-epoxy:
Lf EOCS132
Ionone, 􀁅, 1'-2'-dihydroxy, 1'-2'-threo:
Lf EOCS132
Ionone, 􀁅, 3'-oxo: Lf EOCS132
Ionone, 􀁅: Lf EO 0.02–0.31%CS136,
Sh 0.17–0.29%CS100
Jasmonate, dihydro, methyl-trans: LfCS002
Jasmone, cis: Lf EO 0.05–0.2%CS136
Jasmone: LfCS091
Jasmonic acid, (1R, 2R), (–): LfCS080
Jasmonic acid, (1R, 2S), (+): LfCS080
Jasmonic acid: PollenCS137, AnCS137, LfCS091
Kaempferitin: LfCS139
Kaempferol: LfCS026, ShCS094
(1-6)galactoside: LfCS009
Lauric acid: Sd oilCS134
Ligustrazine: LfCS027
Limonene: LfCS068
Linalool 􀁅-D-glucopyranoside: ShCS113
Linalool oxide A: LfCS091
Linalool oxide B: LfCS091
Linalool oxide C: LfCS091
Linalool oxide I: LfCS077
Linalool oxide II: LfCS077
Linalool oxide III: LfCS077
Linalool oxide IV: LfCS077
Linalool oxide: Headspace volatileCS044
Linalool, (R): LfCS074
Linalool, cis, oxide (furanoid): LfCS074
Linalool, cis, oxide (pyranoid): LfCS074
Linalool, cis, oxide: Sh 0.06–0.16%CS100
Linalool, trans, oxide (furanoid): LfCS074
Linalool, trans, oxide (pyranoid): LfCS074
Linalool, trans, oxide: Lf EO 3.18–
4.23%CS136, Sh 0.15–0.43%CS100
Linalool: LfCS121, Headspace volatileCS044,
ShCS113, Lf EO 8.2–19.84CS136
Linoleic acid: Sd oilCS134, LfCS069
Linolenic acid: LfCS069
Loliolide: Lf EOCS132
Lupeol: Sd oilCS062
Malic acid: LfCS086
Malonic acid: LfCS086
Menthol: LfCS068
Methionine, S-methyl: Lf 7–24.5 mg%CS158
Methylamine: Lf 50CS141
Morine: LfCS045
Myrcene: LfCS091
Myricetin: LfCS026
Myristic acid: Sd oilCS134, LfCS069
Naringenin: ShCS094
Naringenin-fructosyl-glucoside: LfCS063
Neral: LfCS002
Nerolidol: LfCS109, Sh 0.08–0.12%CS100
NH3 inorganic: Lf 400CS141
Nicotiflorin: LfCS133
Nicotine: Lf 15.5 ng/gCS047
Nonal-1-al: Sh 0.04–0.06%CS100
Nonal-2-ol: LfCS068
Nonan-2-one: LfCS002
Nona- trans-2-cis-4-dien-1-al: LfCS002
Nona- trans-2-cis-6-dien-1-al: LfCS002
Nona-trans-2-en-1-al: LfCS002
Nona-trans-2-trans-4-dien-1-al: LfCS002
Oct-1-en-3-ol: LfCS068
Octa-1-5-7-trien-3-ol, 3(S)-7-dimethyl:
Lf EOCS132
Octa-1-5-diene-3-7-diol, 3(S)-7-dimethyl,
(+): Lf EOCS132
Octan-2-one: LfCS002
Octan-3-ol: LfCS068
Octanoate, ethyl: LfCS002
Octanoate, methyl: LfCS002
Octa-trans-2-cis-4-dien-1-al: LfCS002
Octa-trans-2-trans-4-dien-1-al: LfCS002
Octa-trans-3-cis-5-dien-2-one: LfCS002
Oct-trans-2-enoic acid: LfCS002
Oleic acid: Sd oilCS134, LfCS069
Oolonghomobisflavan A: Lf 10.6CS008
Oolonghomobisflavan B: Lf 7.2CS008
Oolongtheanin: Lf 1.8CS006
Oxalic acid: Lf 1.0%CS144
Palmitic acid: Sd oilCS134, LfCS069
Pedunculagin: LfCS041
Pent-1-en-3-ol: LfCS068, Sh 0.21–0.23%CS100
Pent-2-en-1-al, 4-methyl-2-phenyl: LfCS002
Pentadecane, 2-6-10-14-tetramethyl: LfCS091
Pentan-1-ol: Sh 0.06–0.11%CS100
Pentan-2-ol, methyl: LfCS068
Pentan-3-ol, methyl: LfCS068
Pentanoic acid: 2-amino-5-(N-ethylcarboxamido):
Lf 120CS105
Pent-cis-2-en-1-ol: Sh 0.1-0.14%CS100
Pent-cis-3-en-1-al: LfCS002
Phenol: LfCS003
Phenyl, acetate, ethyl: LfCS002
Phenyl, acetate, hexyl: LfCS002
Phenylacetic acid: LfCS002
Phenylethanol, 2: LfCS091
Phenylethyl alcohol, 2: Sh 0.1–0.13%CS100
Phenylethyl alcohol: Headspace
Pheophytin A: LfCS088
Pheophytin B: LfCS088
Pinene, a: LfCS068
Pipecolic acid, L: FrCS030
Pipecolic acid: LfCS037, FrCS037
Polysaccharide T-B: LfCS111
Procyanidin B-2 3'-O-gallate: Lf 166.7CS140
Procyanidin B-2, 3-3'-di-O-gallate: Lf
Procyanidin B-2: Lf 5.8CS008
Procyanidin B-3, 3-O-gallate: LfCS070
Procyanidin B-3: Lf 0.21%CS010
Procyanidin B-4, 3'-O-gallate: Lf 141CS140
Procyanidin B-4: Lf 46.6CS008
Procyanidin B-5, 3-3'-di- O-gallate: Lf 2.6CS008
Procyanidin C-1: LfCS010
Prodelphinidin A-2, 3'-O-gallate: Lf 4.4CS008
Prodelphinidin B-2, 3'-O-gallate: Lf 238CS008
Prodelphinidin B-2, 3-3'-di-O-gallate:
Lf 18.4CS008
Prodelphinidin B-2,3'-O-gallate: Lf 147.4CS140
Prodelphinidin B-4, 3'-O-gallate:
Lf 63.8–1200CS008,CS010
Prodelphinidin B-4: Lf 56.8–800CS008,CS010
Prodelphinidin B-5, 3-3'-di-O-gallate:
Lf 29.8CS008
Proline, hydroxy: LfCS037, FrCS037
Propionamide, N-ethyl: LfCS027
Propiophenone, 2-4-dimethyl: LfCS027
Propiophenone, para-ethyl: LfCS027
Prunasin: LfCS059
Pyrazine, 2-3-dimethyl: LfCS027
Pyrazine, 2-5-dimethyl: LfCS027
Pyrazine, 2-6-dimethyl: LfCS027
Pyrazine, 2-ethyl-3-5-dimethyl: LfCS027
Pyrazine, 2-ethyl-3-6-dimethyl: LfCS036
Pyrazine, 2-ethyl-5-methyl: LfCS027
Pyrazine, 2-ethyl-6-methyl: LfCS027
Pyrazine, ethyl: LfCS027
Pyrazine, methyl: LfCS027
Pyrazine, trimethyl: LfCS027
Pyridine, 2-5-dimethyl: LfCS027
Pyridine, 2-6-dimethyl: LfCS027
Pyridine, 2-acetyl: LfCS036
Pyridine, 2-ethyl: LfCS027
Pyridine, 2-ethyl-5-methyl: LfCS036
Pyridine, 2-ethyl-6-methyl: LfCS036
Pyridine, 2-methyl: LfCS027
Pyridine, 2-phenyl: LfCS027
Pyridine, 3-ethyl: LfCS027
Pyridine, 3-methoxy: LfCS036
Pyridine, 3-methyl: LfCS027
Pyridine, 3-N-butyl: LfCS036
Pyridine, 3-phenyl: LfCS027
Pyridine, 4-methyl: LfCS027
Pyridine, 4-vinyl: LfCS036
Pyridine: LfCS027
Quercetin: LfCS026, ShCS094
(1-6)galactoside: LfCS009
Quercetin-fructosyl-glucoside: LfCS063
Quercimeritrin: LfCS026
Quercitrin, iso: LfCS133
Quercitrin: LfCS058
Quinic acid, (–): LfCS104
Quinoline, 2-4-dimethyl: LfCS027
Quinoline, 2-6-dimethyl: LfCS027
Quinoline, 2-methyl: LfCS036
Quinoline, 3-N-butyl: LfCS027
Quinoline, 3-N-propyl: LfCS027
Quinoline, 4-8-dimethyl: LfCS027
Quinoline, 6-methyl: LfCS036
Rutin: LfCS058
Safranal: LfCS002
Safrole: LfCS002
Salicylic acid: Headspace volatileCS044
Sesquiphelandrene, b: LfCS109
Sitosterol, 􀁅: Sd oilCS134
Spinasterol, 22-23-dihydro: Sd oilCS131
Spinasterol, 􀁄, 􀁅-D-glucoside: RtCS039
Spinasterol, 􀁄: RtCS039
Spinasterol: Sd oilCS131
Spinasterone, 22-23-dihydro: Sd oilCS131
Spinasterone: Sd oilCS131
Stearic acid: Sd oilCS134
Stigmasterol: Sd oilCS134
Strictinin: Lf 0.01%CS010
Succinic acid: LfCS086
Tannic acid: Lf CS126
Tannin: LfCS024
Taraxasterol, Pseudo: Sd oilCS095
Taraxerol: Sd oil 20CS095
Tartaric acid: LfCS086
Tea polysaccharides: LfCS055
Teasaponin B-1: LfCS057
Teasaponin B-2: LfCS040
Teasaponin B-3: LfCS040
Teasaponin B-4: LfCS040
Teasterone: LfCS090
Tectoquinone: RtCS039
Terpineol, 4: LfCS002
Terpineol, 􀁄: Sh 0.07–0.1%CS100, LfCS068
Theacitrin A: Lf 0.08%CS016
Theaflagallin, epi, 3-O-gallate: Lf 17CS008
Theaflagallin-3-O-gallate, epi: Lf 0.02%CS010
Theaflavate B: LfCS019
Theaflavic acid, epi, gallate: LfCS064
Theaflavic acid, epi: LfCS064
Theaflavin, digallate: LfCS071
Theaflavin, iso: 3'-O-gallate: Lf 25CS019
Theaflavin, monogallate A: LfCS071
Theaflavin, monogallate B: LfCS071
Theaflavin, monogallate: LfCS124
Theaflavin, neo: 3-O-gallate: Lf 30CS019
Theaflavin: LfCS046, Sh 1.12–1.40%CS100,
Theaflavin-3'-gallate: LfCS046
Theaflavin-3'-O-gallate: FlCS159,
Lf 18.6–800CS008,CS010
Theaflavin-3-3'- digallate: FlCS159
Lf 18.2–300CS008,CS010
Theaflavin-3-gallate: LfCS046
Theaflavin-3-O-gallate: FlCS159,
Lf 6-700CS008,CS010
Theaflavin-monogallate A: LfCS085
Theaflavin-monogallate B: LfCS085
Theaflavonin, degalloyl: Lf 17.5CS010
Theaflavonin: Lf 11.5CS010
Theanaphthoquinone: LfCS023
Theanine: LfCS052, Call TissCS066, Seedling Rt
109, Sh 63, Cy 577 mg%CS097, St Call
0.37 ppt, An 1.6-2.9%, St 34.9 pptCS099
Thearubigin: Sh 13.56–15.74%CS100, LfCS139
Theasapogenol A, 22-O-angeloyl: SdCS020
Theasapogenol B, 22-O-angeloyl: SdCS020
Theasapogenol E, 22-O-angeloyl: SdCS020
Theasaponin B-1: LfCS081
Theasaponin E-1: Sd 75CS017
Theasaponin E-2: Sd 10CS017
Theasaponin, gluco: SdCS061
Theasaponin: SdCS127, LfCS142
Theasinensin A: Lf 0.01866–4.8718%CS006,CS140
Theasinensin B: Lf 128.2–600CS140,CS010
Theasinensin C: Lf 70.2CS006
Theasinensin D: Lf 17.6CS006
Theasinensin E: Lf 14.4CS006
Theasinensin F: Lf 19.6CS006
Theasinensin G: Lf 8CS006
Theaspirane, dihydro, 6-7-epoxy: LfCS002
Theaspirane, dihydro, 6-hydroxy: LfCS002
Theaspirane: LfCS002
Theaspirone: Lf EOCS132
Theobromine: LfCS029, Call TissCS050, Sd,
PcCS102, Fl Bd, FlCS107, Petal, Pistil,
StamenCS117, An, St, St CallCS099, PlCS033,
Theogallin: Lf 6-55.5CS008,CS010
Theophylline: SdCS093
Thiazole, 2-4-5-trimethyl: LfCS036
Thiazole, 2-4-dimethyl: LfCS036
Thiazole, 2-4-dimethyl-4-ethyl: LfCS036
Thiazole, 2-5-dimethyl: LfCS036
Thiazole, 5-methyl: LfCS036
Thymol: LfCS002
Tirucalla-7-24-dien-3-􀁅-ol, 5-􀁄:
Sd oil 12CS062
Tirucalla-7-24-dien-3-􀁅-ol: Sd oilCS095
Tirucallol: Sd oilCS095
Toluidine, ortho: LfCS027
Triacontan-1-ol: LfCS075
Tricetin: ShCS094
Tricetinidin: LfCS139
Trifolin: LfCS058
Tr-saponin A: Rt 2.2CS022
Tr-saponin B: Rt 5.9CS022
Tr-saponin C: Rt 2.8CS022
Typhasterol: LfCS090
Umbelliferone: LfCS032
Undeca-2-one, 6-10-dimethyl: LfCS002
Undeca-trans-2-en-1-al: LfCS002
Urea: PlCS033
Vitamin K-1: Lf 3.1-16.5CS072,
Vitexin, iso, 2''-O-glucoside: LfCS103
Vitexin: ShCS096
Vomifeliol, dehydro: Lf EOCS132


Antibacterial activity. Alcohol extract of black tea, assayed on Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi A, was active on all strains of Salmonella paratyphi A, and only 42.19% of Salmonella typhi strains were inhibited by the extractCS048. Hot water extract of the dried entire plant and the tannin fraction, on agar plate, were active on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureusCS160.
Anticancer activity. Catechin, administered to pheochromocytoma cells in cell culture, was active. The cells were incubated with different concentrations of catechin at short-term (2 days) and long-term (7 days) in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium. The activity of superoxide dismutase was measured and its mRNA assayed by Northern blotting. After incubation for 2 days, catechin significantly increased the activity of copper/zinc superoxide dismutase. However, it did not produce significant effect at 7 days. The magnesium superoxide dismutase activity produced significant changes in both short- and long-term treatment groups. The amount of mRNA also showed similar changesCS040.
Anticarcinogenic activity. The anticarcinogenic activity of tea phenols has been    demonstrated in rats and mice transplantable tumors, carcinogen-induced tumors in digestive organs, mammary glands, hepatocarcinomas, lung cancers, skin tumors, leukemia, tumor promotion, and metastasis. The mechanisms of this effect indicated that the inhibition of tumors may be the result of both extracellular and intracellular mechanisms indicating the modulation of metabolism, blocking or suppression, modulation of DNA replication and repair effects, promotion, inhibition of invasion and metastasis, and induction of novel mechanismsCS002. The association of green tea and cancer has been investigated in 8552 Japanese women 40 years of age. After 9 years of follow-up study, 384 cases of cancer were identified. There was a negative association between cancer incidence and green tea consumption, especially among females consuming more than 10 cups of tea a day. A slow down in increases of cancer incidence with age was observed among females who consumed more than 10 cups dailyCS010. Tea, taken by lung cancer patients at a dose of two or more cups per day, reduced the risk by 95%. The protected effect was more evident among Kreyberg I tumors (squamous cell and small cells) and among light smokersCS011. The green tea polyphenols, epi-gallocatechin-3-gallate, applied topically to human skin, prevented penetration of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This was demonstrated by the absence of immunostaining for cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in the reticular dermis. Topical administration to the skin of mice inhibited UVB-induced infiltration of CDIIb+cells. The treatment also results in reduction of the UVB-induced immunoregulatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-10 in the skin and draining lymph nodes, and an elevated amount of IL-12 in draining lymph nodesCS015. Green tea extract, in human umbilical vein endothelial cells, did not affect cell viability but significantly reduced cell proliferation dose-dependently and produced a dose-dependent accumulation of cells in the gastrointestinal phase. The decrease of the expression of vascularendothelial growth factor receptors fms-like tyrosine kinase and fetal liver kinase-I/ kinase insert domain containing receptor in the cell culture by the extract was detected with immunohistochemical and Western blotting methodsCS020. Green and black tea, administered orally to hairless mice in the absence of any chemical initiators or promoters, resulted in significantly fewer skin papillomas and tumors induced by UVA and UVB light. Black tea however, provided better protection against UVB-induced tumors than green tea. Black tea consumption was associated with a reduction in the number of sunburn cells in the epidermis of mice 24 hours after irradiation, although there was no effect of green tea. Other indices of early damage such as necrotic cells or mitotic figures were not affected. Neutrophil infiltration as a measure of skin redness was slightly lowered by tea consumption in the UVB groupCS023. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, in cell culture, activated proMMP-2 in U-87 glioblastoma cells in the presence of concanavalin A or cytochalasin D, two potent activators of MT1-MMP, resulted in proMMP-2 activation that was correlated with the cell surface proteolytic processing of Mt1-MMP to it’s inactive 43 kDa form. Addition of epigallocatechin-3-gallate strongly inhibited the MT1-MMP-driven migration in the cells. The treatment of cells with non-cytotoxic doses of epigallocatechin-3-gallate significantly reduced the amount of secreted pro MMP-2, and led to a concomitant increase in intracellular levels of that protein. The effect was similar to that observed using well-characterized secretion inhibitors such as brefeldin A and manumycin, indicative that epigallocatechin could also potentially act on intracellular secretory pathwaysCS044. Green tea polyphenols, at a dose of 30 mg/mL, inhibited the photolabeling of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) by 75% and increased the accumulation of rhodamine-123 in the multidrug-resistant cell line CH(R)C5. This result indicated that green tea polyphenols interact with P-gp and inhibited its transport activity. The modulation of P-gp was a reversible process. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate potentiates the cytotoxicity of vinblastine in CH(R)C5 cells. The inhibitory effect on P-gp was also observed in human Caco-2 cellsCS045.
Anticataract activity. Tea, administered in culture to enucleated rat lens, reduced the incidence of selenite cataract in vivo. The rat lenses were randomly divided into normal, control and treated groups and incubated for 24 hours at 37oC. Oxidative stress was induced by sodium selenite in the culture medium of the two groups (except the normal group). The medium of the treated group was additionally supplemented with tea extract. After incubation, lenses were subjected to glutathione and malondialdehyde estimation. Enzyme activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase were also measured in different sets of the experiment. In vivo cataract was induced in 9-day-old rat pups of both control and treated groups by a single subcutaneous injection of sodium selenite. The treated pups were injected with tea extract intraperitoneally prior to selenite challenge and continued for 2 consecutive days thereafter. Cataract incidence was evaluated on 16 postnatal days by slit lamp examination. There was positive modulation of biochemical parameters in the organ culture study. The results indicated that tea act primarily by preserving the antioxidant defense systemCS039.
Antidiarrheal activity. Hot water extract of tea, administered orally to rats, was effective in all the models of diarrhea used. Naloxone (0.5 mg/kg, ip) and loperamide significantly inhibited the antidiarrheal activity of the extractCS029.
Antifungal activity. Ethanol (50%) extract of the entire plant, in broth culture at a concentration of 1 mg/mL, was inactive on Aspergillus fumigatus and Trichophyton mentagrophytesCS161. Hot water extract of the leaf on agar plate at a concentration of 1.0% was active on Alternaria tenuis, Pythium aphanidermatum, and Rhizopus stoloniferCS162. Saponin fraction of the leaf on agar plate was active on Microsporum audonini, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) 10 mg/mL; Epidermophyton floccosum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes, MICs 25 􀁐g/mLCS165.
Antihypercholesterolemic activity. Tea supplemented with vitamin E, administered to male Syrian hamsters, reduced plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations, LDL oxidation, and early atherosclerosis compared to the consumption of tea alone by the hamsters. The antioxidant action of vitamin E is through the incorporation of vitamin E into the LDL molecule. The hamsters were fed a semipurified hypercholesterolemic diet containing 12% coconut oil, 3% sunflower oil, and 0.2% cholesterol (control), control and 0.625% tea, control and 1.25% tea or control and 0.044% tocopherol acetate for 10 weeks. The hamsters fed the vitamin E diet compared to the different concentrations of tea significantly lower plasma LDL cholesterol concentrations, –18% (p < 0.007), –17% (p < 0.02), and –24% (p < 0.0001), respectively. Aortic fatty streak areas were reduced in the vitamin E diet group compared to the control, –36% (p < 0.04) and low tea –45% (p < 0.01) diets. Lag phase of conjugated diene production was greater in the vitamin E diet compared to the control, low tea, and high tea diets, 41% (p < 0.0004), 40% (p < 0.0004), and 39% (p <0.0008), respectively. Rate of conjugated diene production was reduced in the vitamin E diet compared to the control, low tea, and high tea diets, –63% (p < 0.002), –57% (p < 0.005), and –59% (p < 0.02), respectivelyCS005. Infusion of black tea leaves was taken by 31 men (ages 47 􀁲 14) and 34 females (ages 35 􀁲 13) in a 4-week study. Six mugs of tea were taken daily vs placebo (water, caffeine, milk, and sugar) and blood lipids, bowel habit, and blood pressure measured during a run-in period and at the end weeks 2, 3, and 4 of the test period. Compliance was established by adding a known amount of p-aminobenzoic acid to selected tea bags and then measure it excretion in the urine. Mean serum cholesterol values during run-in, placebo and on tea drinking were 5.67 􀁲 1.05, 5.76 􀁲 1.11, and 5.69 􀁲 1.09 mmol/L (p = 0.16). There were also no significant changes in diet, LDL-cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triacylglycerols, and blood pressure in the tea intervention period compared with placebo. Stool consistency was softened with tea compared with the placebo, and no other differences were observed in bowel habit. The results were unchanged within 15 “noncompliers” whose p-aminobenzoic acid excretion indicated that fewer than six tea bags had been used, were excluded from the analysis, and when differenced between run-in and tea periods were considered separately for those who were given tea first or secondCS167.
Anti-inflammatory effect. Epigallocatechin- 3-gallate was shown to mimic its antiinflammatory effects in modulating the IL-I 􀁅-induced activation of mitogen activated protein kinase in human chondrocytes. It inhibited the IL-I 􀁅-induced phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) isoforms, accumulation of phosphoc- Jun and DNA-binding activity of AP-1 in osteoarthritis chondrocytes, IL-I 􀁅 but not epigallocatechin-3-gallate, and induced the expression of JNK p46 without modulating the expression of JNK p54 in osteoarthritis chondrocytes. In immune complex kinase assays, epigallocatechin-3-gallate completely blocked the substrate phosphorylating activity of JNK but not p38-mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK). Epigallocatechin-3-gallate had no inhibitory effect on the activation of extracellular signalregulated kinase p44/p42 (ERKp44/p42) or p38-MAPK in chondrocytes. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate did not alter the total nonphosphorylated levels of either p38- MAPK or ERKp44/p42 in osteoarthritis chondrocytesCS033. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate administered to primary human osteoarthritis chondrocytes at a concentration of 100 􀁐M in cell Culture, inhibited the IL-I 􀁅-induced production of nitric oxide by interfering with the activation of nuclear factor (NF)􀁎BCS042. Tea, in culture with bovine nasal and metacarpophalangeal cartilage and human nondiseased osteoarthritis and rheumatoid cartilage with and without reagents known to accelerate cartilage matrix breakdown, produced chondroprotective effect that may be beneficial for the arthritis patient by reducing inflammation and the slowing of cartilage breakdown. Individual catechins were added to the cultures and the amount of released proteoglycan and type II collagen were measured by metachromatic assay and inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), respectively. Possible nonspecific or toxic effects of the catechins were assessed by lactate output and proteoglycan synthesis. Catechins, particularly those containing a gallate ester, were effective at micromolar concentrations at inhibiting proteoglycan and type II collagen breakdownCS043.
Antimutagenic activity. The anticarcinogenic activity of tea phenols has been demonstrated in rats and mice, transplantable tumors, carcinogen-induced tumors in digestive organs, mammary glands, hepatocarcinomas, lung cancers, skin tumors, leukemia, tumor promotion, and metastasis. The mechanisms of this effect indicated that the inhibition of tumors maybe the result of both extracellular and intracellular mechanisms indicting the modulation of metabolism, blocking or suppression, modulation of DNA replication and repair effects, promotion, inhibition of invasion and Metastasis, and induction of novel mechanismsCS002. Green and black teas, administered orally to human adults, were effective. Between 60 and 180 minutes after the teas were administered, the antimutagenic active compounds were recovered from the jejunal compartment by means of dialysis. The dialysate appeared to inhibit the mutagenicity of the food mutagen 2-amino-3,8- dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline on Salmonella typhimurium. The maximum inhibition was measured at 2 hours after administration and was comparable for black and green teas. The maximum inhibition observed with black tea was reduced by 22, 42, and 78% in the presence of whole milk, semi-skimmed milk, and skimmed milk, respectively. Whole milk and skimmed milk abolished the antimutagenic activity of green tea by more than 90% and semiskimmed milk by more than 60%. When a homogenized breakfast was taken with black tea, the antimutagenic activity was eliminated. When tea and mutagen 2-amino-3,8- dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline were added to the system, 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[ 4,5-f]quinoxaline mutagenicity was efficiently inhibited, with green tea showing a slightly stronger antimutagenic activity than black tea. The addition of milk had only a small inhibiting effect on the antimutagenicity. The antimutagenic activity corresponded with reduction in antioxidant capacity and with a decrease of concentration of catechin, epigallocatechin gallate, and epigallocatechinCS014. Chinese white tea, tested on rat liver S9 in assay for methoxyresorufin O-demethylase, inhibited methoxyresorufin O-demethylase activity and attenuated the mutagenic activity of 3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ) in absence of S9. Nine of the major constituents found in green and white teas were mixed to produce artificial teas according to their relative levels in white and green teas. The complete tea exhibited higher antimutagenic potency compared with the corresponding artificial teaCS019. Green and black tea polyphenols, applied to the surfaces of ground beef before cooking, inhibited the formation of the mutagens in a dose-related fashionCS025. Green or black tea polyphenols sharply decreased the mutagenicity of a number of aryl- and heterocyclic amines, of aflatoxin B1, benzo[a]pyrene, 1,2-dibromoethane, and more selectively of 2-nitropropane, all involving an induced rat liver S9 fraction. Good inhibition was found with two nitrosamines that required a hamster S9 fraction for biochemical activation. No effect was found with 1-nitropyrene and with the direct-acting (no S9) 2-chloro-4-methyl-thiobutanoic acidCS027. Hot water extract on the leaf was evaluated in cell cultures on various systems vs decaffeinated and caffeinated teas. On mouse mammary gland vs decaffeinated and caffeinated teas, ICs50 were 10 mg/mL and 10 􀁐g/mL on CAA427, IC50 27 mg/mL and 31 􀁐g/mL, and on epithelial cells, IC50 0.01 ng/mL and 0.3 ng/mLCS169. Hot water extract of the leaf, on agar plate at a concentration of 1 mg/ plate, was active on Salmonella typhimurium TA98 vs 2-amino-3 methylimidazo [4,5-f]quinoline-induced mutagenesis and produced weak activity vs benzo[a]pyreneinduced mutagenesisCS168. Infusion of the leaf, on agar plate at a concentration of 0.7 mg/plate, was active on Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and TA100 vs 2-amino-3-m e t h y l i m i d a z o [ 4 , 5 - f ] q u i n o l i n e - ; 3-amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrid[4,3-b]indole(Trp-1); aflatoxin B1-; 2-amino-6-methyl-dipyrido[1,2-A:3,2-d]imidazole-, and benzo[a]pyrene-induced carcinogenesisCS170. Infusion of the leaf, on agar plate at a concentration of 50 mg/plate, was active on Salmonella typhimurium TA98 vs 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline-; 2-amino-3,4-dimethyl-imidazo[4,5- f]quinoline-;2-amino-3,8-dimethylimid a z o [ 4 , 5 - f ] q u i n o x a l i n e - ; 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]-p y r i d i n e - ; 2 - a m i n o - 3 , 7 , 8 - trimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline-; 2-amino-3,4,7,8-tetramethyl-3H-imidazo- [4,5-f]quinoxaline-inoxaline-; 3-amino-1,4-d i m e t h y l - 5 H - p y r i d [ 4 , 3 - b ] i n d o l e (Trp-P-I)- and 3-amino-1-methyl-5Hpyrido [4,3-b]indole-induced mutagenesis. Metabolic activation was required for positive resultsCS171.
Anti-neoplastic effect. Green tea, administered orally at a dose of 6 g per day in six doses to 42 patients who were asymptomatic and had manifested, progressive prostate specific antigen elevation with hormone therapy, produced limited antineoplastic activity. Continued use of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist was permitted. However, patients were ineligible if they had received other treatments for their disease in the preceding 4 weeks or if they had received a long-acting antiandrogen therapy in the preceding 6 weeks. The patients were monitored monthly for response and toxicity. Tumor response, defined as a decline of 50% or greater in the baseline prostate-specific antigen (PSA) value, occurred in a single patient, or 2% of The cohort (95% confidence interval [CI], 1–14%). This one response was not sustained beyond 2 months. At the end of the first month, the median change in the PSA value from baseline for the cohort increased by 43%CS031. Infusion of the leaf, administered in the drinking of female mice at a concentration of 1.25%, was active vs UV radiation-induced papillomas and tumorsCS172. Leaves in the drinking water of female mice at a dose of 0.6% reduced lung tumor multiplicity and volume in 4-(methylnitrosamine)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) treated miceCS173.
Antioxidative effect. Tea, administered orally to rats, decreased the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) contents in urine and lowered the esterified and total cholesterol contents in plasma as compared with a control group. TBARS contents in liver, plasma, and cholesterol levels in the liver were not affected. The lower plasma cholesterol concentration could not be explained by increased fecal excretion of cholesterol or bile acids. On the other hand, a relationship between decreased plasma cholesterol and significantly higher acetate concentrations in the cecum, colon, and portal blood of rats was assumed. Copper absorption was significantly increased while iron absorption was not affectedCS007. Epigallocatechin gallate, tea polyphenols, and tea extract were added to human plasma and lipid peroxidation induced by the water-soluble radical generator 2,2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride. Following a lag phase, lipid peroxidation was initiated and it occurred at a rate that was lower in a dose that was lowered in a dosedependent manner by the polyphenols. Similarly, epigallocatechin gallate and the extract added to plasma strongly inhibited 2 , 2 ' - a z o b i s ( 2 - a m i d i n o p r o p a n e ) dihydrochloride-induced lipid peroxidation. The lag phase preceding detectable lipid peroxidation was the result of the antioxidant activity of endogenous ascorbate, which was more effective at inhibiting lipid peroxidation than the tea polyphenols and was not spared by these compounds. When eight volunteers consumed the equivalent of six cups of tea, the resistance of their plasma to lipid peroxidation did not increase over a period of 3 hoursCS009. Black tea leaves, administered to human red blood cells, was effective against damage by oxidative stress induced by inducers such as phenylhydrazine, Cu2+-ascorbic acid, and xanthine/xanthine oxidase systems. Lipid peroxidation of pure erythrocyte membrane and of whole red blood cell was completely prevented by black tea extract. Similarly, the tea provided total protection against degradation of membrane proteins. Membranefluidity studies as monitored by thefluorescent probe 1,6-diphenyl-hexa-1,3,5-triene showed considerable disorganization of its architecture that could be restored back to normal on addition of black tea or free catechins. The tea extract in comparison to free catechin seemed to be a better protecting agent against various types of oxidative stressCS013. Ethanol/water (7:3) extract of green tea, tested on 2,2-azino-di- 3-ethylbenzthiazoline sulphonate, produced antioxidant activity compared with that of ascorbic acid (10 mmol/L)CS018. The Nonpolyphenolic fraction of residual green tea (after hot water extraction) produced a significant suppression against hydroperoxide generation from oxidized linoleic acid in a dose-dependent manner. Using silica gel TLC plate, chlorophylls a and b, pheophytins a and b, 􀁅-carotene, and lutein were isolated. All of these constituents exhibited significant antioxidant activites, the ranks of suppressive activity against hydroperoxide generation were chlorophyll a > lutein> pheophytin a > chlorophyll b > b-carotene> pheophytin bCS047.
Antiproliferative activity. Green tea fractions, tested on human stomach cancer (MK-1) cells, indicated six active flavan-3-ols, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epigallocatechin gallate, gallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and gallocatechin gallate. Among the six active flavan-3-ols, epigallocatechin gallate and gallocatechin gallate produced the highest activity. Epigallocatechin, gallocatechin, and epicatechin gallate followed next, and the activity of epicatechin was lowest. This suggests that the presence of the three adjacent hydroxyl groups (pyrogallol or galloyl group) in the molecule would be a key factor for enhancing the activityCS032.
Antiprotozoan activity. Ethanol (50%) extract of the entire plant, in broth culture at a concentration of 125 􀁐g/mL, was inactive on Entamoeba histolyticaCS161.
Antispasmodic activity. Hot water extract and tannin fraction of the dried entire plant were active on the rabbit and rat intestines vs pilocarpine-induced spasms and bariuminduced contractionsCS160.
Antiviral activity. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, administered to Hep2 cells in culture, produced a therapeutic index of 22 and an IC50 of 25 􀁐M. The agent was the most effective when added to the cells during the transition from the early to the late phase of viral infection suggesting that the polyphenol inhibits one or more late steps in virus infectionCS016. Ethanol (50%) extract of the entire plant, in broth culture at a concentration of 50 􀁐g/ mL, was inactive on Raniket and Vaccinia virusesCS161. Hot water extract of the leaf in cell culture was active on Coxsackie A9, B1, B2, B3, B4, and B6 viruses, Echo type 9 virus, herpes simplex virus, poliovirus III, vaccinia virus, and REO type 1 virusCS163.
Anti-yeast activity. Ethanol (50%) extract of the entire plant, in broth culture at a concentration of 1 mg/mL, was inactive on Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Sporotrichum schenckiiCS161. Ethanol extract of the leaf on agar plate produced MIC 9.3 mg/mL on Candida albicans CS164.
Coronary heart disease prevention. Tea, taken by men and women age 30 to 70 years at a dose of 480.0 mL per day, produced a positive dose–response effectCS008.
Cytochrome P50 expression. Fresh leaves of green, black, and decaffeinated black tea enhanced lauric acid hydroxylation. The decaffeinated black tea produced no significant effect. Green tea and black tea but not decaffeinated black tea, stimulated the Odealkylations of methoxy-, ethoxy-, and pentoxy-resorufin indicating upregulation of cytochrome P50 (CYP)1A and CYP2B. Immunoblot analysis revealed that green and black tea, but not decaffeinated black tea, elevated the hepatic CYP1A2 apoprotein levels. Hepatic microsomes from green and black tea-treated rats, but not those from the decaffeinated black tea-treated rats, were more effective than controls in converting IQ into mutagenic species in the Ames testCS001.
Dental enamel erosion. Herbal tea and conventional black tea, tested on teeth, resulted in erosion of dental enamel. After exposure to tea, sequential profilometric tracings of the specimens were taken, superimposed, and the degree of enamel loss calculated as the area of disparity between the tracings before and after exposure. Tooth surface loss resulted from herbal tea (mean 0.05 mm2) was significantly greater than that which resulted from exposure to conventional black tea (0.01 mm2), and water (0.00 mm2)CS022. Tannin, catechin, caffeine, and tocopherol, tested in vitro on tooth enamel, demonstrated that these components possess the property of increasing the acid resistance of tooth enamel. The effects increased dramatically when the components were used in combination with fluoride. A mixture of tannic acid and fluoride showed the highest inhibitory effect (98%) on calcium release to an acid solution. Tannin in combination with fluoride inhibited the formation of artificial enamel lesions in comparison with acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) as determined by electron probe microanalysis, polarized-light microscopy, and Vickers microhardness measurementCS024.
DNA effect. Green tea extract, in cell culture at a dose of 10 mg/L corresponding to 15 mmol/L EGCg for 24 hours, did not protect Jurkat cells against H2O2-induced DNA damage. The DNA damage, evaluated by the Comet assay, was dose-dependent. However, it reached plateau at 75 mmol/L of H2O2 without any protective effect exerted by the extract. The DNA repair process, completed within 2 hours, was unaffected by supplementationCS021.
Fluoride retention. Tea, used as a mouth rinse, demonstrated strong avidity of enamel for tea and salivary pellicle components. Thirty-four percent of the fluoride was retained in the oral cavity. Differences in retention at the tooth surface in the presence and absence of an acquired pellicle were not statistically significant at incisor or molar sites. Fluoride from tea showed strong binding to enamel particles, which was only partially dissociated by solutions of ionic strength considerably greater than that of salivaCS012.
Gastrointestinal effect. Green tea, administered to rats fasted for 3 days, reverted to normal the mucosal and villous atrophy induced by fasting. Black tea ingestion had no effect. Ingestion of black tea, green tea, and vitamin E before fasting protected the intestinal mucosa against atrophyCS003. Characterization of melanin extracted from tea leaves proved similarity of the original compound to standard melanin. The Langmuir adsorption isotherms for gadolinium (Gd) binding were obtained using melanin. Melanin–Gd preparation demonstrated low acute toxicity. LD50 for the preparation was in a range of 1.25–1.50 g/kg in mice. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) properties of melanin itself and melanin-Gd complexes have been estimated. Gadoliniumfree melanin fractions possess slighter relaxivity compared with its complexes. The relaxivity of lower molecular weight fraction was 2 times higher than relaxivity of Gd(DTPA) standard. Postcontrast images demonstrated that oral administration of melanin complexes in concentration of 0.1 mM provides essential enhancement to longitudinal relaxation times (T[1])-weighted spin echo image. The required contrast and delineation of the stomach wall demonstrated uniform enhancement of MRI with proposed melanin complexCS049.
Hypocholesterolemic effect. Green tea, in human HepG2 cell culture, increased both LDL receptor-binding activity and protein. The ethyl acetate extract, containing 70% (w/w) catechins, also increased LDL receptor-binding activity, protein, and mRNA, indicating that the effect was at the receptor level of gene transcription and that the catechins were the active constituents. The mechanism by which green tea upregulated the LDL receptor was investigated. Green tea decreased the cell cholesterol concentration (–30%) and increased the conversion of the sterol-regulated element binding protein (SREBP-1) from the inactive precursor form to the active transcription-factor form. Consistent with this, the mRNA of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme-A reductase, the rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis, was also increased by green teaCS050.
Immunomodulatory effect. To determine the effects of tea on transplant-related immune function in vitro lymphocyte proliferation tests using phytohemagglutinin, mixed lymphocytes culture assay, IL-2, and IL-10 production from mixed lymphocyte proliferation were performed. Tea had immunosuppressive effects and decreased alloresponsiveness in the culture. The immunosuppressive effect of tea was mediated through a decrease in IL-2 productionCS038. Tea, assayed in cell culture, enhanced neopterin production in unstimulated peripheral mononuclear cells, whereas an effective reduction of neopterin formation in cells stimulated with concanavalin A, phytohemagglutinin or interferon (IFN)-􀁊 was observedCS041. Theaflavins potently suppressed IL-2 secretion, IL-2 gene expression, and the activation of NF-􀁎B in murine spleens enriched for CD4(+) T-cells. Theaflavins also inhibited the induction of IFN-􀁊 mRNA. However, the expression of the T(H2) cytokines IL-4 and IL-5, which lack functional NF-􀁎B sites within their promoters was unexpectedly suppressed by theaflavins as wellCS046.
Insulin-enhancing effect. Tea, as normally consumed, was shown to increase insulin activity more than 15-fold in vitro in an epididymal fat cell assay. The majority of the insulin-potentiating activity for green and oolong teas was owing to epigallocatechin gallate. For black tea, the activity was present in addition to epigallocatechin gallate, tannins, theaflavins, and other undefined compounds. Several known compounds found in tea were shown to enhance insulin with the greatest activity due to epigallocatechin gallate followed by epicatechin gallate, tannins, and theaflavins. Caffeine, catechin, and epicatechin displayed insignificant insulin-enhancing activities. Addition of lemon to the tea did not affect the insulin-potentiating activity. Addition of 5 g of 2% milk per cup decreased the insulin-potentiating activity one-third, and addition of 50 g of milk per cup decreased the insulin-potentiating activity approx 90%. Non-dairy creamers and soymilk also decreased the insulinpotentiating activityCS034.
Iron absorption. Tea, administered by gastric intubation to rats, did not affect iron absorption when tea was consumed for 3 days but when delivered in tea the absorption was decreased. Rats maintained on a commercial diet were fasted overnight with free access to water and then gavaged with 1 mL of 59Fe labeled FeCl3 (0.1 mM or 1 mM) and lactulose (0.5 M) in water or black tea. Iron absorption was estimated from Fe retention. Intestinal permeability was evaluated by lactulose excretion in the urine. Iron absorption was lower with given with tea at both iron concentrations but tea did not affect lactulose excretionCS004.
Lipid peroxidation activity. Solubilized green tea, administered orally to rats for 5 weeks, reduced lipid peroxidation products. The treatment produced increased activity of glutathione (GSH) peroxidase and GSH reductase, increased content of reduced GSH, a marked decrease in lipid hydroperoxides and malondialdehyde in the liver, an increase in the concentration of vitamin A by about 40%. A minor change in the measured parameters was observed in the blood serum. GSH content increased slightly, whereas the index of the total antioxidant status increased significantly. In contrast, the lipid peroxidation products, particularly malondialdehyde, was significantly diminished. In the central nervous tissue, the activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase decreased, whereas the activity of GSH reductase and catalase increased after drinking green tea. Moreover, the level of lipid hydroperoxides, 4-hydroksynonenal, and malondialdehyde decreased significantlyCS036.
Neuromuscular-blocking action. Thearubigin fraction of black tea was investigated for neuromuscular-blocking action of botulinum neurotoxin types A, B, and E in the mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations. On binding, A (1.5 nM), B (6 nM), and E (5 nM) abolished indirect twitches within 50, 90, and 90 minutes, respectively. Thearubigin fraction mixed with each toxin protected against the neuromuscular-blocking action of botulinum neurotoxin types A, B, and E by binding with the toxinsCS037.
Oral submucousal fibrosis effect. Tea, administered orally to 39 patients with oral submucous fibrosis, indicated that the treatment was effective for patients with abnormal hemorheology. The patients were divided into control and experimental groups. The control group included 22 oral submucous fibrosis patients who were treated by oral administration of vitamins A and D, vitamin B complex, and vitamin E. The experimental group included 17 patients who were treated with vitamins and tea pigment after their examination of hemorheology. The results showed that 7 of 12 patients in the experimental group with abnormal hemorheology had average 7.9 mm improvement on the open degree (58.3%), and the open degree of the other five patients whose hemorheology was normal only increased 2 mm (20%). The therapeutical results of the experimental group (58.3%) were significantly better than that of the control group (13.6%) (p <0.005)CS035.
P-glycoprotein activity. Green tea polyphenols (30 􀁐g/mL) inhibited the photolabeling of P-gp by 75% and increased the accumulation of rhodamine-123 threefold in a multidrug-resistant cell line CH(R)C5, indicating that the polyphenols interact with P-gp and inhibit its transport activity. The modulation of P-gp transport by polyphenols was a reversible processCS045.
Photoprotection effect. Tea extracts, administered topically, produced a dosedependent inhibition of the erythema response evoked by UV radiation. The (–)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate and (–)-epicatechin-3-gallate polyphenolic fractions were most efficient at inhibiting erythema, whereas (–)-epigallocatechin and (–)-epicatechin had little effect. On histological examination, skin treated with the extracts reduced the number of sunburn cells and protected epidermal Langerhans cells from UV damage. The extract also reduced damage that formed after UV radiationCS006. Green tea polyphenols, applied topically to the human skin, prevented UVB-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, which are considered to be mediators of UVB-induced immune suppression and skin cancer induction. The treatment, prior to exposure to UVB, protected against UVB-induced local as well as systemic immune suppression in laboratory animals. Additionally, treatment of mouse skin inhibited UVB-induced infiltration of CD11b cells. CD11b is a cell-surface marker for activated macrophages and neutrophils, which are associated with induction of UVB-induced suppression of contact hypersensitivity responses. The treatment also resulted in reduction of the UVBinduced immunoregulatory cytokine IL-10 in skin as well as in draining lymph nodes, and an elevated amount of IL-12 in draining lymph nodesCS026.
Protease inhibition. Epigallocatechin-3- gallate, in cell culture at a concentration of 100 􀁐M, reduced virus yield by 2 orders of magnitude producing an IC50 of 25 􀁐M and a therapeutic index of 22 in Hep2 cells. The agent was the most effective when added to the cells during the transition from the early to the late phase of viral infection, suggesting that it inhibited one or more late steps in virus infection. One of these steps appears to be virus assembly, because the titer of infectious virus and the production of physical particles were much more affected than the synthesis of virus proteins. Another step might be the maturation cleavages carried out by adenain. When tested on adenain, epigallocatechin-3-gallate produced an IC50 of 109 􀁐MCS017.
Radical scavenging activity. Green tea, evaluated using the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical, indicated that the galloyl moiety showed more potent activity. The contribution of the pyrogallol moiety in the B-ring to the scavenging activity seemed to be less than that of the galloyl moietyCS032.
Tetanus toxin protection. Thearubigin fraction of black tea was investigated for neuromuscular-blocking action on tetanus toxin in the mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations and on binding of this toxin to the synaptosomal membrane preparations of rat cerebral cortices. Tetanus toxin (4 􀁐g/mL) abolished indirect twitches in the mouse phrenic nerve–diaphragm preparations within 150 minutes. Thearubigin fraction mixed with tetanus toxin blocked the inhibitory effect of the toxinCS030.
Toxicity. Green tea, administered orally at a dose of 6 g per day in six doses to 42 patients who were asymptomatic and had manifested, progressive prostate specific antigen elevation with hormone therapy, produced grade 1 or 2 toxicity in 69% of the patients and included nausea, emesis, insomia, fatigue, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and confusion. However, six episodes of grade 3 toxicity and one episode of grade 4 toxicity also occurred, with the latter manifesting as severe confusionCS031.
Toxicity assessment. Ethanol (50%) extract of the entire plant, administered intraperitoneally to mice produced lethal dose (LD)50 316 mg/kgCS161. Ethanol (95%) extract of the leaf, administered by gastric intubation to mice, produced LD50 10 g/kg. Intraperitoneal administration produced CD90 0.7 g/kgCS166.

INDICATIONS (GREEN OR BLACK TEA)  (Duke, J. A et al., 2002)

Acute Diarrhea (1; SHT); ADD (f; DAA); Agitation (f; PH2); Alcoholism (f; PH2); Allergy (1; WO2); Alzheimer’s (1; COX; FNF); Ameba (1; APA); Angina (1; DAA); Anorexia (f; PH2); Apoplexy (f; JNU); Arthrosis (1; COX; FNF); Asthma (1; AKT; APA; WO2); Atherosclerosis (1; APA; JNU; WO2); Bacteria (1; AKT; APA; WO2); Bite (f; DAA); Bladder Stone (f; WO2); Bleeding (1; APA; WO2); Bronchosis (1; WO2); Bruise (f; DAA); Burn (f; DAA); Cancer (1; APA; COX; FNF); Cancer, breast (1; PH2); Cancer, colon (1; APA; PH2); Cancer, esophagus (1; APA; JNU; WO2); Cancer, intestine (1; PH2; WO2); Cancer, liver (1; APA); Cancer, lung (1; APA; PH2; WO2); Cancer, pancreas (2; PH2; APA); Cancer, rectum (2; PH2); Cancer, skin (1; JNU; APA); Cancer, stomach (2; JNU; PH2; WO2); Capillary Fragility (1; PH2); Cardiopathy (1; APA; PH2; SKY); Caries (2; AKT; JAD; PH2); Circulosis (f; PH2); Cold (1; APA; JNU; WO2); Colic (f; JNU); Colitis (1; APA); Congestion (1; APA); Cough (1; APA); Cramp (1; AKT); Cystosis (f; WO2); Depression (1; PH2); Diarrhea (1; AKT; APA; PHR); Diabetes (1; APA); Dropsy (f; DAA); Dysentery (1; PNC; WO2); Dyspepsia (f; PH2); Edema (f; DAA; WO2); Emphysema (1; DAA); Encephalosis (f; WO2); Enterosis (1; APA; PH2); Enterovirus (1; WO2); Epilepsy (f; DAA; JNU); Escherichia (1; PH2); Esophagosis (1; APA); Fatigue (f; DAA; PH2); Fever (f; PH2; WO2); Gastrosis (f; PHR; PH2); Gingivosis (1; SKY); Goiter (1; WO2); Gout (f; WO2); Hangover (f; DAA); Headache (1; APA; PH2); Hepatosis (f; PH2; WO2); Herpes (1; AKT); High Blood Pressure (f; SKY); High Cholesterol (1; AKT; APA; SKY; WO2); High Triglyceride (1; SKY); Hyperdipsia (f; PH2); Hyperthyroidism (1; WO2); Immunodepression (1; AKT; FNF; SKY); Infection (1; SKY); Inflammation (1; APA; COX; FNF; PH2); Kidney Stone (f; WO2); Lethargy (1; JNU); Leukemia (1; WO2); Malaria (f; PH2); Melanoma (f; JNU); Metastasis (f; JNU); Migraine (f; DAA; JNU; PH2); Nausea (f; PHR; PH2); Nephrosis (f; WO2); Obesity (1; APA; FNF; JNU); Odontorrhagia (1; APA); Ophthalmia (f; DAA); Pain (1; JAD; PH2); Paralysis (f; JNU); Plaque (2; PH2); Polyp (1; APA); Shingle (1; AKT); Smallpox (f; DAA); Stone (f; JNU); Streptococcus (1; PH2); Stroke (1; APA; JNU); Sunburn (1; APA); Swelling (f; DAA); Toxemia (f; DAA); Tuberculosis (f; JNU); Ulcer (1; AKT; APA); Vertigo (f; JNU); Virus (1; AKT; FNF; WO2); Vomiting (f; PH2); Water Retention (1; APA; PH2); Wrinkle (1; APA).
(Not covered by Commission E (KOM)).

PRODUCT AVAILABILITY (Barnes, J et al., 2007)
Tablets, capsules, dried/liquid extract, tea

PLANT PART USED (Barnes, J et al., 2007)
Dried leaves

DOSAGES (Barnes, J et al., 2007)

Green tea is standardized to 60% polyphenols.
v  Adult PO extract: 250-400 mg/day of standardized to 90% polyphenols (McCaleb et al, 2000)
v  Adult PO tea: 1 tsp tea leaves in 8 oz hot water, drink 2-5 cups/day (McCaleb et al, 2000)

DOSAGES (GREEN Or BLACK Tea) (Duke, J. A et al., 2002)
v  1–2 tsp dry leaf/cup water 1–3 ×/day (APA)
v  50–100 mg green tea polyphenols (APA);
v  100–200 mg StX (50% polyphenols) (APA);
v  three 333-mg green tea capsules, each containing 50 mg polyphenols/day (APA).

PREPARATION TIPS (Dole Food Company, Inc. 2002)
The best tea is made using whole or large fragments of tea leaves, available in many specialty tea shops. Many of these shops also sell implements, such as mesh containers, which allow tea leaves to infuse their flavor into water without leaving the leaves behind. To make a good cup or pot of tea, start by using cold, fresh, and filtered water (if you don’t like the taste of your tap water).
Heat the water to a simmer—do not boil—remove from heat, and add the tea. Steeping guidelines are generally 1 teaspoon of tea per cup of water, but the amount may vary according to the type of tea used. Green teas usually need to be steeped in water for 1 to 2 minutes, and black teas may require 3 to 4 minutes. Avoid oversteeping. More than 5 minutes can make all types of tea bitter.

TEAS AND POSSIBLE HEALTH (Dole Food Company, Inc. 2002)
Tea has been consumed throughout history for its supposed curative powers, and medical research now suggests that there are health benefits from drinking green and black teas.
Several studies show an association between consumption of green tea and reduction in the risk for cancer and heart disease. Green tea naturally contains chemical compounds called polyphenols. Within this family of compounds are chemicals that appear to play a role in cell growth and programmed cell death, which could be important in preventing and controlling cancer. Polyphenols also are antioxidants that can help prevent cell damage and may help prevent formation of plaque in the arteries.

SERVING SUGGESTIONS (Dole Food Company, Inc. 2002)
Tea is an excellent beverage at any time of the day. Black teas are typically served at breakfast, often with milk and sweeteners. Herbal teas typically do not contain the stimulant caffeine and thus are excellent choices in the evening. One note of caution: tea itself contains no calories. However, lighteners or sweeteners added to it can add a significant amount of calories and fat. Minimize fat and calories by using skim milk. In addition, afternoon tea, an old but widespread tradition, often includes baked sweets such as scones or cookies.
Keep your tea break healthful by limiting these sweets. Serve fruit or slices of wholegrain bread instead.

(Duke, J. A et al., 2002)

Class 2D
Fermented black tea not recommended for excess or long-term use (AHP). In excess can cause GI distress and nervous irritability (due to caffeine) (PNC). Caffeine syndrome in overindulgence, as with coffee, etc. (SKY). All things in moderation. One woman who consumed the equivalent of 65 g tea leaves/day for 5 years exhibited liver dysfunction. Ascites and splenomegaly resolved after tea was discontinued (SHT). Pedersen, who does not cover conventional tea, says that peppermint leaf contains much astringent tannin, which can damage the liver and intestine with prolonged use (Pedersen, 1998). Since the more widely used tea (Camellia sinensis) often contains twice as much tannin as peppermint, this recommendation should be doubly pertinent under tea, or maybe we should call these tannins by the more attractive names “OPCs, polyphenols, and pycnogenols” and declare them useful antioxidant good guys instead of hepatotoxic bad guys (JAD). Regarding caffeine, “Pregnant women should under no circumstances exceed a dosage of 300 mg/day (5 cups of tea spread out over the course of a day). Infants whose nursing mothers consume beverage containing caffeine could suffer from sleep disorders” (APA).

CONTRAINDICATIONS (Barnes, J et al., 2007)
Green tea should not be used by persons with hypersensitivity to this product or by those with kidney infl ammation, gastrointestinal ulcers, insomnia, cardiovascular disease, or increased intraocular pressure. This herb contains caffeine. Decaffeinated tea is available, although some caffeine may remain.

v  CNS: Anxiety, nervousness, insomnia (high doses)
v  CV: Increased blood pressure, palpitations, irregular heartbeat (high doses)
v  GI: Nausea, heartburn, increased stomach acid (high doses)
v  INTEG: Hypersensitivity reactions

INTERACTIONS (Barnes, J et al., 2007)

v  Antacids: Antacids may decrease the therapeutic effects of green tea (theoretical).
v  Anticoagulants, antiplatelets: Green tea with anticoagulants, antiplatelets may increase risk of bleeding (theoretical) (Jellin et al, 2008).
v  Beta-adrenergic blockers: Green tea used with these agents can lead to increased inotropic effects.
v  Benzodiazepines: Green tea with these agents increases sedation (theoretical) (Jellin et al, 2008).
v  Bronchodilators, xanthines (theophylline): Large amounts of green tea increase the action of xanthines, some bronchodilators.
v  MAOIs (isocarboxazid, phenelzine, tranylcypromine): Green tea used in large amounts taken with MAOIs can lead to hypertensive crisis, do not use together.

INTERACTIONS—CONT’D (Barnes, J et al., 2007)

Ephedra: Concurrent use of ephedra and caffeinated green tea may increase hypertension and CNS stimulation; avoid concurrent use with caffeinated green tea products.
Dairy products: Dairy products may decrease the therapeutic effects of green tea.
Iron: Green tea may decrease iron absorption.
Lab Test
Glucose, VMA, urine creatine, urine catecholamine: Green tea may increase these levels.

CLIENT CONSIDERATIONS (Barnes, J et al., 2007)

v  Assess the reason the client is using green tea.
v  Assess for hypersensitivity reactions. If present, discontinue the use of this herb and administer an antihistamine or other appropriate therapy.
v  Assess for other conditions that are contraindications to green tea use, including cardiovascular and renal disease, and increased intraocular pressure.
v  Assess for use of antacids, dairy products, and ephedra (see Interactions).
v  Instruct the client to store green tea in a cool, dry place, protected from heat and moisture.
Teach Client/Family
v  Caution the client with renal or cardiovascular disease, or increased intraocular pressure not to use green tea products that contain caffeine.
v  Teach the client not to use green tea with antacids or milk because its effect is decreased.

EXTRACTS (GREEN OR BLACK TEA)  (Duke, J. A et al., 2002)

Both the polphenols (OPCs, tannins) and xanthines (caffeine) have their good and bad sides. As a major source of the major COX-2 Inhibitor ([+]-catechin), this might be viewed by enthusiasts as another herbal miracle aspirin (COX). See FNF. Muroi and Kubo (1993) demonstrated synergies for antibacterial activity in compounds from tea (Camellia sinensis), “... green tea extract is effective in the prevention of dental caries because of the antibacterial activity of flavor compounds together with the antiplaque activity of polyphenols.... Synergism was found in the combination of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (delta-cadinene and beta-caryophyllene) with indole; their bactericidal activities increased from 128-fold to 256- fold ... the combination of 25 μg/mL delta-cadinene and 400 μg/mL indole reduced the number of viable (bacterial) cells at any stage of growth.” Translation: The mixture (“herbal shotgun”) of three bactericidal compounds that might help prevent plaque was more than 100 times more potent than the isolated individual compounds (“magic bullet”). And then there is the natural fluoride (130–160 ppm) (PDR).


Barnes, J., Anderson, L. A., and Phillipson, J. D.  2007.  Herbal Medicines Third Edition. Pharmaceutical Press. Auckland and London.

Dole Food Company, Inc. 2002. Encyclopedia of Foods A Guide to Healthy Nutrition. Academic Press. San Diego, California.

Duke, J. A. with Mary Jo Bogenschutz-Godwin, Judi duCellier, Peggy-Ann K. Duke. 2003.  Handbook of Medicinal Spices. CRC Press LLC. USA.

Ross, I. A. 2005. Medicinal Plants of the World Vol. 3. Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medical Uses. Human Press. Totowa, New Jersey.

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